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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. FS has tried to get LL to add certain features to the official viewer over the years. LL has declined. It's been about 10 years now so I doubt LL will ever add the pose stand to the official viewer if it hasn't already been included.
  2. I have heard "chaps my hide" and "burns my bum/butt", but this is a new one to me. I see Clarence the cross-eyed our silly lion was brave enough to ask what I dared not! This is not meant as an insult, it's meant in good humor. I loved Clarence.
  3. I just open up an IM to an alt or three and start dragging LMs into the chat bar. I seem to remember dragging whole folders of LMs. I know I've dropped bunches of LMs into a full perm box prim and passed them that way. 🤷‍♀️ Oh, and notecards. Don't forget dragging and dropping LMs into a notecard to pass.
  4. In other words, treat everyone as if they were an unruly child, regardless of the issue or adult behavior. No, thank you.
  5. Then the griefers would immediately know they had been blocked when your av suddenly disappears, so they immediately log in an alt and round and round and round we go. No, thank you.
  6. I wasn't addressing the flaws in the system, simply pointing out LL does try to keep people from gaming the system. I have never, in the nearly 20 years I've been in SL, left my account logged in overnight. Not ever. My pc gets shut down every night, unless I happen to be so tired, I somehow forget. That's usually just the monitor though. 🤭
  7. It's worth noting that what Qie says here is the very reason LL requires bots to be registered as scripted agents so that they do NOT contribute to the concurrency distribution, at all. It came about because they realized people would use bots to game traffic. There are plenty of people who leave their regular accounts logged in 24/7. This has been going on since the day LL stopped forcing logouts and allowed people to stay logged in as long as they want, or their computer/connection is capable of. There used to be debates on the old forums about whether or not one should leave their avatar logged in 24/7, mostly because back then it was a good way to melt your pc while you slept.
  8. That's what reviews and yep, even surveys are for. "Tell us how we are doing!" And if we're really screwing up that badly, we'll fix it!
  9. Normally it comes out looking more like this because the name of the poster doesn't show. And then like this again. You can also use the " (quote) icon at the top of the text editor to create each quote box. Enjoy!
  10. It's not hard using copy/paste and the bbcode [quote] <insert section here> [/quote ] (remove space before last ]) for each section or instead of copy/paste use the Cut tool so it removes the text and you can still paste it in the new quote box you just made with the bbcode.
  11. [Successful] Companies are supposed to have already done the research and already know their "target audience" before they ever open the doors to the public.
  12. Your words. The emphasized part in red is victim blaming.
  13. Somewhere around 2005 or so there was a viewer release that caused the grid to be down for several days. Then there was the time when they'd rolled out an update and the grid was down for a week. There were quite a few times in the earlier days when the grid was down for days and weeks at a time. Fun times. 🎪
  14. You're not going to bother to explain it? I just love how people always leave me hanging like this. And they wonder why I cop an attitude.
  15. We can already choose between using an inworld browser and an external browser. The feature was in the official client in 2005 and I'm pretty sure it was there in 2004 so I'm not sure where you are trying to go with this.
  16. 😳 I have never in my life ever been that bored. I hope, if I ever do become that bored, I get a free ride into space.
  17. Happy Rez Day. Been in SL 18 years, about to be 19 in a couple of months. Honestly, SL's impact on my life has not exactly been all that positive. It's somewhere to go when there is nowhere else. There's never anywhere else to go any more.
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