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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. This has been a constant during this crazy year...brings back memories of May-September and talking to my nan and friends most days..and it was so cool not having to travel into the office 😊 And just so nice playing this first thing in the morning when it was really sunny and I could forget my Corona worries for a bit
  2. Guess you know the dead user at 4000m on Fishii story?
  3. Weirdly enough got told this joke this evening: A man gets a taxi to a bar. On the way, the taxi driver says, "Here's a riddle: A man looks at a photo and says: 'Brothers and sisters have I none / but that man's father is my father's son'. Who is it?" The man says "I don't know!" And the taxi driver says "It's me!" The man says "Oh, that's a good one, I'll remember that!" So he gets out and goes to the bar and starts talking to the bartender and he says: "Here's a riddle! A man looks at a photo and says: 'Brothers and sisters have I none / but that man's father is my father's son'. Who is it?" The bartender says "It's you!" The man says "No, it's the guy who dropped me off here in a taxi tonight" 😅
  4. Another pet peeve - soil on mushrooms ☚ī¸ Why can't the mushroom farmer clean it? You wouldn't expect a car dealer to sell a brand new car with bird poo all over the windscreen ☚ī¸ Why does the mushroom customer have to clean it off??
  5. @halebore AeonWe have also had trains cancelled because leaves were on the line 😂
  6. We had snowfall in London a few years ago and all the buses and trains got cancelled...I walked to work and the only other person who made it into the office was from Nova Scotia and he told me "This is a joke...I've had to shovel my way out of the front door and Brits can't even shovel the road?" 😲😂
  7. Oh OK well, I have nothing to complain about in the UK, LOL. I have heard about Swedish winters... I guess the morning thing doesn't bother me so much personally as I've been working from home since March. But I liked going to the park for my exercise at lunchtime and at 5pm too, and am not so keen going out after dark. But it also makes a lot of sense for people going out to work early morning, especially if they're driving.
  8. First world problems...but I don't understand why we have to put the clocks back, and especially this year ☚ī¸ Would a bit more light in the evening be so bad?
  9. Carrie and Scream too â˜ēī¸ This is silly but also fun - I saw it at a cult horror film club in London
  10. I've heard so much about this, I really need to get round to watching it.
  11. Unfortunately a few managers I have worked for seem to be unaware of basic but important things like that...
  12. Oh the reading was WAY off then, lol 😅 But sounds like very good news!
  13. Get some dummies or mannequins and put them on a conveyor belt near the witch's house. Witch tries to zap them into pumpkins - doesn't work because they're not real! Witch thinks people are now immune and goes to another town and we all have pumpkin soup until we're sick 🎃
  14. I sympathise, I have been in that situation with, well all of my jobs really 😂 Disclaimer: Rat's Tarot Thread is NOT a substitute for professional careers advice! I drew: THE TOWER The Tower can mean transition 😲, upheaval, chaos and unexpected events causing disruption. It can also mean revelation, seeing what's really going on behind the scenes - so MAYBE your gut instinct is right. But it doesn't tell us exactly what the changes will be. They might not be something life-changing...maybe they'll bring in a new IT system that doesn't work properly, and that could cause disruption for a fortnight? Or they could start being really petty and bringing in loads of stupid new rules? Actually, if that happened, would you still want to work there? I think just the fact you're having on and off days shows the new company owner has already disrupted your daily routine - especially if you weren't having those "want to get up and leave" days before. And if your colleagues are feeling the same, it's possible that's something's up. Maybe the lightning bolt is your own mind, telling you it's time for change. Why not "jump up and leave" if that's how you feel? They don't own you! What I reckon the card is saying is, be prepared to walk if you need to - either because they bring in stupid rules or lay people off, or you just get tired of having bad days with them. The company could go on and your job could be secure but if you're feeling frustrated already, and it makes you unhappy, do you want to stay with them? Anyway, I would read this card as saying: Update your CV Apply for jobs while you're still in work- you don't have to take them, but you can get a good feel for what else is out there and that could make you more confident about possibly leaving your current place Don't leave your job until you've got another one lined up! (unless it gets really bad and you can afford to) Join a union - just in case! I wish you luck whatever you do!
  15. This is doing my head in! What's the answer? đŸ˜Ĩ
  16. Wow, haven't seen that before. Which deck is it?
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