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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-add-money-to-my-prepaid-card-en-449/#:~:text=You can usually add money,account or another prepaid card
  2. What are they harvesting besides avatar UUIDs (that is not against the TOS)? That is all they need in order to start sending you the spam. I'm not defending it. I've had my issues with it over the years. File an AR or support ticket. https://lindenlab.com/legal/community-standards
  3. Your English is fine. Sometimes it's the phrasing that can be difficult. To give you an idea of what I mean an example would be the way adjectives are used in different languages. In English the adjective comes before the noun it's describing; in other languages like my own, the adjective comes after the noun. It can be confusing. That is extremely simplified but hopefully it conveys what I'm saying. Thank you for clarifying!
  4. If they are in the corridor, they are not on the stairs cleaning them. If you read my post again, I do say I do acknowledge them with a smile and/or nod. What I do not do is go out of my way to do so because I am just as busy as they are and likely have less time since I still need to get to my destination and the cleaner is already on the job. That is not being rude. It's the typical behavior society has forced on us all.
  5. It is so tempting to lean in close right now. Sometimes you just want it to be over with. Peeve: I can't afford to live alone. 😑
  6. I'd be happy with a holodeck. Don't need anything plugged into your head for that!
  7. Hell no. No foreign objects in this body and not ever going under the knife again for any reason. The long run health issues are not worth it.
  8. Peeve: LL appears to not only allow monopolies in SL, but they are also encouraging it and helping to make it happen in addition to unmentionable things. The longer this kind of crap goes on, the less I want to log in.
  9. I have that saved to My List on Discovery+. I need to start watching it again. Peeve: Too many shows to watch.
  10. If the messages are coming from an object you need to block the object. https://www.virtuality.blog/overcoming-the-spam-menace-in-second-life-tips-and-strategies/#:~:text=So what should you do,that is sending the spam. There is also this if you use Firestorm:
  11. SL didn't exist then so there. lol I remember when that happened. It wasn't just one account. But it was still funny. I am disappoint. I thought you were gonna rag on first resident vs oldest Linden. 🤣
  12. I wasn't talking about any SL judicial system. I'm talking about real life consequences. The smart ones keep their eyes and ears open, and their mouths shut as they lay in wait for you like a snake.
  13. If they are busy doing the work they are paid to do, I do not interrupt. If they make eye contact, I will acknowledge their presence with a smile and/or a nod. I will not approach them and interrupt their work just to thank them for doing their job. No one has ever thanked me for doing my job(s) including the one no one gets paid for, housekeeping. But that's just me.
  14. Considering Tillamook produces nothing but dairy products (unless the new owners changed it) so... yeah. Ice cream, cheese, yogurt, curds etc. Take the tour if you haven't. If they still do the tours. I think they suspended them during Covid. Seeing it in person is why I trust their products more than any other. That place was the epitome of clean.
  15. It's damage control for legal reasons. To protect from legal actions against owners/employees. Not that Brad would sue himself, but others would, so it is best to not use his real name.
  16. There is a third reason. Most griefers do not have PIOF.
  17. Where are you people hanging out? In the 20 years I've been in SL I haven't gotten a single one! What am I doing wrong? 🤭
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