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Everything posted by JanuarySwan

  1. No, I don't think that's it at all. Fortnite has real life toys and tons of other real life items. Animats said Epic has billions in cash...these toys say EPIC on them (photo below). They are making a fortune in real life toys and there are hundreds of toys and I only just began looking. I didn't know Fortnite had toys. Forbes is a fortune business type of magazine and they don't mess around.
  2. The other catch though is Fortnite sells toys of it's avatars and all kinds of other real life goods. I was wondering why it has "several billion in cash". They are probably planning on making Star Wars action hero type real life toys from their avatars then along with the other companies listed above. Fortnite has a real life toy market. https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ALeKk01N1TfHM97PkozAQi-5qkRC5D_Rbg%3A1589588628326&source=hp&biw=1120&bih=626&ei=lDK_XtaNEYKStQW-6pPICw&q=fornite+toys&oq=fornite+toys&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoHCCMQ6gIQJzoECCMQJzoCCAA6BAgAEB46BggAEAgQHlD0EliYK2ChL2gBcAB4AIABggGIAfoJkgEEMi4xMJgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nsAEK&sclient=img&ved=0ahUKEwjWp5yMj7fpAhUCSa0KHT71BLkQ4dUDCAc&uact=5
  3. Easy access, yes it does have that. It plays on just everything including phones. I just looked it up. The avatars are frankly horrible. I wouldn't pay for that, not a single dime. It's probably popular not for it's artistic anything but simply because it runs on just about everything and/or even simply because it runs.
  4. Cartoon avatars? I'm surprized that cartoon avatars would be liked. I looked at that party or concert picture of Fornite Party Royale and the avatars didn't even look like avatars. Why would 10 million users want avatars that look like the attached photo below which most artists and art connoisseurs would not be interested in. Is it because you can play Fortnite Party Royale on a phone perhaps? What's the hidden catch not spoken of here? Phone App maybe because the avatar below looks kind of like a Macy's Day Float or a balloon?
  5. Sure, that's fine. Sorry, had to go offline to rl for a bit there. But sure, no problem.
  6. Thanks. I'm just thinking of the time right now too with rl situations and family...time is all skewed from the virus and I've been living in emergency mode. I am hoping to meet with family soon (within a few days) and need to make some plans today.
  7. Well, it's weird. I've never been thought to be an alt before. Have the moderators look me up then because I'm not Luna is what I can say to Beth. However, the OP does have many speculating what it is about and/or if it's a put down. I've said in this thread the OP said a lot there in her opening post; it's a difficult read. Balancing a relationship and art is a topic I would be interested in but that seems like it would be better at another time after things settle down.
  8. That's darn silly Beth to jump to that conclusion. I am not Luna's alt. I am me, an artist who was interested in the thread in regards to time and how a relationship and art can be extremely difficult to manage in regards to time and not enough time when a relationship wants my attention and then my art is put aside for the sake of the relationship. So, the thread sparked some thought to me in regards to balancing the two: art and a relationship. Luna and I do not know each other inworld even. But, if you believe that...I don't know what to say about what you believe. adding: You can read through my previous posts to see where I was writing in this thread regarding the above.
  9. I haven't gone over the opening post too much but I can tell you that SL does have that perception and probably always has because it is a one-of-a-kind for one thing and/or the first of it's kind...a kind of cybersex chat room. But, to me, I don't know of any other platforms like SL. But, I also said in this thread that anyone who's ever visited EDITOR'S PICKS knows SL is far more than pixel sex. Editor's Picks has some amazing builds and SL is more than pixel sex. But, it still gets that kind of one-sided "rap".
  10. Yeah, I don't get this either. If someone wants to post in a thread but others don't, why don't those who do not want to post in this thread just go to other threads and/or start other threads? And, the opening post did not say people were freaks & pervs for engaging in pixel sex as some seem to read into her opening post. She said SL is perceived that way in real life. I said she was kind of right...SL is perceived that way by many outsiders because I've seen that written in many posts on the forums. It's not hardly a new perception. This kind of perception of SL appears in many posts on the forum from "them". To me, the "them" are outsiders or those generalizing about SL. Here is what the OP said: SECONDLIFE is AWESOME … but it tends to get a bad wrap! Some people in RL have come to think of it as a place for freaks & pervs, because it is, to them … ALL ABOUT the ('Pixel') SEX!!
  11. To Luca, as far as what you wrote in your OP...I pretty much agree with everything Janet Voxel has said in regards to the "gamification" aspects. I think Janet has nailed it here other than a possible problem in that socialization may be a bit difficult due to the heavy resources of the newer un-optimized content most users prefer. So, content needs to be taken into consideration as well as what most users prefer, and the un-optimized content most users prefer should not go over-looked by the Lindens as to how to support it. It's a money maker for the Lindens too; the future is here and goes beyond the old Classic avatars now. adding: BOM seems to make avatar complexity a whole lot lower than it used to be and can cut avatar complexity in half if not more as long as no jewelry is added. AND, the FPS increase about 12-18 for me with a BOM avatar (in crowded places - definitely an improvement for crowded places). LL is also supposedly going to cloud servers or has? (I'm not sure if completed yet) but cloud servers may reduce lag as well, although some have suggested lag could increase. But, perhaps BOM and cloud servers may improve the socialization of SL or at least provide the means to have more socialization if desired without jelly dollie. This BOM/cloud server transition is just currently taking place AND during perhaps the heaviest traffic load in history for the internet with stay at home issues due to the coronavirus. So, the true effects of BOM/cloud server and lag improvement may not fully be known for a while due to many being at home now because the internet itself is lagged at this time.
  12. Yeah this too ^^^ Right on! Right on! To expand on no undo feature: As the system stands now with copy/modify, many users don't even know what that means. What copy/modify means is that you make a copy first and then attempt to modify it, that way you still have the original. But, what Molly suggests is really what's needed because most users will not understand what copy/modify was originally intended for in that you copy first prior to any attempts of your own modification. And, this misunderstanding of step 1) Copy the item and Step 2) Now begin to modify the item has led to just about rigged everything and there are many avatars that cannot use rigged period, leading to more confusion.
  13. I basically agree with things Beth, TDD and Penny brought up but also did not read the whole thread yet. Their points were enough to go on for me for now. The 17-year-old "old betsy" could use an overhaul to accommodate for the extremely resource heavy mesh avatars. I mean does LL really think 90 of the current mesh heavy avatars can fit per region? It is probably more like 20 resource heavy mesh avatars per region. I've wondered about this? Am I right? Am I wrong? Can 90 of these resource heavy mesh avatars honestly fit and work per region? I think it's a little out of touch with reality but I'd like to hear what other's have to say on this. TDD123 on first page mentions a way to optimize texture problem in SL. Beth suggested a way for Strawberry Linden to communicate inworld upon arrival via videos. There are TV's available now where everyone can watch the videos no matter what time they arrive. Inworld videos sounds like a fantastic idea. As far as the old viewer coupled with new technology avatars....?????????????????
  14. I think she is making the assumption that giving up sex opens the door to our creative "dreams" being fulfilled. However, there is no way to know how each individual creative person lives their rl/sl nor how each person budgets their time. One of my favorite creator/friends is married and works a full time job, and is an incredible talent in SL too! So, it's not so cut and dried as she has written. She brought up an interesting point to me when it comes to "time" and creativity but it's not sex only that can take up our time...it's a variety of things that can; mostly family or job. I think she is also saying that SL has broadened it's landscape which anyone who has ever visited Editor's Picks would know that there is an incredible virtual world here beyond the "cybersex". She has pigeon-holed a lot of things (if you read the above) that some may have taken as "flaming" a bit. And, I hope she doesn't feel I'm actually talking about her...but rather I'm talking about what she wrote.
  15. Yes, some people from the outside do think that is what SL is...not to mention newbies that enter our IM, being one or two days old, with a "wanna come see my place" kind of thing like certain newbies think we are here for only one thing or their entertainment. It turned me off...it has turned many I know off. But, what she said isn't something I haven't heard quite a lot of times before, is what I was saying. But, to give a synopsis of what she states further down in the OP saying something like 'those that gave up bed jumping in SL are the reason SL is so great now' is kind of lalaland.
  16. I'm only learning how to paint on textures right now and it's not easy. The main creator's can make it look easy, but easy it's not. I've worked 12-hour days on a few projects. But, to those mentioning sex and creativity, do you mean for SL? Well, we know sex is a large part of SL. But once we enter a relationship that is demanding of our time and energies, our creativity time can become a battle. Our significant other may want most of our free time and attention. I have experienced this battle for time in RL when dealing with creativity and a relationship. My relationship always won out until things settled a bit and then I'd structure my time to have my art when I could. Balancing a relationship and art is not easy. The mechanics of making certain things work for the SL avatars is more a part of a need for a virtual world. Yes, it's a kind of art and creativity but not so much as other kinds of art that are made up off the top of our head. Though it's said art is 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration. Art is a lot of work period. Balancing the two, in my experience, is very hard.
  17. I thought the three dots indicate something missing and the four dots are for an end which is not an end. The four dots meaning "to be continued". I will need to check up on it. Yet I think some of the odd way certain posts appear on forums is because of texting. Because of those small texting keypads on phones being difficult to work, people stopped using punctuation plus put weird things to indicate one sentence moving to another, such as even slashes / Example: I went to the store / the bank was closed / how are you feeling? Weird kind of writing came out of the texting age plus a lot of abbreviations. This is very deep. Does it have a name like existentialism or any name in particular? Not that you are speaking about existentialism; I'm just using it as an example name.
  18. It's a lot to read in the opening post...but she also didn't say residents who never have pixel sex...she said those who aren't "focused" on pixel sex. A lot of us aren't. In my experience, I am either open to it or I am not. Attraction is a very mysterious thing. It just happens when you least expect it. Although I wrote to the Op, I don't think our sex or lack of sex has much to do with creativity. Creativity is not something anyone can turn on or off like a faucet. Creativity is a very mysterious thing too. It just sort of "happens".
  19. I think the "them" she is referring to in her OP are outsiders who view SL as just a world of residents looking for pixel sex. There have been threads I've read where women don't even want to receive IM's because they get a little sick of being asked for "too much", "too soon". SL can be a rather forward place and lack romance quite a bit when sometimes an avatar would just like to dance not be asked "do you want to....." But, I wanted to write something off topic in regards to what Beth wrote here. The rumors...the rumors of the rich and famous in Second Life. I heard a rumor that the first resident who invented "the slex bed" became a millionaire as he had a monopoly on the first slex bed for quite some time. Once others began to figure out how he made the bed, the SL market was then flooded with them. So, apparently that rumor could be wrong. I thought it possible when I heard it. In some ways I think the OP was misunderstood but she wrote a lot in her opening post. I was wondering if she was trying to dispel the myths of Second Life being just a pixel sex world in her first paragraph and that there is a vast world to SL?
  20. I vaguely recall the movie too...but what I do recall is (in my bad synopsis), she ends up finding herself and getting divorced in the end but she ends up with another person. And, it seems you are saying you found yourself recently (from what I read in your OP)...or are kind of saying you've found a new direction for your life. That's cool. I think there is some response regarding what you wrote in your OP about the sexual aspect of SL. I've read in many threads where people say SL is perceived that way quite a lot by outsiders. Many of us know SL can be whatever we want it to be since we, more or less, have to create our SL ourselves. As to the stereotypes of SL...I think what people are saying in this thread is our sexuality or lack of sexuality doesn't have anything to do with who created what here in SL, other than your suggestion that not engaging in pixel sex allowed more time to create. You wrote a lot in your opening post. If you are looking to connect with creative people on a non-sexual level, I think you can do that in SL. I mean, find this part of yourself and explore it without a commitment kind of love/sex or just sex relationship in SL. That shouldn't be a problem.
  21. OP: When I saw the title I was expecting a "Desperately Seeking Susan" kind of thread and wondered who "him" was. Desperately Seeking Susan was a movie made in the 1980's. So, after reading this thread...there is no "him"? What's up with the title then? Whom or what are you seeking? A relationship? Those tags say relationship.
  22. If you are a Classic avatar, the only animation facial hud I know of is one for smiling plus a few other faces. Like this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SERENADE-HUD-SMILES/4901362 If you'd like to have a more animated avatar, you need a mesh avatar that is Bento which most come with facial/hand expression huds or you buy facial and hand animation huds separately. As far as wave or clap for a Classic avatar, I've never seen that actually work either. Maybe someone has more info for you on animation gestures for your avatar. The gestures Blaise is speaking about are written gestures that you play such as: I love this tune! with wingdings and symbols and sometimes sounds that play also. Most people hate them. I like them though if tasteful, simple and not overwhelming. adding: I believe the OP is speaking about the gestures that come with the viewer. I could not get wave nor clap to work either when I tried them as a newbie.
  23. The right to privacy is a basic human right. We all have the right to privacy. I don't use security orbs because I hate messing around with them but I still prefer for people to ask before entering. I stated I let my landlord's know I am not using a security orb and my landlord's have told me to let them know if I have any problems and they will take care of it. I haven't had any major problems with people being over-friendly as though it were their home. I'd prefer to put an invisi-prim in front of the door. I have used invisi-prims in many homes as I like my privacy to dress plus create. When I am creating, I'm concentrating and I don't want that concentration broken because making stuff in SL is not easy. The creator's can make it look easy but it is far from it.
  24. Other than those who saved Jews from Nazi Germany, it was the people who helped some of the European artworks from being stolen or destroyed. Whenever I go to a museum, I am so glad that many of these paintings were "saved". But, if I am going to pick one person, Rosa Parks Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (February 4, 1913 – October 24, 2005) was an American activist in the civil rights movement best known for her pivotal role in the Montgomery bus boycott. The United States Congress has called her "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement".[1]
  25. Ha! Yep! That's a good one...kind of like real life "beware of dog or cat" signs. Or even in real life people put signs in their yard that they have a security protection system. But, for many, I could see signs could be kind of ugly. Or, how about this...you could take out the word Idaho and put the name of your home into the photo. You leave the attractions blank because in Idaho, there are no attractions. lol
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