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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. There are better ways to prevent bots and spammers than penalizing new posters and I don't know of any forum software that doesn't have those features these days. Even the free ones have those as basic features. There really is no need whatsoever to restrict the number of daily posts for a new poster to prevent spamming and bots. I've had a forum or several over the years and I've never had to limit posts due to spammers or bots thanks to the features included in the software. Someone at @Linden Labreally does need to look into this and at least raise the limit a bit. They do have access to make the adjustments or even turn the feature off. They just need to find it and do it.
  2. Ohhhh! Automatic BANK Machine. I've always heard them called ATMs, not ABMs. I've never seen one without a card slot. 😬 Edit: Maybe that's the difference? ABM for cells, ATM for cards? Shimaknee, don't ask me.
  3. At least you haven't had to deal with data breeches and have to tell bald faced lies to customers. That is one company I will never work for again. WE can tell because we've been behind the scenes. Most people can't tell. I've been waiting for my gastro's office to call me with the results from an ultrasound/sonogram that was done more than 6 months ago. They called me to today wondering why I hadn't done the ultrasound. WTF? They said they would look into it and call me back. Yeah. Right. That's what they said last two times and never called back.
  4. After being in SL and contributing to the economy for at least 12 years (been here since 2004) as a basic account by buying products and renting parcels, 1/4 regions, 1/2 regions and homesteads ($125 USD per month) it would be a really stupid move on LL's part to force everyone into premium. Many of us simply can't afford the expense. I haven't been able to afford land in years and now you want to shove me out in the cold and snow? LL's rep is bad enough as it is, why make it worse?
  5. Yep. Nope. Sorry. No can do. Most of them ARE incompetent and many of them are trained to be that way even if they aren't aware of it. I've worked several call centers and it's been the same in everyone last one of them. The Adobe contract at Stream (merged with Convergys in 2014 and I have worked for Convergys since) was the worst. I was given the worst evaluation score ever for me because I actually helped a customer resolve an ongoing issue he had been trying to get resolved for more than a year simply by suggesting he use Google. That was a huge no no. Imagine not being able to suggest someone use a search engine to find a solution to a problem. Now multiply that by 10. That's how badly call centers can and do tie the hands of CSRs. So I don't blame the CSRs or call center clients, I blame the call centers.
  6. You played it straight enough that you had me wondering. lol
  7. You trust him to stay on his meds from now on? I can't say I do.
  8. That's not what I was trying to convey. Particles have weight and, depending on the weight, the heavier the particle the less it travels distance wise. If the wind is blowing those particles can travel even further. The weight of the particle determines how far it can travel. The larger a particle is, the less it will travel because the larger particles are heavier. That is all I'm saying as something to take into consideration.
  9. Hmm. I'm not so sure since both are particles and the lighter weight ones will travel further than the heavier (larger) ones. In truth it is possible for the air born virus particles to travel as far, if not further than, exhaled smoke particles. Then there is the wind to factor in if present.
  10. LOL! I stopped trying 40 years ago. But, sleeping on top of the sword is so uncomfortable! I mean, it's almost worse than that damn pea under all those mattresses! 🤭
  11. That is what happens when the blasted things latch onto your tongue like a leech. You don't notice it until the next day. If I ever try eating popcorn again and it happens, maybe I should just use floss on my tongue?
  12. @Manu Mysterious I'm sorry. I didn't mean for my comment to be turned into a political derail. I had intended to be clearer about my comment so that you would know it wasn't meant as trolling and leave it at that. I didn't think about others who might run with it and I apologize for the result.
  13. Will there ever be any honest true real friends in my life?
  14. It's the washer, not the dryer. The sock never makes it into the dryer yet the poor dryer gets blamed every time! Try hanging to dry for a while and you'll see! A sock will go missing! Please to stop blaming the poor dryers as they are innocent! 🤭
  15. Am I the only one that those damnable kernel shells get vacuumized to the tongue? And it just. won't. come. unstuck. no matter what you do?
  16. Good point. I don't. On the other hand, what are the chances since we all supposed to be adults. Then again, that just might be why the jewelry was given away instead of sold. Anyway, the only point I was trying to make is that female adults are women, not girls and should be respected as such. It wasn't a molehill to make a mountain out of.
  17. Sorry. You are way off base. But hey if you want to be that way go for it. After all it is quite difficult to apologize for jumping to the wrong conclusions.
  18. Considering that SL is multicultural it apparently is too much to ask to be considerate of others. This isn't about me or my feelings. It's about women the world over being treated as less than human or adult. I hope your weekend will be as pleasant as mine will be.
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