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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Blasphemy! Gods don't need wings. 🤭
  2. In addition, never use your home parcel for a pick because you just gave everyone a TP link to your land.
  3. They already do it for grins n giggles (and yes I am gi*ggling) but are they really getting grins n giggles if no one can see what they are doing and protest? Where's the fun in that? They might be giddy at first but once they realize they're not getting a response what then? They stop that's what because they aren't getting anything out of it. If the abuser can be seen it will escalate because they get a response (of any kind). If the abuser can't be seen there is no response, no escalation and the abuser is left hanging high and dry. Will the abuser go to another victim? Mostly likely but unlike in RL there are only so many people in SL and sooner or later they will run out of easy pickings targets. LL has already worked through all this numerous times over the years and each time they come to the same conclusion. The tools, as they are, are more than sufficient for dealing with griefers and SL stalkers. If it goes from SL to RL, it's out of LL's hands and needs to involve law enforcement.
  4. Wouldn't that get pretty boring rather quickly? They do it for the response. If there is no response and the first and second alts get blocked, is there a point to continuing with the alts? It's pretty rare for there to be just that one person in SL that nothing will stop them until LL hauls them into court and they get slapped with more than a fine. So rare that it's never happened. Most of the time, the tools we already have are more than sufficient to take care of the issues (once RZ was booted off the grid). Adding more features to those tools is only going to end up bogging the client down even further.
  5. Peeved I don't pass the DD litmus test. 🤭 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/constructive-wallowing/201501/are-you-debbie-downer#:~:text=If you tend to feel,Debbie (or Danny) Downer.
  6. I don't disagree. I'm just going to say that I think it was a bit of both. Something I would normally expect from one but not the other. The insensitivity of others isn't something that has ever been easy for me to deal with thanks to my brothers. Thank you.
  7. Peeve: People assuming they know things about others when they don't. The problem with this is they've already made up their minds about you before ever getting to know you and nothing you say or do will ever change that. It's not your problem, it's theirs. I think the term for that is projection.
  8. Even those of us who have been in [SL] since (or almost since) day 1 are still learning new SL things every day in SL. 😁
  9. This. I'm not in a position at the moment to go find them but I do remember seeing things inworld that would direct new users to said info if the new user has already figured out, they have to click on the board (or whatever method is used). Back in the day, I almost didn't make it all the way through Orientation. From what I've been hearing today's Orientation is a vast improvement. Not that it can't use more improvement, just that it has vastly improved over the years and it's mostly on the users to actually do the research. Like older residents, LL can only point them in the right direction. It's been my experience that a lot of users don't follow through and just say they do. That doesn't come out until you've been trying to help them for a while only for them to finally admit they didn't do all the steps or didn't even bother to do anything. What I'm saying is, LL does point new users in the right direction but it's on the new user to follow through with it. Too many don't because they aren't getting that instant gratification.
  10. Thank you so much for assuming you know my intentions. You don't. I'm done.
  11. Scroll down to see all the educational vids for SLUniversity and tutorials. Maybe I'm looking at things crossed eyed, but it seems to me LL already does this. Maybe people should slow down a bit and actually look for things instead of trying to rush through everything like they do in RL every day? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5dsLkNZX9pVgmEHpJX9QCA Edit: I thought this was cool. Pretty consistent with what we were talking about yesterday but I'll be damned if the term will come to mind at the moment.: Edit2: Concurrency! That's the word and I'm sticking to it!
  12. I asked a question right off the bat. You didn't answer that question. A simple yes or no would have sufficed instead of being so aggressive towards me. I'm not talking about taking stalking FROM SL into RL. I'm saying the exact opposite. He was a RL stalker who escalated to stalking me online and was in SL at the time for one reason only. To find me. Next time, make certain you actually answer an honest question before going off on someone in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
  13. You don't consider the stalker taking it from RL into SL as stalking? Damn. I should have told my RL stalker that when he was trying to find me IN SL. Thankfully cancer killed him before he could find me.
  14. It was for me and still is for the most part. We don't all have the same experiences from our early days. If people have to learn all this stuff before ever even logging into the grid, they will never log in to the grid.
  15. This isn't the first time this has to be pointed out and it likely won't be the last time. LL does NOT inform residents of any actions taken by LL against another resident. LL does NOT inform residents of any actions taken by LL against another resident.
  16. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/anger-management/art-20045434
  17. I haven't heard of it happening in over 10 years now. As I recall it's a router/routing (not modem) issue.
  18. Most of what is in the Library is not really usable other than learning how to build and a place to grab a default avatar when you experience a really difficult bake fail. I don't remember there being any swords but the torch was... well... subpar. Granted the thing is from 2003 but still. lol
  19. Have you ever tried to get LL to add an object to the Library? It's not going to happen. We're stuck with the less than 5000 Library items. In the nearly 20 years I've been in SL, LL has updated the Library a grand total of once (1) when mesh was introduced.
  20. FS eliminated the need to use Avatar Appearance and a static pose from your inventory for adjusting clothing, attachments etc. I use the FS poser in place of Appearance and/or static poses/stands.
  21. Oh good. I was hoping that is what you meant. lol 😊 A wee wee means you might not need to change your underwear. 🤭
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