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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. And the French call fries pommes frites, meaning "fried potatoes".
  2. I like seasoned waffle fries with tzatziki. Yum.
  3. I use the official viewer as my default. When I want to cheat at hunts or crack a no-mod shape, I use Firestorm. (I wonder why shape stores don't offer demos nowadays.)
  4. Thank you everybody for your inputs! I tweaked the sliders some more to make the kid look happier like the old head. I thought the brows were a bit low. Using a browless skin with a brow tattoo layer solved the height problem. I just have to keeping searching for a set of child appropriate brows that doesn't make me look like I got kidnapped by the Kardashian clan and subjected to hot wax. 😂
  5. I'm thinking about replacing my old Toddledoo Moonface head with Akeruka babyx head. I've been with the old head for so long it's kinda hard for me to let go. Left image is the Toddleedoo, right is Akeruka. Yay or nay?
  6. The LL viewer version is Release (64bit). Every time I click to open a folder it automatically jumps to the very top of the inventory and thus forcing me to scroll down to find my place where I last clicked. Majorly inconvenient and simply not good when you're trying to organize stuff. Is this happening to anyone else?
  7. I'm not so sure about the world ending. Methinks it's a hole torn in time and space. And best of luck on the upcoming surgery.
  8. Some think any mesh costing less than $50K has to be involved in monkey business or *gasp*, copybotted, but ok. 🙄 I don't have anything to say about art other than it being subjective.
  9. So what? If the store owner wanted people to have decent heads without prohibitive cost, they are allowed to give away their work for nearly free. It's much like the spirit of Frederick Banting giving away his insulin patent for a mere $1 because he believed that humanity shouldn't be restricted from accessing this life-saving medicine.
  10. I wasn't aware there's an industry standard for mesh creators to display screenshots of their Blender screens as legitimacy certification. Google returned no such answers when searching for GA.EG, Catwa, Lelutka, TMP, and wip.
  11. Poor Eddy suffers from the middle child syndrome. I hardly log them in for picture projects anymore.
  12. Ningen Isu is a Japanese band from Hirosaki, formed in 1987. How did they escape my notice all these years? Why yes, Youtube, I would like to listen to old guys playing metal, thanks.
  13. After finishing the Motown hunt, we went to catch the Waarheid movie at a nearby cinema.
  14. It's giving me the quad-eye tattoo vibe. They tend to mess with my vision every time I look at them.
  15. Skin is one of three parts of the formula that influences an avatar's look. Gloom or Mudskin might have some Asian skins.
  16. Hotdog's alien head and skin works quite well with the Blake body.
  17. I've never been directly griefed, but I was the one doing the griefing in the two times of all my rezzed days. First time when President Biden won the election a few people and I decided to go dancing to celebrate. We chose a right wing Pro-trump club to go troll dancing in. We lasted about 10 minutes until we got banned. Second time was when I stopped by a shopping event after someone complained about getting booted from there for not having a "valid avatar" in another thread. While waiting for the sim to rez, I got kicked out within 7 seconds. I'm sure the sim owner thought I was being a griefer by being my ordinary "invalid" self.
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