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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I said/did nothing of the sort. It wasn't implied either so don't even try that. You're barking up the wrong tree.
  2. The state is already on fire and this idiot goes around setting more. It has nothing to do with the off topic discussion yet everything to do with the OP topic. Go figure.
  3. No words. Just no words. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/man-arrested-for-starting-at-least-7-brush-fires-along-i-205/ar-BB191bIo?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=msedgntp
  4. My post wasn't aimed at those who are discussing global climate change. It was aimed at those who discussing global warming as if it were climate change. They're the ones who aren't on the same page as everyone else. Find a way to eliminate the "everything is disposable" society that exists now (within the past 40 years roughly) and half the battle is won. Humans have become overly wasteful and it needs to slow way down since there is no way to force every single human being to stop wasting so much of, well, everything. Food included.
  5. Some of you are discussing global climate change, the rest of you are talking about global warming. Maybe try getting on the same page? https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/what-difference-between-global-warming-and-climate-change-1?qt-news_science_products=0#qt-news_science_products
  6. People who believe the fires in Oregon were set by Antifa are fools. https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2020/09/rumors-about-antifa-wildfires-in-oregon-are-false-law-enforcement-says.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/09/11/fact-check-oregon-fires-were-not-set-antifa-any-other-activists/3460386001/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/antifa-starting-fires-oregon/ https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/2020/09/10/proud-boys-antifa-starting-fires-oregon-rumors-doused-officials/3465482001/ https://www.newsweek.com/oregon-deputy-placed-leave-after-falsely-blaming-antifa-wildfires-1531542
  7. Even the ones that spit fire. Thankfully, she isn't an acid peeing faerie.
  8. Maybe he realized the Catholic way isn't the only way? Maybe he realized he could reach more people if he opened his mind more? but you're right. None of the organized religions can stick to their beliefs when it comes to themselves. Everyone else has to toe the line but they (not just Catholics) get forgiven every day. Screw that.
  9. Sometimes, you and I are like two peas in a pod. Sometimes. *whaps you over the head with a rolled up Enquirer my grandmother used to read. Who also, thanks to the Enquirer, believed Nixon to be gay and therefore refused to vote for him. No other reason other than the Enquirer claimed he was gay. Now stop reading the gossip rags! lol
  10. I'll keep that in mind if my house burns down.
  11. I've been laughing at that movie for 50 years. They should have tried some of what I been tokin for decades instead of the Jimson Weed they must have been smokin..
  12. It isn't just CA. https://maps.nwcg.gov/sa/#/%3F/%3F/42.4735/-119.7121/6
  13. So far so good. The one south of us has been contained. The sky was orange for 3 days, now it's gray and smoky. Supposed to clear up in a couple of days and then rain on Tuesday. We'll see. As long as there are no more wind storms, we should be fine.
  14. Just as there is no spoon, there is no guy. That's just the cloud.
  15. It isn't paranoia when you know they are out to get you!
  16. Unconditional love. Something all mammals experience yet most humans always have to place conditions on their love. We're the intelligent and enlightened ones? PFFFT!
  17. Surrounded by wildfires. https://maps.nwcg.gov/sa/#/%3F/%3F/42.4735/-119.7121/6
  18. We met on another 3d platform, similar to SL, over 20 years ago. We've been stuck with each other ever since. 🤭 He still logs into SL everyday. I'm not so enthusiastic anymore.
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