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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Yup, two-game series that originally came out innnnnnn *peeks* - 2013. TLOU2 in...2020. If you plan on watching the show at all, be very careful to avoid plot spoilers. Avoid social media on Sunday nights especially (this week, we got the episode last night due to it being SuperBowl weekend). It's quite a popular game series and one of the better game stories ever, so people are definitely out there just yapping openly about the plot.
  2. Minor peeve because it's mostly my fault 😂: Getting sucked into a riveting television series that just absolutely wrecks you, but you can't stop watching because it's so just freaking good and you're already a massive fan of the game it's based on (yes, I'm watching TLOU) and think to yourself, "I'll be fine - I know all the twists and turns and I know what's going to happen, I'm good!" No, I'm not good. I'm not fine. The show's hitting us in the feels and the writers keep finding ways to change the story to make it hit even harder. Watching every weekend like:
  3. I don't think you're simpletons and I believe new user feedback is a million percent valuable and the type of thing LL ought to be paying extremely close attention to. After all, that's who we're trying to attract in the first place. People are coming here from (and leaving to!) all kinds of online spaces (Discord communities, MMOs, BR games, roleplaying communities, building games, social media, YouTube, etc.) - everybody's feedback provides insight into how the platform is used and how it could improve. New users, older users, returning users - what makes people leave, what makes them return, what brings them in brand new, what makes them stay, etc. All good. Keep sharing ideas. ❤️
  4. This is a tricky one. It's a worthwhile and necessary feature as far as bringing the platform more up to date and in line with industry standards in terms of game development, absolutely. However, as a regular user, I don't care about it. Let me know when it's in and I'm good. I don't need all the details surrounding how it works and why and I doubt it'll have much impact on me at all (considering I'm so used to seeing it in other games anyway - not really going to surprise me one way or another). I have absolutely zero interest in 3D modeling. I'm not a 3D modeler, never took classes in it, never studied it, don't care about it. My knowledge of Photoshop and other software comes from studying graphic design - not game development. Toss me into PS or Illustrator or any other program in that realm, and I could design your brand identity, but don't ask me for this kind of thing. Funny enough, though, I absolutely adore building games - Minecraft, WURM, Rimworld, Oxygen Not Included, Valheim, No Man's Sky, The Sims, Kenshi, and of course, old Second Life (which is why I came here originally to begin with). Give me the tools and make them easy to understand and I'll build a whole house, town, city, or base. But if I have to open up 3D software to do it, that's me out. I think this is going to be a big boon for SL creators, of course, and I don't blame them one bit for getting excited about this. Unfortunately, the further SL moves into the 3D software realm (Substance Painter looks amaaaazing, but I have zero use for it), the more I feel like skipping off to tinker somewhere else that makes building and creating easily accessible to everyone playing the game (I know, I knowww SL is not a game I knowwwww 😁).
  5. I used to think they were piercings at first. Then I thought they were necklaces (some have some pretty chunky chains and nameplates and things). Now I just...roll with it. It's whatever it wants to be!
  6. The food makes a lot more sense, though, than the jewelry. Though honestly, I don't dislike that either. Some of the avatars I make could make good use of it. I just haven't gotten around to buying any yet. I've already got so many accessories...the last thing I need to start hoarding is mouth jewels. 😄 They're kind of pretty tho, even if it's not exactly realistic! It's not like anything I do here is realistic, sooooo...
  7. I feel like a looooooooot of SL fashion trends are heavily influenced by anime and manga. A lot of stuff that appears in the big events, anyway.
  8. Lemme see if I can narrow this down to the evolution of the same species, at the very least, otherwise we'll be here all month. 😄 Okay, so on the human-ish female front (I bounce between heads a lot, but these are all chronological regardless): My first finished mesh avatar in Catwa Jade in 2020: Catwa Freya in 2020: Back to Catwa Jade in 2020: The human version of my 2020 mermaid, also Catwa Jade: Catwa Freya in...probably 2021: 2021 in Catwa Queen HDPro: Quick detour to Lelutka Lilly in 2022: And current 2023 in Catwa Queen HDPro:
  9. Innovation is out there! Again, though, you won't get the overall masses wearing the stuff. For one - that defeats the purpose entirely. And for two - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. You can also dig around Instagram and Pinterest and TikTok for influencers in the fashion design and styling space (not professional designers - just hobbyists). A lot of their work is insanely creative. I'm sure people like that exist in the home decorating and interior design realm, as well. People like that also exist in SL. If you're looking for off-the-wall fashion and decor for your second life, that's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay easier to get! Omg...so lucky. I need to befriend your family! 😂
  10. Not just second-hand. I brought up crafting for that reason - many on Etsy are creating things from scratch. Not all, of course, but plenty. And you could do that yourself too, of course, depending on interests and skills. This is super easy with decor (if you have any interest whatsoever in things like crochet, knitting, Cricut, and sewing), but much harder to do with furniture (unless you're deep into DIY, renovations, restoration, and upholstery - which some people are). New in fashion is absolutely a thing. Problem is, a lot of that is mostly seen on the runway, not always ready-to-wear, and prohibitively expensive. You'll be wanting to look at both designers and models. I follow a bunch on social media. The "new" is definitely there. Peep Rick Owens, Gareth Pugh, Paco Rabanne, Issey Miyake, models like Wisdom Kaye, etc. And of course, with a sewing machine, you can make anything happen yourself. I had a friend who used to make her own clubwear. Ugh, gorgeous stuff. Home decor is a whole other thing. I don't keep up with decor or furniture designers whatsoever, but I know for a fact fresh and new styles exist. Peek at some fun DIY projects on Pinterest, for example. Browse stores on Etsy. People are out there creating new all the time. When you think about it, a ton of what we see in SL is inspired by RL products. There are plenty of furniture and decor creators on the grid who are coming up with some pretty unique takes on the home decorating front, so I'm sure they've been inspired by something real somewhere. Totally agree on kitchens! So many things that require a professional touch in there (same with bathrooms, let's be honest!), but furniture and decor are pretty easy to play with, so there's that at least.
  11. These days, there's plenty of choice. Almost too much choice. Depending on what you're trying to obtain and buy, of course. Appliances - maybe not. Cabinetry - maybe if you know a good contractor. Furniture and decor, though? I bet if I wanted to turn a room into a complete Hollywood glam boudoir, I could make it happen without much effort. Shop online. We've got access to stores all over the world. Marketplaces like Ebay are a goldmine. Connect with sellers and crafters on Etsy. Trade with others on Craigslist and Facebook. Making your own stuff is also pretty simple if you're a crafty type - pillows, wall art, cushions, quilts and bedspreads, sheets, curtains, ceramics - go nuts! If you're not as crafty, use Zazzle and Redbubble and Cafepress. And of course, there are yard sales, garage sales, craft fairs, antique stores, thrift shops, and estate sales for people who enjoy shopping in person. SL is far easier and cheaper to do that in, of course, which is why my homes are often so ridiculous (my refrigerator takes up an entire wall and is made of glass with a dozen or so illuminated shelves so I have endless space to display food - thank you Onsu!). If I had more cash, omg, yeah, my RL would look equally ridiculous. 😄 But in both worlds, it's much more fun to follow your own style and create your own trends. The days of needing department and furniture stores to do something interesting are long over.
  12. No, not at all. I don't follow trends for anything real life or Second Life as I think that'd be...well, way too much money to keep up with. Especially on the fashion and home front. That, and I make it a point to surround myself with things I personally like (which tend to be so far off trend, I can't even tell youuuuuuu). With SL home decor, I generally just pick a fun style and run with it. Modern, glam, cyberpunk, vaporwave, retro 80s, futuristic/sci-fi, goth, witchy/occult, pop art, etc. and shop based on whatever I've chosen. I sometimes change my mind enough to where I'll go from a cozy rustic cabin to a fully vaporwave "glamcave" as the mood hits. Going by the photos you posted and your link, none of that would appeal to me. Needs color. Needs pop! Needs pizzazz! Also, no upper cabinets???? Where am I going to put all my cute kitchen clutter?!?! 😂
  13. Maybe, but I was mostly thinking of gestures, talking attachments, online/offline notifications, name change notifications, the text that fills up the chat when you get a store notecard dropped on you, etc. I have no idea if any of those can currently be turned on/off or filtered out - never bothered checking. But if not, a little button on the chat window with checkboxes like gestures, notices, etc. that would allow you to select what you're seeing in that window could work. If you filter it out, it could dump into a secondary tab somewhere. Or just...vanish into space. 😏
  14. This is pretty much how other chats are set up these days. Off the top of my head, I know Discord and Twitch use it. The message highlights in a brownish shade on Discord and a red shade on Twitch if someone @s your username or a role you're in. The color is likely customizable somewhere. SL's nearby/local chat is just cluttered, honestly. Clear a little of that up with filtering and maybe that would solve at least some of the issues.
  15. I always forget whisper exists. And shout. I never use them.
  16. Local chat is a nightmare if you try to have more than two or three conversations happening at once. That's pretty much the same way in any multiplayer space unless you've got more robust chat features (being able to filter things out - like send gesture spam and talking body parts to their own tab, etc). If we could do that, I'd gladly use it more. Due to that, I've always found smaller group chats to be a lot easier to handle. Typically, if I'm hanging out with a friend or two or three or four, we'll use local long enough to establish basic contact with a few people, and then invite everyone we're chatting with to a group IM. Makes it a lot easier to chat without scrolling past a ton of HOOOOOOOOOOS and whatever. This is very true. And people can be quite shy - even when they really want to socialize. I used to be very active in the RL goth/industrial club scene and maybe that's why quiet local chat and IMs in seemingly social places in SL don't really strike me as unusual. Nobody would ever walk into a real nightclub full of people and try to start a conversation with the entire room. Not without half a dozen drinks in them at least, and that NEVER turned out well. 😂 They will, however, wander over and stand/dance next to you or your group (while trying to look like they're not doing that - playing on their phone or whatever) and eventually attempt to strike up a private convo. Sometimes they'll wait it out until the group notices and approaches them first. Back when I used to go to SL clubs and beaches regularly, I noticed that same sort of behavior - people inching closer and closer to us verrry slowly. That's when we'd just laugh and IM them or drop a message in local like get over here and chat with us, we've got a group IM happening.
  17. Yup, I've heard the tiny community is pretty active. The fantasy community is as well, but we're rather spread out since we're kind of...all over the map, literally. Easier to find each other when the big fantasy/sci-fi shopping events are on. Discord's been a huge help for that - the fantasy server I'm in is pretty big, but getting more people involved and organizing events in-world is the main challenge. We've talked about putting up a calendar in the store and linking up with other fantasy and roleplay sims to let them advertise events there. We've got some fun ideas and want to get even more things going, but the store owner and devs are busy little bees at the moment prepping some massive product updates, so the outreach is currently on hold. This has been my experience, too. In-world - groups are pretty chatty in general. Stores, sales groups, community groups, etc. Since I mostly shop these days, I just tend to chat with people in stores. I don't worry at all about local vs. IMs - people have been little zombie IM monsters since I joined SL ages ago. That's not an issue for me and hasn't hindered anything in my experience. Local chat, if anything, can be more obnoxious at times between the vendor spam and gesture spam and notice spam and online/offline spam and so-n-so is now known as so-n-so spam. I'm mostly in IMs or group chats myself. And stop talking about fishing - you're making me want to pick that back up again!! 😂 It was pretty fun when I tried it! Yup, 100% agree. The destination guide needs some love. Good events happen. Finding them is a whole other challenge. It took me a long time to learn there's someone out there (with a great voice, I might add) who hosts story time events in-world and narrates fantasy and horror stories. I need that in my life!
  18. I'm still not seeing why this particular solution is needed. People are out socializing already. What would profile ratings do to help them organize and find each other?
  19. True! If someone likes what they saw and wants to steal an idea I tossed out there and write up a JIRA for it, feel free. I'm not personally invested in the social side of SL enough to do it myself. I literally just log in to shop and take photos, so I wouldn't even need those features. I just like brainstorming. 😄
  20. This is a good point, and it also mirrors what's been happening with MMOs over the last...dozen years or so. Many games these days are solo-friendly when compared to how things used to be back in the 1999 gaming era. So much so that when devs try and push too hard on the social front (harder bosses, group dungeons, complex raids, etc.), more demands show up for solo content. Whole games have shifted to accommodate people who just can't be bothered, don't have the time to schedule things, can't commit to a full 2-hour dungeon, etc. SL is a bit unique, as we generally do tend to like being social (even if on rare occasion), and we also like our alone-time. It's a good place for both playstyles and anything that pressures the more quiet/private users to be social or shines a light on how they are not is a potential disaster. As you pointed out, it can ruin things fairly quickly. All it really takes is one good peek at the Make Friends forum to see what kinds of things the social among us are looking for. LL could start there to find ideas on ways to connect with each other in-world. Random ideas that may or may not work - I already mentioned calendars, but... - A toggle/checkbox to enable group admins to flag their groups when social events are planned/scheduled. When checked, a symbol appears next to the group name in Group Search, which might encourage more people to join to see what's going on. - Bring back the Interests tab and fill it with activity checkboxes. Checking boxes flags your profile and yeets you into a new Activity Partners search where users can search for an activity by name - say "Greedy," and a list of users who have that checked will appear. It's now up to them to initiate contact and set something up. Perhaps have the ability to select a bunch of profiles and send a group IM or notice or notecard, so people feel less pressure to respond to a 1-on-1 message if they aren't currently in the mood. Don't want to be included or contacted at all - leave everything unchecked. - A public sim you can travel to where residents can post notices and event boards filled with upcoming events at their sims. Basically a calendar, but more of a hub, so you're bound to run into other people looking for stuff to do. Toss a coffee shop or three and a dance floor and a fishing hole in there to make it more interactive and it quickly becomes a hangout (as long as we know it exists). Make it ridiculously pretty and you've now caught the attention of the fashionistas, bloggers, and photographers. Hopefully, those ideas don't put pressure on anyone to participate and shouldn't really shun those who choose to stay on their platforms taking photos (like meeeeeeeeeeeee).
  21. You knooooow this would happen. And real talk - this would make SL completely unplayable for me. I'd drop my land and leave in a heartbeat. Not because of having no/low ratings, but because of not wanting to be associated with a platform that promotes behavior like this. You played WoW right - I'm sure you know all about the inspect gear "lulz get out of our raid scrub!" thing. Yeah...this is why I moved to GW2.
  22. Bolding for emphasis. I think one of SL's greatest strengths is its sandbox nature and the ability for us to do just about *anything* we can imagine (or script, at least!). Parties aren't going to appeal to everyone. We'd still be left with a large portion of the population who's more interested in finding people to do social gaming, fishing, shopping, roleplay/combat, building, skydiving, horseback riding, surfing and beach lounging, photography, sailing, diving, flying, poetry readings, language lessons, ballroom dancing, book club chats, and more with. A rating system does little to promote actual social activity for people wanting activities that have nothing to do with clubbing or partying. On that, the Destination Guide is helpful, but it still lacks features - when's the next event? How many are signed up? Etc. If we can improve on that, I think we'd be well on our way.
  23. Prooooobably not. Besides, if such a feature were added, I'd opt out immediately! Not that I'd be included in the first place, being so basic. 😄
  24. Nooooooo. Do you know what sort of lazy mess I log out wearing half the time? 😂
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