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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. The 'no devil' thing is Zyngo...there used to be a devil window that would flash up and delete 50% of your score (and an angel that would increase it by 50%), which drove people nuts, so they removed it to attract more players. But it was pointless, as you'd have to spend a billion Ls playing it to get a 100L win anyway, devil or not Really don't see the appeal of gacha either...
  2. I haven't had any problems myself, but have heard some horror stories. Sadly there are people out there who will spend a week searching Facebook or Linked In to 'get someone back' for ejecting them from a SL club
  3. Since I had mine, I must admit, people start shouting "Hello? Hello? I can't hear you?" every time I walk past
  4. This is interesting! I'm not sure about the magic going away when you see RL pics. I only swapped pics a few times but even though they looked different to their avatars (me too, lol) I could still 'see' them as the avatar, if that makes sense? I agree with what Rowan said earlier, the thing that did kill the magic for me was when someone you thought you knew started behaving in a completely different way, like suddenly being nasty...then I'd worry about any RL info I'd given..
  5. And in the case of one person we knew...falling asleep at the PC and snoring at 1am
  6. Oh, it was really easy for me! When I was going to a vampire wedding on the Moon, I wanted to BE Rat going to a vampire wedding on the Moon I didn't want to be watching Rat on the Moon while having a RL chat, "You sound more Australian...what part of London? My wife lived in London for three months, did you meet her? I'm having a cheeseburger for tea"
  7. LOL, me too Have you ever seen this Irish martial arts movie?
  8. I don't know much about games or game music, except for Sonic, but I'm glad this thread got revived because I recently discovered this...and it is INCREDIBLE! It's from an '80s game but sounds like a really depressed Crystal Castles going full goth. That bit at 0.51 when the 'bass' comes in! 😵 And the last minute is so eerie and sad. There is also a metal cover on YT but it's a bit meh IMO and doesn't sound anywhere near as spooky. Though if you prefer metal to chipcore, maybe you'll enjoy it?
  9. I don't know if I can do it again. I'm really hoping that my workplace eases up about working from home. I've saved nearly £2000 in travel fares since March last year and I'm now wondering if I even want to stay in London and pay high rent if I can work remotely from somewhere a bit cheaper and less packed. Just not having to go out in the cold during the snow, and then sit on an overheated train with people coughing and sneezing, was bliss. A lot of people must feel the same...
  10. The police came around two years ago to give out marker ink for tagging bicycles and laptops, so if you get burgled, you have a chance of maybe getting your stuff back. I gave them my email address so now I'm on the Neighbourhood Watch email list, and they just sent a Happy Purim email - but with the warning that the rules still apply and you'll get arrested if you break them It's a bit weird - it's usually a noisy and lively time around where I live, but realised this is the second year it's been a wash-out. I hadn't really thought about any of this in terms of anniversaries, it feels quite odd and unreal to be almost exactly 'one year later'.
  11. @Silent MistwalkerI don't think it's aimed at you! It's not even like going off topic or arguing about politics makes anyone a bad person (and I know I go off topic a lot) - but we know by now, the thread WILL get closed if those things keep happening. And please feel free to vent!
  12. @Seicher RaeGood to see you again Hopefully this thread will become redundant this year!
  13. I haven't had that but I was watching a YT SL vid and every time I heard the IM pings, my eyes went to the top right of the screen
  14. LUV this punk song about a joyriding granny
  15. That was my experience too🙂 i know Cindy had a rough time of it but if you're 48 hours in, I reckon you're over the worst.
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