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Everything posted by Gatogateau

  1. Geez Rolig, so cynical! I'm surprised you of all people replied like this. Not solving millenia old philosophical ponderings in a SL Forum thread about mean people? I'm shocked! I come here specifically for the argumentation theories! Why just the other day, the meaning of life was discussed and solved. (42)
  2. Too late. 😄 I've memorialized it for you. FWIW: I don't think you needed to edit it, but then I'm not that sensitive (mean girls aren't ya know...)
  3. Human peeve: Having to Google things to understand other people's pet peeves. "Tesco" apparently is a shop. Where you can't go in just your underpants because: Judge.
  4. My human peeve: Having a full cup of the delicious nectar that is coffee on my desk, turning my desk chair around to reach something, having the back of the chair hit the coffee, which then spills and drowns my mouse. Noooooooooooooooo. Paws crossed that it dries out ok. It is currently working but that could change. Stupid Mondays. There's another human peeve right now that has to do with the spelling of words on the forum but I can't expound upon it because Big Brother is watching. I'm annoyed.
  5. is what I see. But since Orwar laughed I'm assuming I need to get offended? :p
  6. Can't really disagree with a lot of this, especially the first paragraph. The last one is trickier. I hate that we get pulled into world policing, and every administration has done that, often at the behest of our allies. Without getting into it too deeply, because it isn't on topic and because I'm not a scholar on the subject just an average Josephine, we're often rather damned if we do damned if we don't in a lot of the situations. Again, we often are "in it" with allies. And then there is the pesky details of "yes, these people were killed but because they were, this-many were saved."
  7. Drawing and painting and photographing each other while having kinky sex while the S.Os are on the couches watching reruns of NCIS. Allegedly.
  8. I think a lot of us just want to be kind of randomly, oddly normal again. That's harder to put on a hat. Liberals (defined these days as anyone not a FOX watching, 4chan believing, right-wing nut job) get all the crappy slogans...
  9. Edited 10 minutes ago by Lyssa Greymoon I realized I don't know how to block someone. Yeah, after 10 years on the SL Forum and never blocking anyone, I've had to start blocking a whole list. I hope your software works better than it does on my end. Half of the time when I hit refresh to see the page a bunch of new posts by people I've blocked show up (and once seen cannot be unseen). Refresh again and it is back to as it should. Anyway, yeah... Go to the upper right of you page to where your name is and use the pull down. At the bottom of the pull down you see ignored users. Click that. You'll get this window. Just type the name in and it'll start to auto fill. You'll get to decide what all you want blocked. Happy blocking!
  10. I read this one on purpose. The mind boggles. It has already been edited once so I just thought I'd preserve this form. Although since the topic is "Are you scared?" after reading this, I kinda am. If only we had our own CDC!
  11. For the love of... Scylla said it correctly and simply in two sentences on page 21. What word do you not understand in the sentences? "WHO is an agency of the United Nations, not of the European Union. The US is not, and never has, been on the hook for "EU stuff," in general or in specific terms." Be for them, be against them, but ffs, this isn't a difficult concept ^^^. There is no red tape here for Americans with the World Health Organization. The forum software sucks. Once again it showed me posts that shouldn't be shown and this is just too annoying not to respond, which no doubt is the point.
  12. Wait. Wut? This happened? When? I never get the memos. However true that quip may be, I know what you are saying, and even if we vote the Cheeto out, it'll take years to repair the damage he's done both at home and abroad. IF we vote him out. If we don't... sigh. THAT scares me.
  13. Sigh. It is really sad, and greatly annoying, when a Dutch and a Canadian know more about US politics and policies than an American who allegedly votes. And this, dear friends, is how we got the Cheeto in the first place. HOWEVER, that's about as far in as I'm going to delve, because you see, this is like deja vu all over again, from when I first ran into Mis Information. It was a little thread about depression and mental health, and a very good one... until it wasn't. How did it become awful? Mis Information made an erroneous statement about mental health. I, stupidly, but very gently and politely said, "Not so!" That was on something like page 2 or 3. Probably 40 pages later, when sane and logical minds had either given up, screamed themselves hoarse, or given themselves concussions with all the head to desking, the thread was shut down because that person could never drop it. Ever. She was still typing when the lock came in. Hell, she's still probably typing over there. There was no reasoning (sound familiar?), her posts kept getting edited and re-edited ad infinitum and they STILL didn't make sense and they were STILL wrong even after all of the do overs. It frustrates me no end to see it happening over and over in new threads, and here it is again now. I do learn from my mistakes and I simply no longer read or post to Mis Information. YMMV. Here to offer a demonstration...
  14. 'You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.'—Daniel Moynihan Concept. Some real eye-rolling groaners in this thread, surprise, surprise. ETA: There really is no sense in trying to discuss this with people who have already made their minds up, regardless of facts—and yeah, that means listening to a guy who is not a doctor and has been reported many a time as not reading his briefings and . . . ETA2: To be on topic (also concept), as things are right now I'm not terribly worried about getting COVID. I'm isolating and will continue to do so for a long time if necessary. I'll continue to wear a mask, social distance. I don't need the government to tell me to take precautions. I *am* afraid of all the people who, because of their lack of common sense, are going to be in the second wave. I'm afraid for our economy. I am afraid, as in concerned, not afraid as freaking out.
  15. I think a bit of a peeve, though, is the natives looking amused and scandalized as the poor visitor (of any country) comes in, looking for a place and calls Gloucester "Gl-ow-kes-ter" and y'all smirk. Or someone says, I can't find Wooster on the map and (smirk) you explain it is spelled Worcester. FFS y'all know it is effed up! 😄
  16. Kentucky (sorry Beth) is fairly well known for strange place names. My fave, that I used to drive past frequently, is Big Bone Lick. YW.
  17. Oddly, today I'm grateful for finding my blasted alarm clock which had somehow gone missing in a small apartment when I haven't gone anywhere. It is an odd thing to lose, and an odd thing to want, but I'm trying to get my sleep schedule back on track and that's a start. I haven't owned a tv in about ten years and it hasn't been too bad because you can stream just about anything these days. ♥
  18. So is effe up the correct Dutch-French spelling of eff up? Is the final e pronounced?
  19. For those unfamiliar with some of the Canadian "proper English" Scylla is boasting aboat: (and yes yes, to stay on topic let's throw PEEVE out there!)
  20. My older sister, who was a whiz at languages, majored in French. Of course she was taught Parisian French. Then we went to Quebec so she could practice. Let's just say, LOL. She could read everything, but understand the natives? Nope. We were living in the hillbilly part of Virginia when it was time for her to do her student teaching, and she'd come home, bang her head into the wall, and mimic the students' French accents done with a southern drawl. Even I knew it was funny. Apparently foy-ur IS the accepted American pronunciation via the dictionaries that I just checked. I learned it as foy-ay and that's how I still say it so I think I'm safe. Plus you probably throw like a girl. I get most irritated by folks who think it is sherbert... they tend to be the one's with foy-urs? snobbity snob snobs
  21. I watch a lot of tv shows that have American backing but are shot in Canada, like in Sea-couver. One of my favorite pastimes is to play "Guess the Canadian actor." The characters are supposedly from the USA (mustn't say "American" eh?), but there's usually some tell. Often something that sounds like "out" doesn't sound right. Off I go to Google, look up the actor, and 99% of time time "Whatshisface is an actor, born in Whosits, Canada..."
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