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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I'm sorry. I was just filling in for her because she doesn't post as much as she used to. I do that sometimes. I didn't mean to cause any confusion.
  2. An election between two traitors. You like living dangerously.
  3. Thank you. ... sets you on fire, then turns the hose on you so I can set you on fire again
  4. I don't need you to quote what I said back to me. I said it. I know what I said. You said things that apply to American farmers so naturally I thought you were including them or speaking specifically about them. I'm not going to go back and quote every post you and I have made, then go through some long drawn out blow by blow. You'll either have to figure it out for yourself or forget about it.
  5. So you weren't talking about American farmers? Sorry. Apparently I misread our post.
  6. You mean like how the US put all Japanese Americans in concentration camps during WWII? Ask George Takei about that since he experienced it.
  7. Great. Just freaking great. Medicaid will never approve treatment for me now.
  8. What's the matter? Haven't you read the last 21 pages? 🤔 🤭
  9. It worked up until that last big update that added a bunch of stuff no one really wanted or needed. I need spoilers. I use them in consideration of others and they can be useful in making a point or even a joke.
  10. It's BBcode and should work unless someone at LL truncated the code so it doesn't work. [spoiler] *taps mic* [/spoiler] Not cool @Linden Lab. Not cool at all to disable a feature that has been a staple of forums for decades. You're making me wonder why I even bother any more.
  11. I just wanted to get this off my chest before I go back to page 11 and catch up... Dear Mr. Donald J. Trump, YOU'RE FIRED! Sincerely, America
  12. Washington was an active slave owner for 56 years. https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/slavery/ten-facts-about-washington-slavery/
  13. Truth is the future was sold for cheap (read disposable) consumer goods about 40 years ago.
  14. I don't expect one. Not from people like that.
  15. I'm a disabled grandmother. And no yOU don't understand. If yOU did understand yOU wouldn't have made excuses and would have apologized instead.
  16. All the time. Worse, even. I get treated as if I am stupid because I'm not white and I am female, on a daily basis. And people wonder why I get mad after having my buttons pushed hard every. damn. day. of. my. life. So no, not just you.
  17. I'm not the idiot you seem to think I am. I am perfectly capable of educating myself and have done so. I did not ask for your help nor do I want it. Let it go and leave me be.
  18. Oh. Now I'm supposed to pay for something I can't afford. That's really helpful. I'm on Medicaid because I can't afford insurance of any kind.
  19. I know you didn't intend it so please don't think I'm attacking you. That's not my intent. The joke would be funny if it didn't make fun of people with a disability. Dysphemia is a speech disorder as is stuttering. https://youaremom.com/children/dysphemia-children/
  20. What? Am I supposed to move to another country just to be able to get treatment? I can't afford to move across the street much less another country. What I'm saying is I'm stuck in the US and all that info about other countries is useless to me and those in similar situations.
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