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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. If you use the Redux body, which is native BoM, you only need to wear system and/or tattoo layers for things. No appliers is needed. If you use the Classic body, you will need HUD appliers for tattoos to appear on your body. If you have the Slink labeled applier, you're good to go. If you use an applier labeled for Omega, you'll need to purchase a separate Omega kit (if you haven't done so yet) in order to get it to work. You also might want to try toggling the layer masking under the Layers tab in the body HUD to see your tattoos:
  2. The kid left my backyard in a mess and I'm the only designated responsible adult to clean it up.
  3. #5 - I'll make a mukbang video of it and monetize it on Youtube.
  4. A bigger peeve is saying IBTL without an image. There, FIFY
  5. Wearing old stuff from places like the Freebie Dungeon reminds me of this scene from an old movie where people in the late 80's weren't too impressed with one character's choice of threads: The joke is that the guy has been in jail for so long, he thought the fashion scene was still in the 70's by the time he got out. I guess that's how a pair of system pants from 2004 would look like to modern avatars.
  6. Well, one does need a lot of calcium and vitamin D to cut up bodies.
  7. A rando offers you friendship without ever speaking or meeting first. And dead silence after you ask them if we had met somewhere. How would they know that I'm not some cereal killer? Come on, man. Didn't your mama tell you about stranger danger? LOL
  8. You can also check out the SL F&O site and its group gifts section: http://slfreesandoffers.blogspot.com/
  9. Good to know I can always rely on you to announce when the grid is misbehaving badly.
  10. Cover of earlier versions, one by Arttu Suuntala: https://youtu.be/ysKupqmWjmU And another by Matti Jurva: https://youtu.be/myzO3eZh22E
  11. Yay, I'm just crazy enough to qualify!
  12. These artists doing these covers are far better than what Anette did with the originals. Because Anette sucks and Nightwish choosing her as Tarja's replacement was the biggest mistake of their career.
  13. When someone asks me if I'm this ethnicity or that nationality, I say "That's what my mother tells me, so I guess I must be." I only know what my mother tells me, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. That usually shuts them down real quick with them rofl.
  14. 3 pages in and no mention of the glorious Skunk Anansie? For shame!
  15. Railroad tracks in Bellisseria: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Great%20Banks/208/182/34
  16. My brother said something similar. I had to drag him kicking and screaming back to adulthood. And he's not getting anymore sweets; sugar will only make him more hyper. "Playtime is over, kid. RL awaits."
  17. At first I wasn't sure what to do with this back room, so it became an art studio for a while: Then I realized I could have my own laundry room now that I have a house with separate kitchen and bedroom. Owning a washer and dryer set is the dream of every urban apartment dweller.
  18. If I have to suffer though one more of that kid's insipid tea party....
  19. A tidy organized inventory and keeping it that way. And not being like my stupid brother who let his inventory go 10 years without some sort of filing system.
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