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Everything posted by Gatogateau

  1. and the Rolling Stone article that made me watch it... and yeah, the epic hair (the feathers have feathers ) https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/17-reasons-this-rhiannon-clip-is-the-coolest-thing-in-the-universe-61514/
  2. UGH! I haven't had that happen yet. Hope I don't. That would annoy the heck out of me. NO ONE likes that, which makes me wonder why the DJs or anyone would do that. Sure, you might pick up a couple of followers, but really peeve a bunch of others. Since no one likes having that done, and DJs are any ones, a little bit of self awareness might be nice. ew ew ew
  3. I honestly tried, or thought I had, to make a signature before and could not. Was not given the option to do anything on my profile other than an "about me" thing, which I did, because I realize not everyone is going to get the memo about this being an alt and I don't mean to be intentionally confusing. I was surprised to see that I now have that option. Dunno. I don't even work here.
  4. Wut? :::licks paw in a very obvious attempt to look like "I meant to do that" when I clearly didn't::: Ooooh. Lookit! Pretty signatures! And look, I get one too! But I'm not at 500 anythings. So confused. :::licks other paw for good measure::: And I didn't break anything! It was like that when I got here.
  5. And now you've taken it out entirely. :::big frowny face:::
  6. dooooooooooo ittttttttttttttttttttttt. Come to the dark side Lil. We have cookies and beverages...
  7. PET PEEVE: (will try to make this SL related somehow) We had snow in May. Snow. It is still May. It is now in the 90s F. I have to run my A/C. Spring? What spring? Ummmm... this peeves me in SL because my computer is too close to the window A/C and so now I'm freezing on my left side, and this hampers my ability to use a mouse and keyboard effectively in SL. Second Pet Peeve: Totally Forum related. I can't spell and so my text box is constantly festooned with squiggly little red lines to taunt me for my stupidity. ZOMG, this software! I click on the misspelled word and half the time I don't get the correct spelling option but the popup for undo/cut etc. Click click, finally get the spelling option and unless I click and slowly hold the click over the word, it doesn't grab, and if I don't click and slowly hold the corrected word it doesn't correct. I have never used another program that does this. Ever. Never. Anywhere. It is enough to make me say eff it and just send the drafts through with the effed up spellings and typos. That would be scary and elicit a bunch of "wait, wut?" replies. I'd start sounding like ... yeah, no, not gonna name names...
  8. So, back to being on topic and restating my pet peeve, and that is LL allowing a pejorative, hostile, personal attack "member status" to remain up 24/7. I think this recent sub thread shows I'm not wrong in my assessment. ETA the graphic, for accurate posterity
  9. A rare, deleted content post because it was just a too easy remark made for my own amusement.
  10. My past epic troll in the old forums, claimed she was a clinical psychiatrist, so an MD/PhD. It was later revealed, by herself, that this was not true. Not even a PhD. I believe she had a bachelor's in something. Gosh, people can claim all sorts of things and training on the Interwebs, can't they? What I do know is that any professional, with any standing at all, with any degree of competence, does NOT attempt to, even in jest, diagnose random strangers on the Internet. They do not. Nor do they speculate. Talk about bad practice! That's pretty much the definition of it right there. If one does diagnose over, say, a forum format, especially done without permission and in public, at BEST what you have is an extremely incompetent and disreputable professional. This type of "faux doctoring" behavior in itself can be triggering (meaning that in the true sense as applied to mental health) and damaging to people who are compromised. Speaking for only myself, I have learned my PTSD can absolutely be triggered by certain things on the Internet and in this forum. I've generally posted when that has happened, as when triggered I do tend to post differently. Faux doctoring doesn't trigger me, but I can well imagine it can others. More cognitive dissonance being shown there by the faux doctors.
  11. Saw this in Lil's comment (damned semi-blocking). And ahahahahahahaha! This is too precious not to comment upon. Soooooo... the BullyBee Watcher is the PROTECTOR of people with mental illness? Interesting. It must be darned confusing then when a targeted (and I do mean targeted) Bully Bee (me) has been very upfront about posting about her mental illness of depression, anxiety and PTSD. So, when you are targeting ME, you are fighting, abusing, maligning, picking on, someone with STATED (not perceived, not imagined) mental illness. HELLO COGNITIVE DISSONANCE! ETA: because some how I keyboarded a "save/post" too soon... So, if your purpose for being is to protect the weak and addled, shouldn't you be protecting ME? Without my asking for it or wanting it of course, but because I'm addled, I am not competent to give permission or ask for assistance. And, not wanting to speak for other bully bees, because they are adults after all, I believe the same could be said about others who have not hidden their "afflictions."
  12. Sure, blame the cat. Isn't that always the way? I'm feeling oppressed. Help! Help! That's what I'm on about!
  13. I have headsets that do the same. grrr. sigh. I like the headset until that stupid wire breaks.
  14. Y'all do realize that the Einstein quote, he was referring to Nazis, right? So basically we were all just Godwin'd. Yup. We're not only evil, but evil Nazis. BullyBees = Evil Nazis. The Evil Nazis were called out, by name (explicitly/implicitly) in the HIM thread and LL continues to allow this (pet peeve as stated). Calling people evil Nazis in the best, most positive sense, I'm sure. It positively makes me purr with all the warm fuzzy feelings. I feel the need for patchouli incense to continue typing.
  15. stupid double posting "feature" of this software
  16. Right! It is one thing to say, "I agree with poster A" hopefully with a reason why "because the same thing happened to me..." for example. Equally reasonable to say one disagrees. In fact, that sort of the whole raison d'etre of a forum. Adults talking for themselves, for good or ill. It is quite another thing to perceive that someone is being picked on (because a person disagreed) and to take up a faux White Knight mantle, tilting at shadow windmills, running down side streets and tangential tracks, all in the so-called defense of an adult who never asked for it and who rarely, if ever, says "thank you" for it. If it is done with malice, then the whole "peace and love" of the White Knight is shown to be utter BS. Either the poster is misguided through an inflated of one's own self and abilities, and/or just malignantly stirring the pot because, alas, they can. It is unneeded and generally regarded as unwanted, except by a sprinkling of like-minded stirrers.
  17. You mean it could change? Vary from the original? Substantially? How can that bee?
  18. Are we back to diagnosing without a license again? Are we clutching the DSM 4 or 5? Or one of the ICD manuals? Wanting to be sure. Coding is so important.
  19. Just in case you missed it, GatoGateau = Seicher Rae. No attempt to hide it, but I realize it can be confusing without the memo, and no, I didn't think your post was aimed at me, this is just a PSA.
  20. Belinda's comment reminded me that I didn't respond to this part of Dano's post with: One of my favorite FB/YouTubers is OzzyMan (searchable under that name). He routinely does the fight as you just wrote, and it is hilarious, especially when he does it as voice over to animal videos. I totally read Dano's comment with OzzyMan's voice doing the narration.
  21. Ahahahahahaha! My work here is done. I was wondering if I'd get sh1te for that. As I mentioned, I have a lot of Dutch SL friends, and oh yeah, I've had the Holland vs NL lecture bluntly told many a time. Sometimes kitties can be teerny tiny trolls too. ♥
  22. So the BullyBee Watcher just announced, with clueless (or not) hostility, that she sees herself as a vigilante, doing wars and battles, against a certain group of people that she happens to disagree with, and who she specifically (explicitly/implicitly) named in the now closed "HIM" thread in another sub-forum. She has just termed these people as "evil." Yeah, that ain't a hostile posting environment, is it? [sarcasm font] Way to keep your freak flag flying. (freak in this sense is not the positive meaning of "unique" but freak meaning a negative deviance.) That LL will allow this is my pet peeve. This "bit" of hers is not a benign attempt of kumbaya but simply malignant pot-stirring under the poorly hidden guise of being a White Knight for people who have never once been asked to be saved. ETA: 'nough said. This poster doesn't have the malignant need to now post and post and post about what I just wrote. I said what I said. I meant what I said. I have no more to say on the subject. Any further pot stirring will be done by the usual suspects and I expect to see the next 40 pages blanked out with "you have chosen to ignore..." notices.
  23. LoL. Then you must be peeved a LOT. One of The Best examples of this is done by NPR Facebook every year. Every. Year. On April's Fools day. IF one reads the story, you learn that the headline is a HOAX. However, year after year after year the comments are just FULL of people who... don't read past the headline. It is truly brilliant. And sad. And hilarious. And sooooo many clueless people.
  24. Yeah, the old Pep thing of letting idiots fly their I'm an Idiot or trolls their I'm a Troll flags high and proud for all to see (and usually these folks do get to fly both at once). I get that.
  25. I dunno if the Community Rules allow this post (I expect it to poof), but the following is very much a pet peeve of mine lately with the Forum. I will quote myself, I was alluding to LL allowing a "member status" which reads "BullyBee Watcher" to remain as a 24/7 dig at a select, NAMED—either explicitly or implicitly—group of SPECIFIC avatars. This seems to be a breach of LL's rule about not carrying on personal conflicts in the Forum. It is also a form of hate speech. It is used to harass and denigrate a specific group of people. It creates a hostile posting environment. I have AR'd this "status" several times, with a good, clear argument about why I think that status should be removed. LL is ignoring it. Fine, that's their right. But I think it is wrong and hypocritical. Normally I'd just roll my eyes at such Jr. High school "antics" as I'm not that thin skinned. Not so in this case, since the avatar in question has shown a repeated hostile intent against these avatars, referring to them as a gang and her waging war. SR changed her status accordingly and will probably keep it like that, or even more specifically, until LL lives by its own rules. The cat doesn't have enough posts under her collar to be able to customize her profile badge, or else heaven only knows what would be there. :::purrs:::
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