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Everything posted by Gatogateau

  1. I'm not saying the OP had a stupid question, although I think it was stupid adjacent. And, no, I'm not one of those warm fuzzy kittehs who says stupid things like, "There are no stupid questions" because of course there are. However, the snitty push-back about the majority of people just not reading the first sentence in the OP *correctly* does make me laugh. Go for it dude. Don't get your knickers in a twist because we aren't offering you a list of guaranteed six-figure income, but instead most of us are LoLing at the notion. Come back at us in six months when you have your jobs and various incomes that have netted you $L500K. Make us eat crow. I will, of course, be holding my breath for your return with the news.
  2. I just think it is interesting that the OP didn't ask what it took to make $2000 US/week, but wanted to know what JOBS would get you there. What jobs are there in SL? DJ, hostess, hooker, CSR, estate manager... I dunno. All of those IRL would make no where near $2000/wk or $104,000/year. (I guess we should also know: net or gross? lol) So for a six-figure income the OP just wants to be a grunt, doing work for someone else NOT being their own boss. There are dreams and then there is being delusional.
  3. I'm gonna take a wildassedguess at this. Mushrooms and water don't mix well, especially for storage. So you can't wash mushrooms and then package them up for sale in stores. Dry mushrooms are pretty delicate. I'm imagining they are either lightly brushed or shot with air. I did try to find a quick answer to this but while I could find instruction on growing mushrooms I couldn't find what I was looking for after they are cut and before they end up at your store.
  4. I do have it 24/7, like you, for decades. Mine is generally low enough that it isn't too distracting. When the aura migraines hit those little buggers sound like jumbo jets. Whoop de freakin do indeed! Bodies, anatomy, physiology... amirite?
  5. I agree. I do and I don't compare. I don't beat myself up that I handle my pain differently than my bff did. I admire how she was able to do it, though. Some people just have grace. Me... not so much. But you are right, I can't compare my pain to yours, or yours to me. It does no good when people say, "Oh, you should just be grateful you don't have it as bad as so-and-so." (That dismisses your situation and is a crappy thing to say to someone.) Chronic pain sucks. Period.
  6. @Dafadilia Wayfarer Chronic pain sucks. One of my best friends died of lupus, but before she did I often wondered how anyone lives with chronic pain (and she did with so much grace). Now I too have chronic, daily pain, different from yours but enough to be on SSDI. I haven't found a way to put a positive spin on chronic pain. Whereas my friend lived with it with grace, I'm a whiney wuss. I get your "peeve" and think "peeve" is a bit of an understatement.
  7. Speaking of migraines, I never ever used to get headaches, let alone migraines. I still don't get "headache" migraines (thank the gods) but I *have* started (past few years) having ocular migraines... auras without the headache. Again, I'll take those over the headache kind, but it was damn freaky the first time it happened. I thought "stroke" or something. I get the whole 9 yards with those: fuzzy thinking, light sensitivity, light flashes and stars, and I get tinnitus as well. Yippee skippee.
  8. I've been doing the Misanthropes Anon. schtick for ages. I originally started it with Misanthropes R Us. Not sure why I changed it. But yeah, it should be something like "the first rule of Misanthropes is..." And I need that t-shirt. And if I ever go back to seeing my therapist in person, I will wear it and set "our" progress back a couple of years.
  9. I see the long-distance* meeting of Misanthropes Anonymous is now in session. *that's the only kind we have because meeting people in person = ewwwwww, people!
  10. And in so doing, you just did the same thing that you are chastising. And nope, other than this comment I'm not getting drawn into a food fight over this.
  11. Agreed, although I was talking about avatars in general and not Halloween avatars/costumes. Excellent photo btw, especially the dead bird hanging.
  12. Oh gawd. I'm loathe to do this, considering the things I have seen Nick post in the past, but... I read his comment about fugly witch on menopause differently (I think). The traditional witch is depicted as ugly, with overgrown chin, moles with hairs, hooked nose, claws... a fugly witch. They also tend to be old, so "on menopause" (what, not after? just during?). So I took him to mean just the stereotypical ugly old witch hag. BUT, since I have read his past remarks, I won't swear to my reading being accurate. *He* tends to make my skin crawl.
  13. Mostly agree, except not with the emphasis on "should". There can be legit reasons why someone doesn't spend the time or $$$ on an avatar. Izzie's does have a lot of wrinkle and spot options but I find they are too much. I just had this conversation with someone. I'm just as hypocritical as everyone else. I like my Dom to look like they have a few years of experience behind them. They don't have to be full on old fart, but some nice eye crinkles or something. A little gray at the temples. (Btw, if anyone knows of a MALE hair base that has gray temples, please pass that along! I searched and searched Mkt place and found only ONE that looked like a possibility.) Seicher, though, looks to be in her mid-twenties and I don't plan on changing that. I generally like the way Seicher looks, although depending on makeup and hair sometimes she can look a bit TOO young. I have, with a bit of ageist protest in mind, tried to age Seicher up and it never goes well. I have no idea about The Witches.
  14. In SL one has to work very hard not to appear to be somewhere between 16 and 28 if one has a female appearing avatar. Almost the same for males, but the older options are out there without such a difficult search.
  15. All that canned pumpkin you are using to make pumpkin pies and whatnot is not pumpkin. It is Dickinson squash, and its closest relative isn't even pumpkin but butternut squash. Pumpkin is a type of squash, but not all squash is pumpkin. However the FDA seems to have a problem with that notion and allows the golden flesh of squash, any squash, be labelled as pumpkin. Eisenhower was the POTUS when this was decreed, so we can blame this hoax on the GOP.
  16. Have a philosophical debate with my bff about the nature of evil, and whether or how much *intent* plays into things. Oddly enough, that is exactly, truly, what is happening in our email correspondence at the moment (without the witch and pumpkin spells). Who is determining that she is evil? What if the people turned pumpkins are the evil ones? Are the spells permanent? And besides: Pie. (Fauve stole my answer.)
  17. Geez, you guys! And your reactions to the flu shots! Historically I have reactions about 50% of the time, and when I do I feel punky for a day or two and my arm is sore. This year they jabbed me while I was in the hospital for days due to the emergency abdominal surgery. I felt like hell from the surgery. So honestly, now I wonder if I also felt like crap from the vaccine. How would I have known the difference? I hope you both feel better soon. Getting the shot was important.
  18. This. I swear this happens. I swear my deck is sarcastic. "Hey! I gave you TWO perfectly good answers, now you're just annoying me, so, HERE!"
  19. You gotta know this is love. My idea of "sports" is the dash to the chardonnay refills at book club...
  20. Long distance watching this stuff called baseball with my boo
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