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Everything posted by Gatogateau

  1. I can haz peeves, but mine are super sekret today. I can be bribed with cupcakes.
  2. I'm happy to see this thread. While we need to peeve and grumble about things, express feelings both good and bad, it is nice and healthy to acknowledge not everything sucks. Fingers crossed for the health and well-being of this thread.
  3. This is also why Trump is against voting by computer. (and this relates to things like covid because covid is still going to be around after the next election and we need some real leadership. or something. I didn't have coffee this morning and it is afternoon already... which is a peeve...which is another thread)
  4. I will be a grown up feline and voice appreciation that the Bully Bee member status line is gone from the badge. However that came about, I noticed and I am glad it is so. I assume that others might be as well, but don't speak for anyone as there isn't a group, or gang, or entity but rather individuals who speak very well for themselves. Personal, targeted, one-on-one harassment purely for the sake of harassment, sh1ts and giggles appears to be just fine, however. Good to know. That's still a peeve and then some.
  5. Yup, and I always walk "through" them thinking they are phantom and they aren't so poor avatar just keeps getting concussed.
  6. Sorry, I haven't been in the thread for a while. Looks like you guys are doing great! Here's a very, very quick snapshot, taken with Firestorm, of underwater kitty, at the beginning of a build. It is similar in some ways to an underwater build I did before, but the dimensions are different, the land is different, the LI is different, and what you can't see waaaaay on the other end is different too (the caves I showed earlier ages ago). This is an avatar shot, the cat in the foreground is me.
  7. They used to do this in the old wild wild west forums way back when, Scylla. You surely must recognize the tactic if not the *exact* footprint.
  8. Yeah, well I think your cat just ran off from reverse zoonoses of existential ennui. Not a flounce btw, cats are too stoic for that.
  9. Yeah, sadly that little fictional drama was rather trodden over by other, not so amusing drama, before we really got it off the ground. Bikini pillow fights and a sarcastic cat with a penchant for toes could be rather... titillating?
  10. Eddie is great. Don't know who started the topic, but yeah, all incarnations of Eddie are great.
  11. New Pet Peeve: This software. Again. So we've discussed how blocked only kinda blocks, in that you can see when a blocked person is quoted by an unblocked, etc. Well for a while now, and it has been really bad today, when the screen refreshes to show new posts, it'll still show some of the blocked! Different people each time, different number of should-be-blocked posts. If I refresh again, the posts go back to being hidden, as they should. Things once seen can't be unseen, etc.
  12. Pet peeve: I didn't watch "Dumb and Dumber" in RL because it didn't interest me, so it is a peeve to see it being replayed here (different script, same title). Joins Sylvia inworld, well, not together, although that would be lovely. But first some kibble and coffee, possibly together...the kibble and coffee, not with Sylvia, I don't think she likes kibble. I could be wrong.
  13. KITTENS must die? KITTENS? I swear it was a mistake coming in here and posting just now. I didn't know! :::scurries off to a teeny little hiding spot, with only my tail showing so no one knows I'm there:::
  14. Yes. Exactly. I just quit a local FB page because while it was supposed to be about the history of the area, it had veered into politics, and one poster made the mistake of posting a benign little graphic about the pros of wearing a mask. The stupid, hateful, ignorant comments that followed makes me hope I never meet these people in my relatively new home town. Yick. There were lots of comments along the lines of "ok, we've done the social isolating thing, we're not sick, everything back to normal." We saw pictures of just really incredibly stupid behavior over Memorial Weekend. More people are going to die, no matter what we do. But will it be millions in a second wave? Time will tell. I really wish there were ONE best answer. Our economy is reeling. It will already take years to recover. People are going to die. How many? Because of what? Even the best and the brightest leaders are hard pressed to find that one, great solution. Sadly, we and other countries, are stuck with far, far less than best and brightest.
  15. Yeah, I read that too and looked at it sideways. The way I took it was more "rude" than "mean." We've had scores of threads on this Forum about how some cultures view things as normal while others from different cultures see it as weird or rude. One of the biggest threads that contained that was about how people inworld just IM "hi" and leave it at that. Many people hate that. It bugs the living daylights out of them. Others said, "That's just my culture. Where I come from if you don't say "hi" you're being rude." Meanness on the other hand, probably looks very similar culture to culture. I'm sure someone can pull out examples, but... meh.
  16. I read through the first page, and no doubt will just be repeating what others have said, but wth: If you feel like ARing it, then AR it. You drop it into the void and you never know what happens anyway, unless you go back and see their profile has changed, and even then, maybe they just changed it themselves in some fit of epiphany. As long as you aren't abusing AR, by reporting everyone for everything, then I say: Follow your conscience. Just don't get caught up in the result because most ARs don't result in any action as far as I can see. I agree with others that while the intent is pretty clear, the wording is if-y as far as is it against TOS. Again, no harm in putting in an AR. There is the school of thought that sometimes those kinds of profiles are rather PSAs of who to stay away from in SL. If you had read the profile first, you wouldn't have purchased anything from them, so there is that. I'm kind of ambivalent on that, and can see it both ways. It sort of depends on how heinous it is, and I've seen a few that required eyebleach application after reading. (And I ARd and I have no idea what happened because I didn't follow that person's profile.) As to deleting the purchase, I'm not sure. I've already paid the money, the damage is done. I guess it would depend upon what it is and how visible and how likely people are to click on it because they love it and want to buy one too. Years ago there was a singer I liked a lot. Had all of his music. Then he publicly went awful, and stated things I thought were beyond the pale. Even though they were some of my favorites, I destroyed the albums and never listened to his music again. I am not sure if that was the only time I ever did something like that or not, but it is the one that made the most lasting memory. ETA: Sigh. I just noticed this was necroposted from 2018. gfdi
  17. I read this originally as "here" being the Forum, but of course it can be inworld, too, as most people are responding. Simply the answer to both is yes. Toxic people who don't care that they are acting mean? Absolutely. I'm not a psychiatrist, nor do I play one here or inworld, but if I had to guess I've run across a couple of malignant narcissists (a real term, to differentiate between the garden variety narcissist and the really sickos). I've run into two people I'm pretty sure were psychopaths, and one of those I met in RL (before I realized the psychopathy), and that was pretty scary. And some "oldbies" claim that it is worse now than it was back in the day, but the really bad ones I met were back then with one exception. I think it is just luck of the draw. I'm more likely to encounter basic rudeness inworld, not so much in the Forum. Luckily, even that is pretty rare. I do think it depends upon what you are doing and where you are doing it, just like in RL, some places attract more jerks in SL than others. I've rarely had to block anyone, and most of those came from the Forum, not inworld. Most of the folks I meet are really nice, even the casual one-off conversations. I love meeting people from all over the world. I semi-joke that I'm a misanthrope, but there are a few people, most of them inworld, who can make me gush, "I love you guys!!!" in my head, and sometimes out loud, and they make me want to hug people and sing "everything is beautiful."
  18. If you want emoji responses, and of course you do because of fame and glory and all of that, it is really hard to emoji when one reaction is 😞 and one is . I'll leave it for you to decide which is which (probably a bad idea).
  19. Sad how that can apply to several people in several countries (maybe not three days specifically, but in general).
  20. Pet Peeve of the morning: Typing a post in the Forum, about how I'm a nerd and follow a grammar blog. Post it. Have it quoted, and the bit that is quoted has the classic grammar error of using your instead of you're. I facepalmed so hard my face is red. Hopefully the school marms out there missed it. /me twirls in a circle, sits, wraps tail around and looks innocent I love irony.
  21. And in case you are also a nerd and want even more information but are too effing lazy to Google things for yourself, here's this. YW.
  22. I laughed at Kira's joke, yay subtext! I also get how it might hit a bit of a nerve due to one Internet friend I have, and yet another job I had that had me working at a place for kids with learning disabilities. 99% (probably a made up number) of them had some kind of autism disorder, and most were at the low to middle end of the spectrum. My favorite kid, who seemed bright, but a bit scary (he lashed out physically a lot) used to yell at the top of his lungs, "I. AM. ENERGY!!!!!" and it never failed to make me smile. I sometimes say that now myself. However, part of the point being that was my main idea about autism. I've blogged off and on for years. There's a blogging community similar to a forum community (only a lot calmer, without wars being waged). One of the first people I started following was a grammar blogger, because, well, I'm a nerd. He's also a copy editor and proofreader, he's a nerd, his brother writes really good sci fi, and so there's some insight into how a writers lives and writes. This grammar blogger is hilarious, with a wicked sense of humor, especially sarcastic humor. He's also self-deprecating. There are a lot of grammar blogs out there, I follow his because he's interesting, a good writer and a hoot. I'd been reading him for several years, when he wrote a short piece about being annoyed by Teh Experts, and by that he was referring to a lot of people regarding autism. As it happens, this witty blogger is autistic. You could have pushed me over with a feather. Obviously he's at the far end, but over the years he's posted several other little pieces that have given a glimpse into his life, living with autism. His writer brother? An identical twin, who for all I can tell (I don't think he's ever said), is not autistic. So anyway, yeah, there's that. Totally not a peeve. Totally off topic. But... Yeeesh, you Dutch people and your regionalisms! 😄 You'd think you're Kentucky and Ohio or something.
  23. 100% non-sarcastic 😞 being given on this page.
  24. I've not had one store respond and/or take me off their lists.
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