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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Okay, I remember what the issue was. The button to enable BOM in the HUD wasn't working for me at all, so I couldn't try it on with my preferred skins. The HD skin buttons work, but none of them are anywhere near my current skin tone and there are no fantasy ones to try out. Since I'm all in on BOM, though, that didn't really matter. All the other buttons seem to work (except hiding the ears), so who knows if that's just a demo limitation or something. Second issue, massive glitching around my left eye. It flickers as if two heads are clashing (it's not the eyes - took em off and it's worse) - maybe because I'm up in a skybox, but none of my other heads do this, so it was an immediate nope before I even opened the standard head folder. That could be on me, but I just didn't feel like troubleshooting anything. Edit: Fixed the BOM issue. Had to first disable the HD skin option (totally missed the button next to it). Also fixed the ear issue - had to disable those too before they'd hide. The glitching is still a thing, though.
  2. I demo'd it days ago and I can't remember what was wrong with it, but it was a big no for me. I think I was trying out the advanced animation version (which they say is for photography and does not respond to sliders). I gave up before trying on the standard. Lemme go try it on again and see what I didn't like about it. Back in a bit!
  3. For as long as I've been here, I've always had a basic account and have no plans to change that any time soon (I love living in private estates far too much to swap to mainland), but I'm very happy to see more memberships becoming available at any rate. Options are good!
  4. I believe Lel is only communicating news n updates n thangs via Discord now. Their in-world group chat is gone because groups were broken forever. Notices might still be a thing, but I'm not in-world at the moment, so I don't know if they've sent any regarding the sim status. Also, if you haven't heard yet, they're planning their Black Friday sale to take place from the 25th-28th, hence why the sim is all busy this week (get those demos early once you can!).
  5. They've been having issues with griefers since yesterday I believe. They've been posting updates about it on their Discord. "Sorry guys, the Lelutka sim has been under attack for almost 24 hours now, we had multiple offlines of the region, and we are doing all in our power to bring it back up with Linden's help. Thank you for understanding ❤️"
  6. For male bodies and flat mods? I know of a few stores that do it (mostly for Jake), but not much quite in my style. I'd love stuff like this (in V-Tech/Lara Flat/Petite, Legacy M, Jake, CZ Slim, etc.)
  7. Uhhhh, I actually didn't try that yet! I'm still trying to find more dress options for Legacy Male. Jake seems to get all of those goodies. If ANYONE is going to make it happen, it's likely Boys to the Bone. They do Legacy and Jake, at least.
  8. That dress is kind of cute on him! I used to date a guy way way back when who wore long skirts. People gave him hell in public. We didn't give a beep. They were just jealous. 😄 Years later, I also had a friend who wore pigtails and dresses whenever the mood hit him. I didn't hear any whispering or anything while we were out and about, but then, we were always with a big group of people all dressed...uniquely. Glowing in the dark, flashing lights and whatnot. Haters wouldn't know where to start. 🤣 I just wish there were more male-fit dresses in SL (and genderless clothing in general).
  9. Wish I did! I'm trying to decide between Zora (f) or Noa (m). And and and...I'm waiting to see if my fav shop is running a sale, because I'd really much rather be a rat. Or maybe a crocodile... or a butterfly...OR... This is the worst time of year for my avatar-making obsession.
  10. Lmao, I love it so much. I'm just waiting to see if sales happen before I start working on a rat. That's my next project. 😄
  11. Nope. Primarily a frog now, and adding more creatures and critters as I go. *eagerly awaits Black Friday for more heads to play with* The closest I get to human on the female side is undead. My males are my only humans and they mostly exist for photo shoots.
  12. Completely unrelated - if any designers are around, I need jeans/manties like that for Maitreya!!!! Thank you! 😄
  13. You're not offending me (then again, I'm a woman who doesn't exactly adhere to gender norms in the first place), but I don't really understand. To be fair, I'm absolutely no stranger to seeing very straight men in lacy poet shirts and leather pants (in real life - not SL, surprisingly), as well as other "not at all typical" clothing ranging from cloaks to brocade vests to suspenders over tight leather shirts to long strappy skirts to spandex tees, so I guess I don't really understand what "gay centered" clothing is supposed to mean. But if you play around with Legacy Male fits, you should be able to find something you like. Try clothes on from a wide variety of stores, and try layering to get over the weird fit issues in the waist/hip area.
  14. Just an FYI - Lelutka already announced there will be a 50% off Black Friday sale on all Evo X heads. Now's a good time to grab demos of everything you like from there (and everywhere else, because you never know) and start playing with stuff and get ready ahead of time in case you want to attempt to get in to grab something during the event. 😂
  15. Boy do they. That used to be one of my openers whenever meeting someone new, funny enough. You ever wear latex or leather jeans or nah? I had no shame😂. A couple did actually say yes. It's good to be goth. 😄 Anyhoooooooooo, for Tim, as was stated before, CZ Slim can wear Legacy Male, generally. In the lower body, if your alpha and body shaping game is on point, you can get a good fit. Better yet if you're wearing tops that hide the problem areas in the front waist. And as far as stores go, I mentioned clothes from Strunsh, Over, and AsteroidBox fit decently on their own. Strunsh and Over are streetwear style, and AsteroidBox leans goth/punk/alternative. Neither of those places offers much latex. More like sweats and techwear, for the first two. Find your preferred stores and experiment.
  16. I've always loved that ad. The shapes are wonderful. Unfortunately, Erika is the one body I don't really see represented much in anthro/furry product lines, otherwise that'd be the one I'd recommend for @Jinx Lavarock to try out.
  17. I meannnn...their logo is a pig. I'd be pretty put off based on that (and the name) alone. Putting that aside for a moment, the body's cute, though. I took a look at it on the MP earlier. But yeah, zero chance I'd spring for it given the branding. I'm petty. I'm curious if the Peach (the original one mentioned in the OP - have to specify since there are so many different ones with that name lol) can do a cute shape like that. Depends on whether or not the waist can be less...pinchy. If I get curious enough to demo it, I'll experiment.
  18. I didn't try much Maitreya Flat, but V-Tech doesn't fit in the chest area at all. Similar to Legacy Male that way - very floaty. The closest fit I've found for tops is Legacy Male (which isn't great, but some items are workable). None of my current V-Tech clothing is wearable.
  19. I'm probably the very last person who should be answering this question as I often run in the complete opposite direction of current trends, but I'll do my best. If all you're concerned with is easy shopping and having a ton of makeup/add-on options and new products to choose from, you'll want a Lel Evo X or Akeruka ADVX (uses the Evo X map) head. So now that that's out of the way, while I absolutely LOVE the male Evo line and use it exclusively on my male avatars, I'm not much of a fan of the female one, so I've actually chosen to stick with Catwa HDPro for my daily looks. I have other reasons for that, as well - mostly to do with how the HD Pro shapes. I'm able to create more unique head/face types with it for my non-human avatars (like creating severe underbites to fit bento tusks, and whatnot). It also has a secondary shaping system within the HUD for fine tuning. Oh, and another reason I refuse to give up my Catwa is I'd lose my super cute hairbase tattoos. My existing head tats never upgraded to Evo X, and for some reason, I have never found colorful Evo X head tats in my style, so there's no chance I'm giving those up anytime soon! Shopping for Catwa is nowhere near as easy as Lelutka, but that never bothers me much. My skin and makeup inventory is pretty huge with group gifts and discount sale items, some stores still make for HDPro, and I mix and match makeup and face tattoos from all over the place to create "new" makeup styles without having to rely on new releases - sometimes wearing as many as three to five layers to make "new" eyeshadows, for example. Heads are a very personal decision, though, so I'd suggest trying everything and finding what you like. Demo everything, but don't worry too much about finding the best of the best of the best. There are ways to make anything work.
  20. You're amazing, thank you!!!! I figured it was just a demo limitation that I wasn't able to mess with the nails much. But then I couldn't wrap my head around how it would work in the first place (this always happens when I'm swapping between appliers and BOM simultaneously - like with trying on eyes, lol). I was sitting there staring at my feet like wait...so if no appliers then... where's...how... LOL. Thanks again!
  21. A&M definitely. They've got some really cute ones! You can actually browse much of their catalog on YouTube, but definitely visit the mainstore, too - https://www.youtube.com/user/MocapDancerSL
  22. So, I decided to play with the demo some more and came up with a plan that just might work for me. Maybe. It takes AGES of inventory shopping, though, to find pieces that will work together, so I don't know yet how much work I'm willing to put in at this time. Howeeeverrrr, if I can build a big enough wardrobe over time, then I might spring for this body. So basically, I decided to ditch the male wardrobe from the waist down, and instead, swapped to my female closet - as one does. It's...mostly a disaster, except, I WAS able to get Belleza Isis (and sometimes Slink Original or Physique) to play nicely with the lower half of the body. It's not perfect on its own, but tops paired well will hide any weirdness (which usually appears in the back waist - adding the spine deformer helps slightly, too). So, below (yes, I'm demo fabulous, shush), I'm wearing Blueberry leggings with the boots attached (which seems to work the best) in Isis, and a Duk group gift in size Legacy Male. It kind of works for me. Oh and wait, lemme get a butt shot to prove that it works all the way around, too (lol) Oh and one last thing - someone please tell my noob self how to completely hide BOM toenails so they don't show when you alpha the feet! 😂 We're just going to pretend they aren't there okay THANKS. 🤣
  23. In RL, people cheat with their mains. Doesn't mean we should actively avoid talking to everyone we meet, though. 😄 More seriously, as everyone already said, alts are really common and often no big deal. They're used for everything from running a business to using it for a specific kind of roleplay (say, someone roleplays exclusively as a centaur or something else miles away from their human main). Some like to build or script in peace, so they hop on one with an empty friends list. Others use their own alts as photography models or to test couple and group animations. Etc. Etc. Millions of reasons. But yeah, cheating happens in SL. It has the potential to happen everywhere, though, whether alts are available or not. As easy as it seems, many do choose not to, though, so don't lose hope. I've been here a loooong time (since 2005) - there are some absolutely amazing people you might miss out on if you reject everyone with an alt. Just something to keep in mind. ❤️
  24. Oh trust. I knowww. 😄 *manages to restrain self from posting bunches of cute goth mens*
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