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Everything posted by Gatogateau

  1. I'm thinking this is how you can easily get to seven pages. Like the troll a few months ago who just spammed the whole forum, using a different name each time? That would fill up a page. Or two? Then the one offs. I have a couple on my list, or Seicher does. Interestingly (?) GiGi's and Seicher's lists are not identical! We annoy different people at different times. It is a gift. Then yes, there are people who no longer post. Since I've drawn my line in the sand with "12" names, I'm a little surprised a few haven't made it their jobs to increase my list to that point. I'm not kidding (much).
  2. With the photo you just showed, to me it looks like the body is more glow-y than the face.
  3. If you've posted for a while, and regularly, trust me on this one: There are people to mute.
  4. Do you have specular or other textural things on either the head or the body? Body glow? Oiliness? That'll give a neck seam, if the body is set differently from the head, using the same skin. Sorry, not inworld right now so I forget what the buttons are called and I use Genus/Maitreya anyway. ETA: Also try a different Windlight to see if that matters. I use Strawberry Singh's Headshot or Close Up lights for that.
  5. Compared to other places on the Internet, yeah, this place is very tame. However, it also does have its moments, and trends, and sometimes a handful of people who make every thread just annoying as hell, etc. Since COVID this place has gotten a meaner edge. Well, this is how I'd answer your comment if you weren't on my block list. :p
  6. I don't know Adam's reasons, but I'll answer. Just leaving is one way of doing it. But if you've been around for a while and people are used to seeing you post regularly, and then you just stop, some people will worry. In this day of plague that is more true. I mean, for some of us, if we leave there might be one or two who would worry and about a dozen who would cheer. Adam didn't do a 50 page screed on how everything and everyone here sucks. A couple of sentences is about right if one is going to let people know.
  7. That's not my priority. If it were, you are right, I probably wouldn't stay here. I'm not exactly sure if I have a priority or if I do, what it is, but it appears to be being met.
  8. I have to say, Forumites, I'm impressed. I saw the Wall O Text OP and the title and just assumed it was another one of those posts that get 99% scorn-joke replies. But lookit you guys, all talking it over. For me, TLDR & I'm not pissed off at SL (usually). I haven't seen much fundamentally change in the 11+ years I've been here, and what changes I have seen are both good and bad. The biggest thing for me is the type of people. When I first got here I quickly found a "home" with a group, a large group, of people. That place is long gone and I have yet to find a place that duplicates the kind of community feel, and I think that is just how SL evolved/devolved.
  9. Whoa, 7-pages long? I bow to you! (Assuming you see it... ) I feel overly snippy then at saying when my list hits 12 people — not pages — that I'm taking a break of undetermined length. Totally understand your needing space. Depending on the sale of SL goes, this place should (maybe) still be here when you get back. Meanwhile, enjoy the holiday, the peace, the quiet, the lack of wtf-isms. But darn it, "leaving the forums" can't prompt me, or anyone, to ask for your stuff.
  10. Celine Dion vs COVID and Trump. /me goes looking for Seicher's dilaudid bottle
  11. Pppppht. It'll just take a few boxes of Tim Bits wafted, and that line'll break.
  12. This was my ONE wish today. I talked about it here and to a couple of people, one of whom said, "So get the junk food s'ready!" I wanted french fries and to dunk them in chocolate milkshake. I went to McDonald's. I waited in the busy drive-thru lane. I placed my order. Annnnnnnnndddd... "I'm sorry but our shake machine is not working right now." AUGHHHHHHHHHHH! Expletive. One thing. And where I live there are few options for a shake, so I was escrewed. PEEVE!
  13. I had to do some errands today, and because masks are required where I was, everyone was complying. I decided to pick up some alcohol because today seemed like a good day to drink. Everyone in the store, which was moderately busy, was nice and also social distancing in the aisles. The checkout line was long enough that it went down an aisle and around the back of it. I was at the back of the aisle so at a 90 degree angle to the aisle line but there was no doubt I was in line, about 6 feet away from the guy in front of me. Some woman, who was wearing blue scrubs because a medical center is across the street and shifts had just let out, just cut in line in front of me and stood too close to both me and the guy in front of her. I said "Excuse me, ma'am?" loudly. She ignored me. I repeated it, adding "You just cut in line." She turned around and pointed, "You were standing way over there" pointing to where I was still standing. She turned back around. Several people behind me audibly gasped. I said, "Seriously?" and then "Really." She just stood there. Several people were loud-enough passive aggressive. "It is called social distancing." And "Isn't it nice that our health care workers understand social distancing so well?" I finally just shrugged and said loudly enough, "I guess she just needs her alcohol faster than I do." As I was checking out a store worker apologized for it. (Why then, didn't that person tell the woman to go to her place in line?) There's always gotta be one...
  14. Well, it kinda depends on *which* so-called conservatives you are talking about. I believe that what you said is true of the "old kind" of conservative, of the type rarely seen these days. Trumpers et al? Totally xenophobic and hateful. And careful, Lil, it is just this kind of topic that will get you called an ally of the KKK if you don't toe the line. Not sure who delineated the line, but damn, best not look at it any other way than...
  15. As far as I know (and while Seicher and I make up stuff routinely, neither of us are legal experts on immigration...shocker, right?), all countries have immigration laws/policies. All of them have a legal, and therefore illegal, means of immigration. Just try to be a citizen of Lichtenstein, fwiw... I think you still have to donate a kidney and marry a local sheep to become a citizen after 100 years of residency?
  16. Just made me think of this, from another thread, ages ago:
  17. Janet, I have always liked your posts... I can see where your images could fit SEVERAL things in this tail-end of a thread food fight (it has been like this for days). IF, however, you are likening me to the flip side of Luna, well... obviously I disagree. And I hope that isn't what you are inferring.
  18. Perfect. Just... spot on, absolutely, 100% purrfect. /me hands you a nice Montreal bagel
  19. And so TOTALLY NOT a secret: And 10000 posts that have said "GiGi = Seicher" now
  20. You blocked me. Please go back to blocking me. I wish we had the option to prevent OTHER people from seeing our posts. I feel like I now need to shower.
  21. @RowanMinx I prefer to think there is just one of "them", you know, the folks you alluded to elsewhere as being a folk and not folks? The thought that there are actually TWO of them, and they both post, just, well, makes me want to join in the eating of fries in chocolate shake, and we all should know kitties are lactose intolerant. And yes, yes, this is for sure under the topic of Peeve.
  22. And all I can see is the very odd button placement on Oprah's dress... (yes, yes, scampering off)
  23. Well, I have to go take care of the human, because she was already depressed and this ain't helping. I need to go throw up in her shoe or something.
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