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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. https://tracxn.com/d/companies/improbable/__CczH7Y8Dhu54YN3ecByJV4D4p3BpUxYx32V7J1ymsEU See also: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/08070525/officers
  2. I'm not saying any merchant that doesn't use HUDs should rush out and start buying but the MP does have quite a few full perm HUDs (except scripts might be no mod, of course) that really aren't that hard to set up and include with your own products. I wanted a seasonal HUD for my own stuff so when I could I bought one of the lesser expensive but still good quality ones and after a few false starts, it now allows me to do what I wanted. Changes different parts of plants and things to match the seasons. I'm just saying it is doable.
  3. That would be fine if I had money of my own. I don't. I am on SNAP. The rest is on a need to know and you don't.
  4. Peeve: My shopping options keep dwindling because of creators pulling this kind of crap. That's not a sale, that's a rip off. I'm already bare bones on everything and they want to take even that from me.
  5. LL already shut down the thread about this. Twenty-four pages and not a damn thing accomplished other than people being pissy over SLex. Each resident experience is unique.
  6. The way she drops f bombs every other word doesn't help. She must either be Australian or male. 😉
  7. Don't let Scylla see this. I didn't go looking for it but that happens to be the person who made a vid about the art show and swears Scylla is a man because of it.
  8. I see them from time to time as I stumble around the internet. It kind of goes in phases. If I do a lot of searching about SL, I start seeing more ads. If I search something else a lot, I'll see those kinds of ads. If I do little to no searching, I stop seeing them. I don't usually see very many because I don't usually need or do much in the way of searching these days.
  9. We both do! Sometimes we disagree and sometimes we agree. And when we agree, it's beautiful! 🤭
  10. That's not the point I was making. No one has suggested mentors be personal assistants that I have seen. People learn at different "speeds". Some learn more quickly than others so there will be those who will need more than 2 hours. This does not mean that the new person must have the same mentor for the whole learning process. Schools have students move from classroom to classroom with different teachers. The same principle applies to learning the basics of SL. That's how it worked in the past, how it works here on the forum, in support groups inworld, etc. Why should the mentors be any different? There will also be those who may need help beyond a second session. Are we just going to let them slip through the cracks or shouldn't mentors be available for them as well? Most mentors don't use their main accounts for mentoring in the first place. Those who do always regret it.
  11. Thank you. I hate it when I'm thinking one thing and my fingers type something else. Corrected.
  12. It should be noted that the RLV in Firestorm is [strike]Marine's[/strike] Barnet's RLV.
  13. Why does it have to be a short time? Shouldn't people take time to learn? Have you ever had a student learn all multiplication tables in one class session? People need to find their patience and slow down instead of rushing through trying to learn everything all at once. (It can't be done.) I just had a refresher course in that with the new to me game I got off Steam about a month ago. The bright side for me though is I can replay the story and the adventure. There aren't any replays to SL (except maybe in games played within SL for those who want to nitpick).
  14. Adult activities don't necessarily involve sex or any aspect of sex. I go to adult sims/regions, adult events, etc. I just don't engage in SLex in SL. Or do people think I lied when I said I'm married in RL (almost 24 years now)? Do they think I lie when I say I am not interested in SLex because to me that would be cheating on my husband? Do they think I lie when I say I have tried the same thing but in another virtual world (with the man who is now my husband) and it just wasn't for me? SL has had the reputation of being a bordello for nearly 2 decades now. They don't need to advertise the SLex and are not trying to hide it. https://scholarship.law.unc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1134&context=ncjolt (2007) https://www.dw.com/en/german-prosecutors-pursue-child-porn-in-second-life/a-2481582 (2007) https://www.informationweek.com/software/sex-in-second-life-2 (2007) https://chicagoreader.com/arts-culture/cybersex-and-sex-work-in-second-life/ (2020)
  15. I currently play a few, a couple of which I have been playing for several years. Most recently I grabbed Planet Explorers because the devs messed up and now the game is free. I'd love to play some of the expensive games you play but I can't afford to shell out $50, $60 a pop and more to buy games. One of the reasons I am still in SL after nearly 20 years. I get the feeling you're trying to tell me it's ok for other people to bring up other aspects of the situation just not me. You don't have to reply to my posts if you don't want to discuss what I bring up.
  16. If you think I am anything like a cookie cutter, you know nothing about me.
  17. If you truly believe some in SL have never played a game or, as you put it, "other games", I can't help you since SL has never been a game. It is and always has been a creative platform.
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