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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. They're planning on trying it again? I'm not so sure that's a good idea after the first and only attempt.
  2. IMVU was aimed at the 18 and under demographic which is why you hardly find anyone over 30 there. SL was and is aimed at 18 and over. You're comparing apples to oranges.
  3. When in doubt, do the research. (b) Avatar Consent for Machinima For machinima, you must have the consent of all Residents whose avatars or Second Life names are featured or recognizable in the machinima. This includes avatars who are featured in a shot, avatars whose names are legible, and avatars whose appearance is sufficiently distinctive that they are recognizable by members of the Second Life community. Consent is not required if an avatar is not recognizable and is merely part of a crowd scene or shown in a fleeting background. Consent is not required for any snapshots. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Snapshot_and_machinima_policy
  4. It is enabled by default on FS and a few others.
  5. Backup your settings so you can restore them without having to jump through 100 hoops. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/backup_settings Somewhere in Prefs (I'm not logged in) you can turn that notification off. I think you will find it in the Alerts list. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/preferences_msgs_tab Lots of useful info on the wiki on how to turn off notices of your choice, etc. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/
  6. Those weren't accidental leaks. The 3 major credit reporting agencies who also offer identity theft protection (through subsidiaries) have been hacked tons of times over the past 5 years. I know this because I worked one of the call centers dealing with the legal aspects of one of the Equifax hackings. That major one they had a few years ago when millions of people worldwide were exposed and Equifax lied about the number of people affected and the only compensation they offered was ONE free year of identity theft protection. The whole thing is a scam.
  7. Earth is hurtling moving towards the sun so if you are falling towards earth from the "sunny side" then yes, otherwise, not really. 💫
  8. Are those watermelon vines I see growing out of your ears? That's what happens when you eat watermelon seeds instead of spitting them out. *nods sagely
  9. No. I can't work with a compromised immune system unless I want to die. I haven't worked since before Covid. My unemployment ran out just as Covid was hitting the US.
  10. I'm not unemployed due to covid. I'm unemployed due to a compromised immune system.
  11. That doesn't help those of us who are no longer employed, no longer qualify for unemployment because the initial claim ran out and also are unable to work outside of the home due compromised immune systems.
  12. My bank got slammed so hard I couldn't login to the website. That $600 isn't going to go far. That's not even a month's lot rent and that's about as cheap rent as you can find in the US without living in an apartment, which I will never do again. I'll live in a cave or tent first.
  13. Just seeing those eyebrows without starting the vid was all it took. Just one look was all it took. lol
  14. I didn't even watch the video. Now I have. And I forgot to say that so I had to edit because I can't stop laughing damn you! lol
  15. It's a Golden Retriever. The family dog when I was growing up was a Collie and Golden Retriever mix. You wouldn't have known he was half Retriever if it weren't for his muzzle being shorter and broader than a Collie's. His name was Lassie. I didn't name him. He was beautiful and oh so gentle even if you pulled his tail. Even after all these decades just thinking about him brings the tears. I still miss him.
  16. Yeah naw. They used to hang out on SLU. They're not to sort to go in for tea leaf readings.
  17. I understood him. I know it can be done without RLV. Only point I was making is that they're both right and they're not quite on the same page. Almost but not quite and almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, as the old saying goes.
  18. Where's all the Scientist Ladies of Science when you need them? 🤭
  19. I'm reasonably certain some LSL features are in RLV. 🤭
  20. Buying a gacha from the MP is not gambling. Playing one of the "one armed bandits" (gacha machine) to try to "win" one is gambling, imo.
  21. Well I did! If you've never watched the outtakes from Armageddon, you should. It's hilarious. Something about a spaniel.
  22. Yep. And they will have to do their own cooking and cleaning and laundry. That's just the short list of the everyday things that have to be done. Even if they were willing to pay a decent living wage, there wouldn't be anyone left to hire. They'll end up turning on each other just as they do now.
  23. It's what they want. Wipe out as many as possible so there is more for them. The problem is they are overlooking some very glaring facts. Like less demand, smaller work forces because fewer people. On the other hand, the air would be cleaner as would our water along with other such pleasant things. My, what a tangled web humans have weaved when it was so unnecessary.
  24. If I were the OP's wife, I would be filing for divorce. No reprieves. I've been down that road one time too many. It's cheating and I have zero tolerance for cheaters.
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