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Everything posted by Istelathis

  1. The head kind of reminds me of a show my mom used to watch in the 80s, called "Beauty and the Beast" One of the main characters was Vincent
  2. हाय लूना, मुझे आशा है कि आपके पास एक धन्य दिन था! वर्तमान में हम गरीब मध्यस्थों को पागल कर रहे हैं। (Okay, I'll stop now..) Peeve: I don't have closed caption in real life, it would be nice to have subtitles in life. I always have them turned on with TV, and it makes a huge difference.
  3. من تعجب می کنم که ایا ما با انجام این کار مدیران را دیوانه می کنیم؟ اگر چنین است، متاسفم مدیران، اما ما باید شما را در انگشتان پا خود را نگه دارید! ما شیطان هستیم، به شما میگویم! من مشتاقانه منتظر برخی از به روز رسانی در بیننده تلفن همراه، اگر به احتمال قوی هر کسی می داند زمانی که ما گب ازمایشگاه بعدی را ببینید لطفا به ما اطلاع دهید.
  4. 我真的希望你不要花太多时间在谷歌翻译上试图弄清楚我写了什么。 如果是这样,我很抱歉,我只是很无聊,想在论坛上闲逛一会儿。 我需要登录第二人生并探索一下。 我希望你有美好的一天。
  5. The beauty of AI is that this will be less of an issue in the near future, as translators make it easier, but I can understand the frustration from @Modulated especially if they live in an area that is being displaced and they feel like an outside in an area where they were raised. That would be expected, a lot of people who have been in a similar scenario, despite their culture or country. I can relate to feeling like an outsider at times, it is no fun. I don't treat people poorly if they don't speak the same language as I do, but I have had the eyerolls, the looks of disapproval, and so on while entering stores or restaurants where I don't speak the language, it is rare but it happens. The latest incident was when having a fence installed, and running into a problem. Thankfully, I had a phone handy. It took a bit longer, and the technology was faulty so it required a lot of interpretation but we worked around it. The fence installers were incredibly friendly though. My own area, is being flooded by Northerners, with fat wallets, driving up the cost of housing, leading people to becoming homeless, congesting our roads, and most of them are from New York 🤣 Why they come to this place beats me, there is nothing here other than chain stores, and mile upon mile of suburban stucco homes. The price of houses is no longer that fantastic, especially considering the wage most people earn. Aaaand that is enough complaining.
  6. yep I wonder if the reindeer boopie we got for Christmas was PBR.
  7. I hop around a lot. Linden Lab's viewer, Alchemy, Singularity, Firestorm, Black Dragon, Speedlight every now and then, and Radegast when I need an alt to keep my vehicle from vanishing. I like the features of Firestorm a lot, but am enjoying PBR at the moment so sticking with the default viewer for now, I'll probably switch back over after PBR is finalized in it.
  8. Not for the Alpha generation, but for all of us Voxel based building in SL, as well as converting the ground to voxel so that we can create tunnels, mountains, volcanoes to toss noobies in, etc. Analog controls for driving, flying, boating. Better combat scripting (They are working on this) Improvement to the UI, including a wardrobe, as well as a 3d rendering of of your avatar and what they will look like with certain outfits, integrated into the web. Maintain the old file directory system for those that prefer it. and most importantly, a pony.
  9. I almost have enough money to buy my CPU 🙃 An AMD Ryzen 5 5600 3.5 GHz 6-Core Processor, now I just have to save up for a motherboard, ram, SSD, a case, power supply, keyboard, monitor, Windows, and a graphics card. One thing at a time, the CPU is one of the most expensive parts though, so it makes me happy to be that much closer to a new computer. The most expensive part will be the Nvidia 3060 with 12gb vram. I could have gone cheaper by going through AMD, and have read multiple times how you get more for your buck with them, but I want something that can use LLMs and run stable diffusion, which from my understanding is best done with Nvidia. Anyway, it has me feeling pretty happy. I look forward to playing a few games on it, generating images, running VMs, playing around with LLMs, and cruising in SL without as much of a stutter in FPS (I hope). I'm also looking forward to streaming games from it so I am not just stuck in one place in the house, I like to go out on my patio every now and then and enjoy the weather. When all is said and done, I should have a much faster computer for less than $1,000 USD, which I can upgrade through the years. This old laptop of mine has done exceeding well for a budget gaming laptop I purchased for under a grand as well, over five years ago. Being that it is budget though, it is falling apart, the plastics have seeped their oil, and become brittle, and the screen causes pretty severe eye strain, so it is time to replace it. I should be able to get a lot more life out of a computer tower. Also some strange derpy chicken like thing that has adopted us.. yeah, no kidding.. there is a Guinea fowl that has taken over my back yard, she is hilarious. I guess they can fly, and she must have made a nest somewhere near my home and comes in my back yard eating bugs. She was looking through my sliding glass door the other day 🤣 It makes the cutest noise
  10. I was flying around again on my hoverbike, then I did a region crossing and mah hoverbike kept going without me! How rude! Anyway, I started wandering around mainland looking for a rez spot when I stumbled into a minigolf place and started playing some. Shhhhh! I require intense concentration! Oooh! The wind blew it off course, plus someone said something! I told you guyz to stay quiet! And we finish it off with a happy dance! Now to find a rez spot
  11. If people are willing to spend the money, then all the power to them. Our own ethics, should not take precedence in such trivial ordeals such as transactions of machine generated art, the more we push our own morality on others, the less free we all become. I mean, unless we all want to have our lives dictated to us, just don't expect that your own set of ethics will always be at the helm.
  12. 🤯 I'm not disputing you, but I always thought it was much less than this. If I might inquire, where did you get this figure from?
  13. Oh damn.. Lion vs Vampire Frankenstein, this is not going to end well. /me runs off
  14. I was bored, and wanted to put my chores on hold, so in finding ways to procrastinate, I asked Bing's copilot to write a poem about your picture At sunset's glow, the figure stands, quite debonair, With a coat so chic, and a cane that's just flair. No face to be seen, just a block so brown, Perhaps it's a smile, or maybe a frown? The sky's ablaze with a painter's delight, A mishmash of hues, oh what a sight! The waves play tag with the sandy shore, "Gotcha now!" they shout, "You're it, once more!" Our mystery guest, so stately and grand, Might just be lost, cane in hand. "Is this the beach party, or have I erred? I dressed all up, but nobody's here!" So here they stand, in solitude's embrace, A comical sight, in such an elegant place. The ocean's applause, the sky's standing ovation, For the figure who's become the sunset's sensation. I think both of the pictures look great, I don't have access to GPT-4 outside of Bing's copilot and trying to generate an image using one I upload to build upon has resulted in failure
  15. They are also good to use for hockey. I'm not so sure about baseball, perhaps they would do well as a Frisbee though
  16. I'm still getting a lot of use out of this hoverbike. I think it has been a couple of hours now, or more just riding around and exploring while passively watching TV. I even came across a staff member of Chelsea, but they were a cloud and I think AFK I liked their truck though 🙃 I plan on making my way back to my Bellisseria home, I think this may take another hour or two, especially if I keep popping out of SL to check on the forums 🤣 😕 This is gonna take a while... Hey, I have some cheese, crackers, and a bit of spiced rum to help me along my way! 😛🥂
  17. I don't know, it all depends on if it would cost money for the TPV viewers, and who would be paying for it. It may all still come down to LL, footing the bill even if it is Unity. Modifying the Unity viewer might actually be easier for the developers of TPVs, adding in their own bit of code here and there. They may still contribute to the main viewer too, with suggestions, and who knows, I mean, it might mean more people climb on board participating with development considering Unity would probably be easier to work with for a lot of people.
  18. These sorts of people confuse me, it makes me wonder if they want everyone to hear their conversation. The ones that put it on speaker phone and talk into their phone as though it were a slice of pizza usually get a laugh from me as well. I think some are doing it because they believe the phone will give them cancer, but then they will slide it in their pocket. Then I wonder if they realize radio waves are all around them regardless if they are using a phone or not. But yeah, people really seem to be oblivious that the rest of us can hear their conversations or they might actually want us to hear them. The last one I heard was some guy in a dollar tree and his ex telling one another they are going to hell, like, literal hell, and it was kind of funny because they both were sincere, exposing one another's faults, and acting like they were the mouth piece for whatever God they were worshipping with the exclusive rights of who gets to pass through the pearly gates and who goes to the other place. 🤣 A little while ago, some lady was in a place called old town that had moderate crowds of people was screaming at the top of her lungs, in anger, on and off for about an hour. We walked by her, watching her stamp her feet, yelling into the phone, and making a huge spectacle, eventually getting away far enough so her voice blended in with everything else.. later we walked back and she was still stamping around making a huge scene.
  19. I wonder if it would cost TPVs anything to modify viewers in Unity, considering they are not making any money at all that I am aware of. That just goes way above anything I know, how these things work is beyond me especially when it comes to LL, if someone were to make a viewer using it if they are charged or not. I do know that there is one person that is out there, building a Unity viewer for SL desktop Crystal Frost, which I have not been keeping up with. They probably would have more of an idea of the finances involved. The last update to the video posted on youtube was about three weeks ago, so they are still chugging along. I don't think TPVs would vanish, unless they were charged per each user using the viewer.
  20. The pricing goes above my head(as do most things), but I did find something that may be of use https://unity.com/pricing https://unity.com/runtime-fee-estimator For the enterprise I got something like $51,500 USD per month with the setting put to max That's a one spicy meat-a-ball! That is assuming we have millions of users a month 🤣 For those interested and more knowledgeable than me, play around with it and see how much you estimate it would cost, assuming this link would give us an accurate estimate. It then comes down to costs, would it require more developers to maintain two different engines, and if so, would it be cheaper to just go with Unity?
  21. * Goo clings on to @Ceka Cianci /me looks horrified It won't let us leave Ceka!
  22. Perhaps shuffling around people due to Unity now being used, I suspect the viewer on the desktop will be moving to Unity as well. If it is, development on the desktop engine currently in use will probably slow down to a near halt as the resources will be shifted to Unity and the manpower required to maintain two different engines would no longer be necessary. Then there might be the ordeal with having to deal with Apple and Google, and trying to cater to a mobile audience. Who knows though? I do know, that I was looking forward to hearing the next Lab Gab, and that may have giving us a few more hints as to their plans for the future, unfortunately, did not happen on the 29th. I don't know though, I haven't a clue as to what the roles are in Linden, who the developers are, what their specialties involve, or even the direction SL is going to take.
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