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Lyssa Greymoon

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Everything posted by Lyssa Greymoon

  1. I know there's this whole centuries of institutional racism, but let's not lose focus on the real injustice. Someone burned down an Autozone. This outrage will not stand! There are times I cannot wait for Skynet to become self-aware.
  2. It’s not the case of George Floyd, that’s just the latest (well, last week it was) incident in a very long line of examples of institutionalized racism. The cop who murdered George Floyd is bad, but that doesn’t mean the rest of them are. And the ones who stood there while he did it. And all the others who have done the same thing. And all the ones who have covered for them.
  3. Wait, what, that's what it means? Oh dear God... this is catastrophically bad news.
  4. I may eventually take people off ignore, but for the time being I don't think the chances of them contributing anything of value outweigh the potential harm of continuing to interact with them. I'd like to be all noble and just scroll paste the fire hose of idiocy, but I can resist anything but temptation. Maybe they have something useful to contribute, but I didn't see it before adding them to the list and I'll just risk missing that gem of wisdom at the bottom of a mountain of poo filled with razor blades.
  5. If someone insists on repeating racist rhetoric, there is one conclusion that is not unreasonable.
  6. All lives don't matter until black lives matter. I think that's not an entirely terrible idea. It lets is talk about the subsequent 155 years that have been sub-optimal.
  7. I'll bet they get away with it anyway. Every cop in the country knows everything they do is on film, likely from more than one camera and they don't care.
  8. Actual peeve: Microsoft always pushes their new feature updates to my oldest, crappiest computer first. What? Who wants new features on computers they actually use? That's madness!
  9. I didn't until this week. Now two people reside on my block list, and it's mostly for other people's benefit. I don't think anything good can come from interacting with the first person, and that's all I have to say about that. The second one is Captain Jackwagon who spent yesterday evening crapping up the BLM thread. I think removing the temptation to make any more replies to his gibbering and potentially helping get the thread locked was in everyone's interest.
  10. I know I’m thankful that Las Vegas is the only American city to suffer from a mass shooting, or Boston from terrorism.
  11. The United States was built on systematic racism that continues to this day. This is an indisputable fact and there is no valid argument against it. It goes beyond policing and permeates every aspect of society. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. We have a problem, and it's a whole lot more than bad, unaccountable cops.
  12. I don't know if any of the countries on the good third of that list are that eager for a wave of American refugees. That means I'd have to learn English. 😬
  13. Or they're intentionally making it harder to convict him. ETA, after hearing more details, it sounds like 2nd degree murder is a more appropriate charge and will be easier to get a conviction than for 3rd degree murder.
  14. It's a racist dog whistle. "All lives matter" (so let's stop talking about the systematic oppression of black citizens, okay?).
  15. Oh, not at all. Everyone should read fascist propaganda to know where they're coming from.
  16. Thanks, I'll remember that when I see anything from the Australian media from now on.
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