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Ajay McDowwll

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Everything posted by Ajay McDowwll

  1. More group space, more picks, free uploads (or at least a certain number), free event listings, and a larger parcel included with Premium Plus, with a corresponding Bellisseria offering. I can see the desperate refreshing of the Linden Homes page now... and I'd be right there with everyone else doing it lol
  2. I work admin for a small architectural firm (translates to secretary/ office manager/ bookkeeper/ Microsoft Office tutor/ toner-changer/ cat-herder). Once upon a time I taught English at the middle and high school level. I miss my kids; I do not miss many of their parents or some of the administrators.
  3. Literally all five of me This is how we look today. From left to right: Piper, Ellie, me, Forg, and AjayMcDowwll Alter, aka The World's Most Obvious Alt Ever lol
  4. My partner's and my SL paths don't often converge, but as we recklessly crossed the streams and are married RL, it's not a biggie. I did manage to grab a quick Gyazo of us the other day (that man has NO patience for pictures lol), so the quality is nil... basically two old folks waiting to go to the movies with some friends
  5. What is the difference between the two? I've seen both out there, but I can't figure out which one would be better of the other. I'm sure it depends on one's personal aesthetic, but they feel kind of the same, one is just a bit more muscled?
  6. My male alt has Kario, and the body can be distinctly different from the "Flex" version, which is the one Niramyth users would probably prefer. I'm posting a picture of Forg in his "Fit" version of the body, which is decidedly not the "I Pick Things Up and Put Them Down" aesthetic. So as far as the general conformation goes, it's really pretty flexible for a variety of appearances. The issue I have with Kario is the current amount of clothing available isn't really sufficient, and the pants options available (be they leather, denim, swim trunks, sweats, whatever) have a super distinct bulge in the groin for about 95% or more of those items available. I mean, some is fine; most guys have that. But it's absolutely absurd the level that's being made in the clothing. I can't send him out in his Kario or it's going to look like he's totally on the prowl for some adult activity... and the poor lad gets none and never will (Edited to add that the skin in this shot is actually for the "Flex" version of the body, not the "Fit", so the muscle striations are a bit more than usual. But I don't have time to go inworld to get a new shot of him, so this is all I've got lol) (Edited again to add a picture of him actually clothed in something that doesn't have the "bulge" and shows his general shape a bit better, without the outrageous "ripped" look of the skin)
  7. I posted this on the Secret Santa thread, and was told it also belonged here so... here 'tis
  8. Many thanks to my Secret Santa! One item they got me, I'd forgotten I'd put on my wishlist, and when I saw it I literally squee'd lol -- this Ugly Christmas Sweater fatpack from Thalia Heckroth -- woot!!!
  9. Winter is HERE! Woohoo!!! (hey, I live in Florida RL -- this snow stuff inworld is awesome, especially since I've rarely had to deal with the real thing lol)
  10. Not yet, but now you've got me curious lol
  11. My wishlist is going to give people nightmares. Whoever gets me, sorry! You are not obligated to stick to only items on that lol
  12. Posing with SockPuppetBoy, because every girl needs a male alt to round out the occasional photoshoot
  13. Yeah, we left SL for about 10 years, but kept our premium membership, so my husband's and my little joined 512 plots stayed on as kind of a memorial to our Second Lives until an airport bought all the surrounding land and wanted our plot as well lol. We came back in to do the sale... and stayed.
  14. The options for avatar customization are second to none. I've been in many virtual worlds, and that's where they're all lacking. Some I can't even get stupid grey hair, which is annoying because although not everyone has grey hair.... I mean, it's a natural color? And some of us are older RL and really kind of LIKE our hair the color it's growing out of our heads? Sigh. Yes, things are broken here and there in SL. Nothing you mention is off-base. The learning curve for new users and some returning residents is HUGE... the bonus for returning residents being that they may still have people on their friends list from eons ago who can assist with updating their avatars. The walkability of the continents is also a huge draw. You can wander around the Linden roads endlessly... well, as long as you don't veer too much off course and run into someone's super-aggressive security orb. But even with that, other virtual worlds that I've visited lack that ability to simply explore at random. You have to find a region to go to, then TP there, and once you've arrived you can look around, but there's no way to just wander and happen upon something at random.
  15. I get what you're saying about the SL reputation. I'm really open about the fact that I'm in SL, and post pictures from SL on my personal Facebook page. My SL, though, is really probably boring by many people's standards lol -- I hang out with friends, go fishing, and take pictures. TL;DR: my SL probably makes my friends think less pixel sexxo, and more "Oh how dulll" lol
  16. Most folks in my RL know I'm in SL, and they're just not interested. My kids totally wanted to go into SL when they were small (4 and 8)... but that's because I had a rideable giraffe and they wanted a turn They're now edging up on 19 and 23, and their love for giraffe riding has apparently waned significantly
  17. I literally choked on my coffee at this line; also, accurate lol
  18. @Rowan Amore, here's the comparison:
  19. From what I could tell, the issues are on the feet. She supplied foot blenders for those, and in all honesty they work really well. Edited to add: heading inworld to get a picture of the feet before and after; I'll have to combine them into one pic, but that shouldn't take an absurd amount of time.
  20. I tried it, and while I love the lower half of the body -- the shaping is nicely realistic, and the animated feet are awesome!!! also, the foot blender tattoos work beautifully-- the upper body leaves me cold. The chest is too round regardless of how one plays with the size and gravity sliders, and if I go below 30 on the size, it starts to look like someone pasted breast implants directly on my chest wall with no surrounding tissue. The shoulders have, if possible, an even more extreme "extruded pasta" issue than I'd viewed in the video, and the clavicle is over-exaggerated to the point where it's hard for me to look at. This skin is the one I already wear, from DeeTaleZ.
  21. They definitely do. With Gianni I had to have the leg sliders at 100 just to avoid him looking like he was walking on toothpicks. With Jake it's a lot easier (which is his default at this point). Kario falls somewhere in the middle of that range, but with more defined musculature than either.
  22. Eh, I checked his shape after the "chicken legs" epithet. His calves are bigger than his biceps which is what I was making sure of; he's at 75 on the leg muscle slider. I like his look, obviously, or I wouldn't have shaped him this way. I'm always open for input, which is why I did go and check. Could be the angle, don't know. And as he's not dragging bait for any companions, male or female, I think he's going to do quite nicely :) I'll be interested to see what you come up with, Nick.
  23. I picked it up for my male alt, and I agree with Skell. The body is super flexible, and you can wear the Flex skins with the Fit body and vice versa. I dialed Forg down several notches in some of the more extreme areas, but I like the body on him and I'll be interested to see how the creator support works out for it.
  24. It's not hard to turn them off. If all else fails he could check in the Catwa Head Friends group; the CSRs there are exceptionally helpful. It's one thing that landed me on Catwa as a choice over Lelutka, to be honest. Well, that and I love this head lol -- I also own the Lelutka Erin, and I just never could get it to be "me". With the Catwa HDPro Queen, though... it worked. That's the ultimate call, creators aside: what head is most "you".
  25. That I don't know. The animations have never been a big deal for me, ultimately, because I shut all of them down and use my Vista facial animations hud (possibly because I wore Genus when I first came back inworld and those facial animations had some known bugs). I've got a series of animations saved on mine that are "me". I do use the blink animation on my male alt -- he's in the Catwa HDPro George -- but that's about it.
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