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Lyssa Greymoon

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Everything posted by Lyssa Greymoon

  1. China locked down Wuhan on January 24th. The WHO declared it "a public health emergency of international concern" on the 30th. Donald Trump spent the next month golfing, holding campaign rallies and telling everyone that everything was fine, it was a Democratic hoax and cornonavirus would miraculously disappear. But China and the WHO are the bad guys. 🙄
  2. I love to hear people pronounce "aluminum" with five syllables. "al-oo-min-ee-um"
  3. Don't bottom out your graphics settings, that can make things worse. I like running Firestorm because it's easy to configure for potato computers, and I think it's probably still the most popular viewer. So I'll use it for screen shots. The first thing I do with an old laptop is ditch the mechanical hard drive for an SSD. If you're not comfortable messing around inside a laptop or don't want to throw more money at it, you don't need to, but this really helps any computer. In graphics settings I'll highlight the important settings: Set draw distance to your taste. I find between 88 and 128 is usually pretty good. Run the texture memory buffer as high as it will go, if that's less than 1024MB, check enable lossy texture compression too. Finally: If you use the Linden viewer, the settings are basically the same, just not in the same place (click the "Advanced" button in graphics preferences to find them). You're limited to 512MB of texture memory (because it's still 2009 I guess) and you have to use debug settings to access a few of the options (like streamed VBOs).
  4. Just put on the "Greg" library avatar and don't try to overthink it. That'll get you about 90% there. The other 10% is to act like you don't care if your freebie socket wrench matches the rest of your avatar and not to overact like the characters in the aforementioned sim did.
  5. The prank they insist wasn't a prank? What's the deal, was it real or does someone on the Firestorm team need to be hit in the head with a shovel for trying to make April Fools a multi-day event?
  6. If the best way someone can think of to express pride in their heritage is to post the lyrics from their favorite Nazi song, yeah, okay. You might be an ***** if... I don't see how there's any question about deleting anything I'd have bought from them. Most of the stuff in SL only costs a few cents anyway. Throw it away and buy one that wasn't made by a Nazi. Or at least put it in a folder labeled "Things I can never use again but it hurts so much to throw anything away". You know why IBM and VW are terrible analogies to Nazi guy from the OP? Because they aren't celebrating Nazis now. VWs don't play the Horst Wessel Song when you turn the key (at least I don't think they do, I drive a Hyundai) and IBM took the SS off their customer success stories web page like eighty years ago.
  7. The big downside being in this bizarro world there are so many people so stupid they’ll believe anything.
  8. I have a hard time seeing the downside of stuffing 100,000 Republicans into an enclosed arena right now.
  9. I do not understand this methodology. Is it for all persons or just working age adults? According to JHU, the case-fatality rate in the US for all persons is almost 6%. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality
  10. No. The only places I can find audio connectors locally anymore are music stores and it seems like they carry everything except 1/8" TRS plugs.
  11. The easy answer was, have a functioning public heath system that is able to quickly and effectively track cases and isolate infected people before they can spread it all over the place. That opportunity passed three months ago when our valiant leaders decided the best course of action would be to pretend nothing was wrong and it would all go away in a few days. Then our leaders were Mayor Vaughn from Jaws. Now they're Captain Tupelov from The Hunt for Red October disabling the safeties on his torpedoes.
  12. In a country with a third world health care system and a significant percentage of the population who think asking them to wear a damn mask into Trader Joe’s is tantamount to marching them into the gas chambers, it’s basically;
  13. Earbuds that always break the same way, a frayed wire right at the connector. So I could cut it off and soldier another connector on, but Radio Shack went out of business and no one else in town has them so I go to order them online and I can get them at B&H but I can get free shipping if I just spend $49 so I spend an hour looking around and trying to justify $40 of extra crap I don't need then just emptying my cart and staring at the pile of broken earbuds on my desk in despair.
  14. The "you're not the boss of me" militia probably would, but they aren't going to listen anyway.
  15. A first century Jewish theologian would totally be down with lesbians. Sounds legit.
  16. Yes. She asked me if I could back up what I said, then edited her post to do exactly that. I think I’m being trolled.
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