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Lyssa Greymoon

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Everything posted by Lyssa Greymoon

  1. How do you look up keys? I'm thinking the calling card you originally got with their friend request will probably have their original username on it. So if you can look that up by key, boom, you'll have their original username.
  2. Buy another change to “Steve”. Or open a ticket and claim “Joe” was a typo, and could they please fix it. Because you totally meant to type “Steve”.
  3. Interacting Galaxies Arp 81 Arp 81 is a pair of interacting galaxies consisting of NGC 6621 (center) and NGC 6622 (left). The encounter has pulled a long tail out of NGC 6621 that has now wrapped behind the pair.
  4. This is what the inside of a middle school science textbook looks like, governor 💩4🧠.
  5. Hand they keys over to Skynet and everything will be fine, meatbags.
  6. Every time I read that I see the wrong word. Because I am a bad person.
  7. One apple will build Maxim guns and shoot all the other apples.
  8. It does not look like it. I don't see an option to sign up as a premium user on the signup page, but I have poor attention to detail.
  9. Dealing with the people stuck with Resident would have been a lot easier if they'd just done it when they came up with the name change scheme. Or when they realized "Resident" was a stupid idea and rolled out display names.
  10. They could have just brought them back at the registration portal any time over the last ten years.
  11. Ichibara Yeetly Littlepaws Conundrum Banana Timmerman Pancake Vanilla Covfefe Ravenhurst Wumpkins Enchantment Nova Dismantled Huntsman Doge Cloud Float Bellisserian Mercury Lemongrass Takeda Atheria Rowley Nimble Leeder Piggins Kiyori Dallas Mysterious Whimsy Mainsail Salty Plumday Alpaca Puddles Peppermint Damballar Dexem Voxel Jazzhands Crisp Rummrunner Heartsong Hijinks Melodious Alpha
  12. I’d go for an Nvidia GTX and an SSD for a boot drive.
  13. It’s data through April 4th. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/COVID19/index.htm
  14. More than 512MB texture cache. It makes no sense anymore. If you’re running a video card from 2004 or a fake card, too bad.
  15. It was for a couple days on NYT, but it's back behind their paywall now.
  16. Graphics drivers are from 2017, that could use updating.
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