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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I do my part. I can't force others to do their part. If you are protecting yourself (even if you are one who does not believe Covid is real) then you are protecting others at the same time. If you don't care enough about your own life to protect yourself against Covid (and possibly spreading it to others and it kills them regardless of underlying conditions) you won't care about protecting those you claim to love and nothing anyone can say or do will change that. Don't blame those who do care for the stupidity of others.
  2. I've been pretty bored at times but I don't think I'll ever be that bored. 🤭
  3. I don't understand why you would send your charity money to a different one than your local vets and the Dakota people. Reservations are one of the hardest hit by Covid-19 and they need those funds now more then ever. That will teach me to expect better of you.
  4. I'll either be in Phase 1b or Phase 4. The way things go for me, even though I do have 2 chronic conditions, I'll get passed over until Phase 4. If I live that long.
  5. Depends on how it interacts with the current health issues I have. I doubt they have been testing it on people who already have blood born viruses, damaged livers, etc.
  6. You left out: Showing up at least 2 hours late for dinner and wanting to use the kitchen to make the dish they were supposed to have brought with them. (SIL) Upset because everyone else got tired of waiting and were already seated to eat when they finally drag their asses in. (SIL) etc etc etc While it's just the two of us now and everyone else does their own thing, I still insist on some traditions, like certain dishes and sweets, an exchange of gifts, and decorating. I love decorating for Christmas. For us, the holidays are about family, even if it is just the two of us.
  7. In a way, you did. He was your Santa and you believed in him.
  8. Even my posts got deleted and I wasn't arguing or anything. I asked a heartfelt question. Peeve: Posts being deleted when said posts do not break ToS/CS.
  9. OMFG. That's just ridiculous. Someone needs to tone down the filter. Filtering out words because of slang is taking it too far, especially when the slang falls in the middle of a word that has been in use for more than a century. We are not children. Granted, some of us do act that way once in a while, still, we are not children.
  10. When my oldest brother, the bully, decided I should know at age 6.
  11. Doesn't matter how it feels. There has been more than enough damage done.
  12. The blood draw is a finger *****, not insert needle into vein type. They're not sticking anything up my nose. They can either ***** my finger or swab my throat. Are you freaking kidding me @Linden Lab?
  13. It was made in 1969 when we didn't have near the tech for CGI that we do now. It's over 50 years old. I was about 10 when it was made. Back then it was ground breaking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bambi_Meets_Godzilla
  14. I'm sorry Maryanne. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. We all need help at times like this, I am here for you.
  15. Somehow this seems appropriate even though it was made in 1969. It's kind of representative of the election with Biden starring as Godzilla.
  16. The Wall by Catherine Anne McNeill I walked along that long black wall, with names as far as I could see. Friends I knew in childhood now etched in memories. I've touched their names so many times, remembered them with love. I walk along, the rain pours down, tears from heaven above. I watch a Vet, deep in thought, pain across his face. He walks a mother to the wall; he's taken his friend's place. She reaches out to touch a name, the one that was her son. They pause together in the rain, their memories a bond. The men who fought, the men who died, their names for all to see Their lives so brief, fallen short, a page in history. We can't forget what they had done, so many years ago. Sacrifices they have made the bravery they showed. I walked along that long black wall, crying in the rain. For all those men who've touched our lives, we'll never see again. 28 May 2000
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