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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Never had it hit a phone line. I think all of those were buried. Power lines are never buried because they need to be readily accessible for the linemen. Can't access them easily if they are underground, not to mention the high water tables of the area. The building was a commercial building, not a home. The lightening didn't wipe out everything. Just the network cards and the television set. I refuse to have any of my backups on the cloud. I don't trust it and I never will. There are too many out there that can (and will) break in and steal info. It's been made easy for them. From last year: https://www.fastcompany.com/40561871/cloud-security-the-reason-hackers-have-it-so-easy-will-infuriate-you
  2. Jut because it has been done before does not make it right or even legal.
  3. All of the computers and equipment in the building I was talking about were on surge protectors. The problem is, no surge protector will ever be able to fully protect electronics from lightening strikes. Especially if it was a direct strike similar to the one that wiped out all of our network cards and the television.
  4. I've never seen this. If had I would never have gotten the gift because I am not going to go chasing all over the grid wasting my time, which is even more precious to me as I get older. It is really disheartening to see merchants in SL become just as greedy and inconsiderate (to put it mildly) as their corporate counterparts in the US.
  5. Where this occurred was a brick building with a radio tower right next to it and yes the tower belonged to the building and was connected. The lightening hit the tower. I know the building well as I worked in it for a decade and later had my own business in the same building. That was the first time that tower ever got struck by lightening in almost 90 years.
  6. Some sellers on MP have their gachas listed under Building and Objects Components which is where the full perm things go, not gachas, which are never full perms. It is not an accident, it is done deliberately and I flag them every time. Stop listing them where they don't belong. That is abusing the system.
  7. CDS have never been removed from the grid. That was RedZone. I have no idea what you mean by the rest of your post. I do not care.
  8. I'm sorry. There is nothing you can say that will change my mind. I do not buy no copy items. As long as I have been in SL I think I know how to rez a box. 😄
  9. That looks more like a scam than a gimmick to me. There is not a lot of difference between the two. My answer has to be no.
  10. The simplest solution to avoiding things like is one that I employ. Just don't buy the no copy things. If something happened to inventory server side and you lose a gotcha, you just lost your money. I'm not aware of any redelivery for gotchas. I do deliberately call them gotchas because to me that is what they are. The sellers got you to throw your money away and are singing all the way to bank. They gotcha. IMO, gotchas are a one armed bandit scam. I'd rather not waste what little money I have.
  11. After having lost several network cards and an excellent television to a lightening strike almost 20 years ago, I never leave my computers running if I am not at home or sleeping. I was lucky it didn't fry my mobos and a few other things.
  12. I never said it wasn't and those words were written by Skills several years ago. No, I am not Skills. People are telling me things I have known for years and years. Stop it.
  13. Funny thing that. I was part of the people who fought to get RedZone and CDS off the grid. Those last two tings, in my book, are a huge, hard no.
  14. Rock-a-bye, baby, in the treetopWhen the wind blows, the cradle will rockWhen the bough breaks, the cradle will fallAnd down will come baby, cradle and all
  15. Almond Joy's got nutz, Mounds don't. I love almonds. Both have raw coconut. YUCK!
  16. I'm sorry. A lot of people aren't even aware they can add to Quick Prefs. Your post gave me the impression you were one that wasn't. I understand. I don't like having to constantly change hover height and half the time I don't bother unless my feet are buried up to my ankles. It gets to be a PITA after a while and my eyesight is steadily failing. I'd rather it be my hearing. I could stand not hearing because I already have hearing loss, but, I couldn't stand to not be able to see.
  17. Last I heard Cristiano was having a couple of major problems with getting SLU archived so it may never happen. As long as it has been, I think he has given up on it. Which is a shame. There was over a decade's worth of useful information on SLU.
  18. If you are on FS, open your Quick Prefs then click on the little wrench in the bottom right corner to add preferences to Quick Prefs. Here's how: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_quick_preferences Just scroll down a little to Adding/Removing Settings.
  19. @Alrik Halberd Just got this notice from the FS support team.
  20. Preferences > Firestorm > Protection > Enable Spam Protection Or just open Prefs and search for spam.
  21. Inventory issues are server side. File a support ticket with LL.
  22. So just stirring the pot rather than let sleeping dogs lie. ok
  23. Skills is not the evil people try to make her be. In Skill's own words:
  24. Two computers doing the same thing. Try rebooting your modem/router. Or get redeliveries on all.
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