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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Those who log in invisible don't show up on that list. Just saying.
  2. What part of "power goes out" (as in all the electricity in your house shuts off when a transformer blows) didn't make sense? Or were you just filling in info I didn't bother with because most people get pissy when I do?
  3. No "restore previous session" for when the power goes out and the pc reboots? Both Chrome and Edge have it. Was glad of it earlier when our power flickered. Peeve: I always have to hunt for it when I miss the popup.
  4. What a wild coincidence. A book series I was reading a while back had the same idea in it. Someone carrying a red Sharpie around and correcting the grammar on all the missing pets and people flyers, posters etc. It didn't matter what it was, if it had a typo, the character would correct it if she saw it. I think it was one of the novels of the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. If not, then it was a similar series I found on Kindle Unlimited. Whichever one it was, the character was a close friend of the main character. I thought of it as the "brighter side" of OCD. It didn't harm anyone; it actually helped people. And it was just eccentric enough to be amusing rather than horrifying. So, I guess the answer to your question would be fictional characters and bookkeepers. Maybe your mom read the same book? Is she a teacher or bookkeeper? Both are known to carry red ink pens around. I am trying to be helpful, not hurtful.
  5. Perhaps they should focus on equalizing the cultures of their own countries and accomplish that before tackling it worldwide. If everyone cleans up their own backyards, they won't need to worry about the neighbor's.
  6. Didn't someone say you already had that covered not long ago?
  7. I'll be back when I figure out what, if anything, the heckin heck an LG hi-def tv has to do with it. Mine works just fine tyvm and has an excellent picture quality even if it is almost 10 years old. 😋
  8. That's the problem. No one cares. You didn't even care enough to notice the article is 25 years old (1998) not just a couple of years old and if you had actually read it, you'd see how it is still applicable to today. If people want to keep celebrating violence that's on them. I won't be participating.
  9. https://www.southcoasttoday.com/story/opinion/1998/03/27/we-celebrate-violence-so-why/50570596007/
  10. Boxing without gloves. Violence. I'll never understand why people want to celebrate violence but apparently, they do.
  11. I'm in my 60s although I'm fortunate to only have so very few gray hairs no one notices yet and I am definitely not attractive. Now add being female and First Nations into that mix. She isn't nearly as bad off as she wants people to believe. Like I said she doesn't know what being invisible TO SOCIETY*, not just the people around you, means. *US society
  12. I have no clue what you mean with this, but I am not going to continue helping you derail yet another thread.
  13. If you are First Nations, then I apologize. If you are not, then all I can tell you is you don't know what it means for us when we say we are invisible to society.
  14. I'm pretty sure you don't but that is getting way off topic.
  15. We could always do UN celebrations https://www.un.org/en/observances Like this one: https://www.un.org/en/observances/indigenous-day Image caption: Women from all over Côte d'Ivoire gather to celebrate International Women's Day at the Palais de la Culture in Abidjan. © UN Photo/Ky Chung
  16. LL gets a good bit of benefit from RFL. LL stands to lose quite a bit of revenue if RFL were to ever close up shop. Think about that carefully before thinking LL wouldn't lose anything.
  17. Why would LL endorse and/or help to promote something that LL doesn't get some kind of benefit from? It is a business after all.
  18. Sorry. To me this sounds more like the residents do all the [unpaid] work while LL reaps all benefits. Seems more than a bit one sided.
  19. Do you have any idea what it feels like to be invisible to society?
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