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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Ohhh, I am not a Gianni fan at all. It's just so...muscular lol. Legacy is decent. I have my issues with it (hate the HUD and both my home and photo platform are way up in the sky, so the mesh is always glitching where the alpha cuts are). I got it for half price, though, which made it the cheapest male body at the time. Right now, if the Belleza sale is still on, that would be Jake. Jake also now comes with a mod version - if that's important to you. The male Slink body is soooo nice - love the shape. But yeah, you likely won't find new releases for it.
  2. Funniest part to me is I had assumed the tech would've evolved much faster than it has. If you asked me years ago if I thought people would still be wearing face hugger VR systems in 2022, I would've said no way.
  3. Gah that looks so ridiculous. Am I the only one who finds that totally ridiculous? Better! Still kinda ridiculous, though. Wake me up when they invent a portal we can jump through that will automatically teleport us into the metaverse.
  4. I still can't take any of this seriously. Wake me up when we progress far beyond whatever this is.
  5. Maybe grab demos of Legacy and Jake and run them (and Slink) all over the grid checking out and demoing clothing and body mods you're interested in buying (wings, paws, tails, etc. etc.). Then you can see which bodies have your desired level of support before you start buying anything. Keep in mind that you might want to add new animals to your collection along the way and check support for items you'll need for those, too (I started with a fox, but now I'm more often a deer, and I can't shake the urge to make a birb, rat, maybe a bunny...lol). I wear Legacy Male on occasion and I don't have any problems finding clothes, but I haven't gone looking for furry mods for him yet (at present, only my female avie has been furrified).
  6. Okay finished. Was just super curious to see if I could get the head into my usual age range. I think I succeeded. For those who aren't sure if you can work with Prim - I think you probably can! Note: Yes, I'm demo fabulous! AND, I left off the smile lines. Adding those ages her up even further, but I didn't find it necessary in my case. I wanted to keep her features more subtle. I also busted out some flexi hair because why not. Shoutout to flexi hair - miss ya girl. Also, I shaped the face quite a lot. Including the eyebrow shape. This is *not* an out-of-the-box look. I started with a custom shape I made for Lel Lilly and tweaked every slider from there. If you start with Prim's included base shape - you are going to have a time. 😂 Lazy credits (head only): Izzie's: Eyebags (Eyebags, Circles, Shadows), Age Spots, Frown Lines, Forehead Lines Trend: Maleficient Lipstick Lelutka: Layered eye shadows w/tinting (HUD) & piercings & Prim head (obvy) Skin: Pumec - Luna Hair: Truth - Magenta Adding glasses for funsies (Triggered: Widow):
  7. Yep! All of those photos are using the same exact head (Lelutka Prim). I grabbed a demo myself and I'm still working on putting together an older (late 20s-30s) look for it. There are some slight issues (I don't like the nose shaping and even after trying various BOM shaders and contours, I still don't like it), but I've had great success playing with various enhancers from Izzie's and Jack Spoon - wrinkles, lines, age spots, eyebags/circles, contouring, etc. I'm almost done playing with it and I'll post a photo when I'm done. She just needs some more tweaks for hair and makeup n stuffs.
  8. No idea, but some did share their experiences (both positive and negative) with relocating abroad. Several discussed moving to Canada, a few of us to the UK, etc.
  9. Yeet will forever be my absolute favorite word. You ever seen those customizable athletic leggings Blueberry makes, with the words going down the legs? Yeah...betcha can't guess what mine say. 😂
  10. Damn...that's cheap, lol. I don't even think I've ever visited a place (yet) with rentals in that range. Trinidad is probably the closest and that's...like...ehhh $500 or so to thousands upon thousands a month, depending on the region. That sounds like a great deal, though! You should go visit and check things out. Having easy access to Spanish classes is going to prove invaluable, too, as well as an expat community for support. This is so true, too. In the places where I've been, I just haven't found that same obsession with it. Sure, people want to make money. That's natural. But living out here is a whole other ballgame when it costs thousands of dollars to rent in the worst neighborhoods and for some reason, everybody's on that Audi and BMW grind (ugh they are hideous, whyyyyyy????!!!).
  11. Espen is super cute! I'll second Cerberus, though, since I use that one. I have their Canis Bento Head and I absolutely adore it. Great facial expressions, too. Male version here. I use her with Maitreya, which offers a lot of flexibility for wearing skins and mods. I'm fully BOM, which I agree is way easier. And of course, finding clothing is never a problem. For skins, you've got tons of options, but I love Whisk. It looks like Whisk has also started making skins, eyes, brows, and addons for Espen, too. They might be a bit cheaper in-world. If you want/need paws, you can find some nice accessories at Apricot Paws. They work with a lot of different male and female bodies (Reborn, Kario, Slink, and Kupra included).
  12. That I'm not sure of. I know my braided knot style is the absolute worst one I have in the time it takes to render and whatnot, whereas my Foxy ones - with animations - load way faster. Maybe he meant what you said - that it's all one wig with various parts made invis, but in doing so, it's like wearing 6 hairstyles at once. No idea.
  13. My assumption is it's possibly hair with a style HUD? I have several hairstyles that can be changed (some even have animations included where you can toss the hair over your shoulder or brush it forward). Ponytail up, hair down. Left shoulder or right shoulder. Bangs over one eye or the other. Etc. I have one style that will lag me to absolute death and take a whole 2 minutes to show up on my head because I can change it about 6 different ways - braids here braids there no braids at all this length that length, etc. I love it but...yikes!
  14. Lol, to be fair, the guy was my boyfriend's friend more than mine, and we both found the dude to be a bit of a cranky, obnoxious jerk - to put it nicely. Definitely one of those people who feels there needs to be some financial payoff to any real pursuit or else why bother (and not even remotely creative himself). I didn't take the advice to heart THAT much, though it did sort of plant the seed that yeah, I was spending a LOT of hours a day on a hobby that wasn't really going anywhere. I feel like a lot of creative people get into that mindset, though. Most artsy people I meet/know seem to struggle with that. On the flipside, I've always had positive encouragement, too. My brother is just as creative as I am and he's always been super supportive. So the writer's (and creative in general at times) block isn't really coming from a fear of wasting time or anything that doofus said. Considering it started right around the time I came back to the US, I have a fairly decent idea of what's causing it... Not only that, but I came to the realization that since absolutely everything I loved to do tends to be in the creative realm, I'm going to have to choose one or more of those things to monetize at some point. Weirdly, unlike a lot of creative people, I have no desire to "make it" as an artist/writer/musician/etc. I know many have the dream of getting paid millions to do what they love, but I hate money (apparently lol), so my plan was to finish college and just live my life out in some little tiny obscure corner of the world and write stories and do my thing and that's it. Of course, being back in the US - that's not really a thing one can do without being independently wealthy, lol. And oof, trying to work "normal" jobs was so brutal. Everyone around me so obsessed with making as much money as possible and all that. Gah, can't relate. Living my worst nightmare with all that, LOL. Dipping out of that environment and opting for freelancing saved me from having to be around all that on a daily basis, at least. Didn't fully bring my creative spark back, but it's less dire than it used to be. I've been able to channel a lot of creativity into SL, so that's progress! Ahhhh, the struggle to be basic is real. 😂
  15. Walmart can be called a department store, though that's usually a more common term for a very, very large store in/near a mall - Sears, Macy's, JCPenney, Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, Saks Fifth Avenue = department stores. Walmart = that place you shop online so you don't wind up on People of Walmart. 😄 Around here, I almost never hear vendor in use unless it's 1) a street vendor or 2) a vending machine.
  16. It's come up before in Lel's Discord and they did say she's intended to be an adult right out of the box, which can be further enhanced with a lot of BOM magic. If I ever get around to demoing it, I'll try to style her older and see how it holds up. Might take a whole lot of Izzie's and a little bit of luck, but we'll see!
  17. I agree! I don't like wearing young-looking avatars myself, and Prim looks awful to me in adult gear that some on Flickr put her in (just no!). For humans, I try to aim for 30s+ anyway, so it wouldn't be my first choice for that (though I do like what others have managed to do with it). But yup - I think Prim could easily make some gorgeous fantasy avies. I'd love to see what kind of fairy or dryad or water nymph or something I could create with it. It's just so stinkin' cute!
  18. Omg thank you! Lol, so funny you say that, too. I've always wanted to be a writer in some capacity and used to take classes all through school and college that were sure to force me to read and write papers on books, films, and plays so I could practice (gotta learn the rules to break the rules!). I might be the only person who took an entire Shakespeare class I didn't need just for fun. 😂 I have about 5 horror/dark fantasy novels-to-be of my own in various states of "what am I even doing with this story?" though. My issue has always been that I love to write stories but hate to end stories. I get deeply attached to characters and don't like having to say goodbye. So I don't - all my stories are unfinished. I'll get hundreds of pages deep in Word and just stop! I've got a sequel half-done with an unfinished original!🤣 Unfortunately, I was hit with a massive wave of writer's block and I haven't written creatively in years. I went from writing hours and hours a day to not at all. It's been brutal, honestly. I always want to tweet to Stephen King like HELP how do I break out of this?! Yeesh, that man can write a book a month. I'm so jealous! I did also get discouraged by a friend who read a little of my stuff and told me if I don't intend to publish, writing was a full waste of my time and ability. I wasn't sure I wanted to publish at the time as I don't write for an audience. I write what I want and it's often very bizarre and experimental. King, Poe, and J.G. Ballard are some of my literary idols, so you see where this is going, LOL. Creative writing has always just been a hobby, though. Thinking of publishing it all just felt wrong, somehow. Writing about others' writing seemed like a more natural fit for me. Reading totally off-the-wall bonkers books or screenplays and writing entire pieces on them - that's my jam. I guess that'd fall into reviewer/critic/script reader territory. I just never pursued it, though. I have recently considered going in a more business-writing direction. I used some (under)paid article writing gigs to try and shake the writer's block and it worked decently enough. Deadlines do tend to do that, I guess. It just didn't feel fulfilling ghostwriting blog posts for someone else. I still think about starting a monetized blog of my own, but we'll see! That's definitely a popular choice for a lot of writers who love to travel/live abroad and it sure beats freelancing. I just need to get my groove back!
  19. That second photo looks slightly younger to me than the first as well, so I agree with you on this. Very cute, though. Lelutka Prim is always going to skew slightly younger - I'd LOVE to find an example of someone who managed to place her square in her 30s-40s, but it's a bit tricky with that one. College age and slightly above is about the target if you're not aiming to make fantasy avatars like dolls, fairies, etc. That head would also look great paired up with EGL or Ouji fashion styles. For the OP, her issue is styling/makeup and body shape more than the face itself. I did manage to find a few Prims that, while still young, managed to look a tad bit older using clothing/hair/makeup/accessories. It's such an adorable head omg. A few examples (can click for Flickr/credits):
  20. Ooooof, that's so awful. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with that. Nobody ever should. And yeah, insurance can be a nightmare when you've actually got it. I feel like you can win with that. Meanwhile on the other side, my mom managed to retire with the best benefits and insurance combination one could probably get short of working for Congress haha, and her doctors are always coming up with fancy new tests to run because they just can't wait to start billing, LOL. Gaaaaaawd. Funny enough, I've been trying to get her to move out of the US with me, too - for yeaaaaaaars, but she's one of the handful of people with excellent insurance and access to the absolute best doctors, so I understand why she won't budge. Meanwhile, my uncle had to skip down to South America for his dental work. The difference one's job makes, I tell you. Don't feel bad, though. I think there are a lot of us in that boat. I don't think I personally know anyone who gets insurance through the ACA. It's either via a full-time job or nothing at all.
  21. I'm familiar with that head. It's Lel's newest if I'm not mistaken. Super cute, but I immediately thought "this would make for a great pixie, fairy, elf, porcelain doll avatar" when they first unveiled it. I still haven't demoed it myself, but as someone who does make fantasy avatars in that vein, I'd definitely say if you want to go for a human with it, you'll want to age it up a little bit. Right out of the box with a plain human skin, it'll look a bit younger. My guess with your current look would be mid-late teens. If you want some ideas - hit up Izzie's and try on some age spots, strategic lines and wrinkles, eye bags, blemishes, etc. Try some fun makeup and accessories (glasses, jewelry, piercings). Work on the hair a bit. Play with your shape (head and body) and try different outfits. If you go on Flickr and search "Lelutka Prim," you'll find a ton of photos of what people have been able to create with it. Some do opt for younger looks (much like the cutesy porcelain doll look I mentioned), and others age her up quite nicely. It really depends on what you want. And grrrrrr, after seeing what people are doing with it, now I want to add it to my "to buy" list, too. It's too cute!
  22. Thank you! And oh I like it, actually. I've been saying for yeaaaaars I wanted a proper one, but I got lulled into a sense of "meh, I'll start that later" because I had steady-ish work available that was keeping the bills paid. Covid hit, though, and a lot of online work slowed down for various reasons (in some cases, because others discovered it exists, lol). When I checked around for other gigs to try during the slowdown, I saw things I previously looked into but had no real interest in doing years ago had whole waiting lists to even get accepted to. Ooof! So I said ya know what - it's time. Let's do this. So now I'm in that mindset. And it's crazy, lol, but it's a fun process when I'm not stressing myself silly. And I have a solid end goal now (move!). The good news - work has picked up again, so I'm not floundering around trying to start a business with zero income coming in - THAT I do not recommend!!! Oh and yeah, the self-doubt and "I'm so going to fail" is huge. That is my absolute weakness right there. So then I go and read stories about the most spectacular failures ever, and it makes me feel way better because I know whatever little mess I get into can't fail as hard as ... ya know... the Titanic. 😂
  23. Oooooo estate sales look fun. I'm the kind of person who'd get lost wandering around in an antique shop and emerge 4 hours later, so I've always wanted to go to one of those! 😄 My escape plan is a much longer process. I need to start a business way more profitable than what I'm doing now first because this is all going to require $$$$. So I'm still in that first stage of "omg omg omg what do I doooooo what am I best at what'll earn the most in the least amount of time what's a good long-term goal how much do I need to save do I want clients no I hate dealing with clients I should just develop a product not a service okay now let's think market research!" My brain is totally mush these days LOL. Staring at lists and trying to organize and condense a thousand ideas down to one. Wooo.
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