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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. True, but when speaking with others who don't know much about SL describing it as a creative platform covers everything. That includes the SLex. Or is someone going to admit to not being creative during sex? 🙃🤭 There is creativity behind everything in SL.
  2. I think I will just continue with loading my creations with good quality basic ingle and couple anim and allow my customers to add the one they like and remove the one they don't like. That seem to make most people happy regardless of gender/gender preference or whatever it' being called thee day. I need a new keyboard. I think my wormlike key has given up the ghost finally and spellcheck isn't quite that far in catching the typo.
  3. Thank you for putting it all into words. You said everything I've been wanting to say for a very long time but have bitten my tongue because fallout.
  4. She needs to make sure the Received Item folder is visible in Inventory. fs_inventory [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki] (firestormviewer.org)
  5. Peeve: People who think everyone else is just like they are and become rabid dogs at the mere mention of someone being different.
  6. In addition to what Rowan said, it's a feature that's been around since Emerald days, about 15 years. Here's more info:
  7. It prevents trolls from being able to flood the forum with offensive threads and posts.
  8. It would certainly help if people would stop reading more into my words that what is actually there. And stop giving useless for me advice when it isn't asked for. I stated my opinion. You don't agree. You aren't going to force me to change or downsize my SL to make you happy. It's already so small I don't log in near as much. It's not up to you if I stay or go. Nothing left to discuss.
  9. Or not leaving my parcel. That's not a solution. I would much prefer to leave well enough alone. I'm not the bad guy in this, no matter how hard you try to make me be. There' no point in trying to lessen what I see. It's already at bare minimum. My point is stop trying to force others to see more of what they no longer want to see. It' a two-way street.
  10. Advertising. It's everywhere you go RL and SL. Sex sells. I don't need to go looking for it. It's even here on the forum, this very thread. Sex gets mentioned pretty much every day. It's kind of hard to not know it exits when it's right in front of you. People talk about it all the time. It's everywhere you look. After so many decades of it, I don't want to see it anymore. Call it oversaturation. I doubt I'm the only one that feels that way.
  11. Yep. Club operators tend to see things others don't. I rather doubt they put that in the movie though. 🤭
  12. There's a chain of local stores called Made in Oregon. Looks to me like that is what the movie is going to be about. (No, not about Made in Oregon but about Made in SL.) https://madeinoregon.com/about-us
  13. 🤣 Did he finally stop using canned shows? He gave himself away years ago.
  14. My drop down looks exactly like Coffee's. It doesn't change.
  15. Please speak for yourself. I'm one of the oldbies (2004) that didn't join SL for sex and even after almost 20 years is still an SL virgin. That isn't going to change. What will change is me logging in less and less the more sex is pushed into my face until I no longer log in ever again. I won't be the only one. The worst thing LL can do is start pushing their current customers that really don't care about SLex away. "I had to quit because it was nothing but sex." isn't a good thing either. This is the reputation LL does NOT want and has been battling for nearly 2 decades now. Six of one, half a dozen of another.
  16. I noticed that the Adult section isn't the only one not listed on the drop down. Official Contests and Answers were left off the drop down as well. Someone has not been doing the job properly.
  17. Take some time to go through the menus in the viewer you use. Features aren't hidden, you just have to know where to look. The best way to do that is... look at the menus and the extended menus. Then turn Advanced on and look at those menus. Then turn on Develop and look at those menus. Do plan on doing this over a period of time because some of the menus are a bit extensive depending on which viewer you use. And be very careful dinking around in Develop. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_3_menus#Advanced https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Develop_menu Or you can cheat: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_3_menus
  18. lmao 🤣 Like I haven't known all that for decades. I didn't say I clicked the wrong thing, I said I had to go looking for it after the popup goes away because I was a bit slow in reacting. You seem to be under the impression I need help/am asking for help. I don't and I'm not. Thank you though.
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