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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. They've never managed to get a phone number out of me. Can't text a landline. lol
  2. That would be one of the CEOs that is long gone from LL. I'm thinking it was M Linden. I'd have to check to be sure. It may have been the CEO after him. It was one of the two. If I can't read it (or see it, I think I have them turned off in FS) I will use the login name. Full stop. All anyone need do is ask me politely to call them by some other name. I make no warranties or guarantees that I'll remember but I will try out of respect for another human being.
  3. I disagree. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lu_Bagnu The name fits when you think about it. Are not seaside resorts "playgrounds" for escorts? 🤭
  4. And before that we all had first and last names. No two names could be the same. Yes, I know about substituting upper case i for lower case L and all that. That's beside the point. LL made a huge mistake when they took away first and last names and now they can't fix it without a major overhaul they aren't going to pay for.
  5. Good question. Some of us don't use display names as our logins were our "display" names before display names ever existed on the grid. In addition, many of the display names are not legible. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for display names, just not the ASCII characters. That was taking it too far. That's LL for you though. It's either too much or not enough. They never seem to be able to find the middle of the road.
  6. You understand nothing. You have twisted people's words to mean something the words do not mean and you have done so deliberately. Enjoy the misery you've created for yourself.
  7. That isn't what I was thinking when I said what I did. It's her attempts to stay relevant (when she is my age!) that I find disturbing. No, she isn't the only one to do that, Tina Tuner for example, it's the reasons (that she doesn't admit to) behind her trying to stay relevant. The difference, as I see it, is Tina never comes off as being anything but who she is while Madonna comes off as fake. I do give her props for trying because as you said, we are all works in progress. It's the motivation behind it that ruins her overall image for me.
  8. It's not just the music or character or image. It's the whole package. There's something a bit off when someone has to keep reinventing themselves to stay relevant.
  9. This is the first I've ever heard of them so maybe they aren't as popular/well known as you expect. Edit: Sorry. I'm not seeing anything in that vid that screams SL. I see a lot of the Joker and the White Rabbit but nothing that says SL.
  10. Sunday mornings. Not having anyone to talk to. Yes, a few have offered. The problem is, I can't talk about things with people I don't really know. If I don't know you well enough to be completely comfortable around you, I can't put that much trust in you.
  11. Perhaps the raffle board on your land is the only thing of interest to them. I much prefer teleporting directly to the item that holds my interest rather than having to walk clear across the sim to find it. At least I'm not clogging up the LP while I'm waiting for things to rez or taking my business elsewhere. /me adds this to the list of places to avoid
  12. Holy hell. Skynet has taken over and we are all in the Matrix. /me takes the green pill and moves to Mars
  13. Wing and a Prayer Airlines was in one of the books written by Lewis Grizzard. If you like southern humor, you'll love Grizzard. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Grizzard
  14. Some years ago a company was in the process of developing a means of being able to feel a partner's touch (and more) during cybersex. Last I knew they were about to release it on the market. Sadly, it's been so long I don't remember the product name or company name. But yeah, it's out there, somewhere. lol
  15. Some of us do get tired of beating our heads against brick walls. 🤭 Meaning, we all get tired of having to pay the price for those who just can't be decent human beings. *mumbles something about two wrongs not making a right then wanders off
  16. Well damn. No wonder. I'm supposed to be on a Wing and a Prayer Airlines flight. 😆
  17. American history is rather, shall we say, interesting. 😁
  18. The real reason land is so expensive is because it started out that way. In the early days the prices were high because it was the main source of income after doing away with prim taxes etc. LL just never got around to reducing the prices, as they came up with more ways of bringing in enough income to keep the doors open, until more recent years. Server farms have never been cheap even if you are just renting "cloud space". The forum update was a mandatory one pushed out by Invision so LL didn't really have a choice unless they want to go shopping for a new forum platform. I haven't heard innit/enit in years! \o/
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