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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. Oh yes, I see it now 😎!Thanks.
  2. I think I had better ! 🤭 thanks to you and Sid and LittleMe...but I still don't get it, lol. Good night 😴
  3. Or then it'd be £6 change if he kept £3? This is bonkers.
  4. No, that's the £2 he kept for his tip- the men got £1 each back. The £1 is still missing
  5. Somebody shared this maths puzzle and it’s done my head in Three men go into a restaurant for lunch. The bill comes to £30, so they pay the waiter £10 each. When the waiter goes back into the kitchen, the owner reminds him that today’s a special lunch deal and should only have cost £25. The waiter doesn’t know how to split £5 between three people, so he gives each man £1 in change and keeps £2 as a tip. So – each man paid £9 for the meal – 3 x £9 = £27 The waiter kept £2 - £27 + £2 = £29 SO WHERE IS THE MISSING £1? I can’t figure it out! Is everything we were taught in maths a lie?
  6. That sounds really dodgy! I normally use the same word, which is an obscure place in the world, with a deliberate typo, and then a 2 or 3 number combination. So then if I forget which PW's for which site, I just play around with the numbers. And I have my crypto keys written in pencil in books @LittleMe Jewell I also try to avoid the cloud! My nan reported problems with her Alexa and then somebody called her out of the blue, offering to help on Amazon's behalf...and she got viruses put on her PC 😡 It all got resolved, but it's scary how easy it is for people to do it...
  7. 🤩 Cocteau Twins should be my favourite band of all time...incredible music! And they would have been if Felt hadn't existed, lol. Do you know this one? When Felt teamed up with Liz Frazer...and produced by Robin Guthrie...😎 Such a shame both bands had INCREDIBLE songwriting duos, but they couldn't get on personally...
  8. I like them too! I am sort of obsessed with '80s goth/deathrock. This is quite different from the ones you picked for your mix... but I listened to this album non-stop in March last year around the time of the first UK lockdown...just playing this song now makes me think and feel how I did then!
  9. @archangel969 There is a saying "Beer before wine and you'll feel fine; wine before beer and you'll feel queer" Now I am an old queer already so I had nothing to worry about. That made me lol Sounds like a cool bar, will try to visit! 👍
  10. Think this is the saddest song I've ever heard 😥
  11. 🤩 Another amazing Richard H Kirk production...with samples from the film The Warriors
  12. The singer died today 🙁 One of the UK's first electro bands! They did some amazing stuff...he was also a big part of acid house. Luv this 🤘
  13. I think the answer should be more resources and better management of healthcare services. Even before Covid, there were some parts of the UK that had massive waiting lists and people who couldn't get appointments. I get fed up with all this anti-vax stuff too (the area I live in has been hit by stupid cartoon stickers and 'warnings' all over the bus stops recently) but I don't think these people deserve to be left to die untreated, no matter how much they 😡 me. (I am just talking about the conspiracists/political ones, not people who've been advised not to take it by their doctors).
  14. Luckily hospitals are not going to pay attention to them (the TV show hosts), so I wouldn't worry too much 🙂 You always get some opinions 4U people who say "Oh, we shouldn't treat those who ever smoked or took drugs, or who are overweight, they brought it on themselves!" Fortunately hospital staff are busy trying to save everyone who comes in, not sitting around deciding who's most deserving of treatment...
  15. Random Bandcamp find, pretty good IMO! 😎 Great New York punk, if you like the Ramones, you might like this too.
  16. I've been double vaxxed but sorry, this killed me
  17. Years ago I saw somebody whose profile said, "If I've unfriended you, it will cost L$500 to re-add you to my friends list. Next time, it will be L$1000" I don't know if she was joking or not (probably was!) but it was funny either way I used to have World Domination Bunneh and all sorts of quotes in mine...you would have all hated me, lol.
  18. Yes, that's awful 😡 "I will sometimes be a decent person to you...as long as you put up with me being selfish and immature most other times!"
  19. It's one licence for each household, and you have to renew it every year. And yes, you can get fined if you don't pay and they can prove you're watching TV - they used to be able to send you to prison too! 🙁 Even just watching the England vs Italy final for a few hours on BBC iPlayer, they flash up a message about 'Have you paid your licence?" and make you sign in.
  20. Are they actually physically at your home? What do they want to do, enter to check you haven't got a TV? I paid mine but regret it 🙁 Most TV is just rubbish...I spend more time watching things on Youtube or reading.
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