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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I wish. Never had one, never will. Peeve: Not ever being able to afford to leave the country even if it isn't permanent.
  2. NONE of the valid and approved by SL TPVs have any need of payment info. The viewers are free to use along with any features they may have. Please do yourself a favor and do the research before posting more nonsense. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Policy on Third-Party Viewers
  3. That's one of my peeves. Southern states are the cheapest (on average) to live in but they are the lowest paying because they are Right to Work states. One of the major reason I got out of the south and will never go back.
  4. LMAO Tell that to someone who hasn't been in SL for 20 years. You'd have a better chance of them believing you.
  5. Thanks. Now I know you really don't have a clue about Henri, his Cool viewer, Firestorm or Jessica who is not a dev just project head. It pays to do some research before opening mouth and inserting foot to the knee.
  6. Henri is the creator and #1 dev of the Cool viewer. He knows what he is doing. I already get 120+fps with a GeForce 1660 on Firestorm (on high ultra) when no one really needs anything higher than 60fps. Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz 32.0 GB (31.9 GB usable) RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Super (6GB GDDR6)
  7. Contact Firestorm's support team like it says by joining one of the inworld groups and give them the error information. getting_help [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki] (firestormviewer.org)
  8. House rule has always been if you make a mess, clean it up. I tried that thinking he'd end up doing the dishes most of the time. Didn't work that way. 😆 Now, since I let him shave at the kitchen sink, he has to do the dishes first. But only until the new cat and the old cat get along. It's been well over a year now. 😸
  9. It's only effective if you have the windows open ready to ban, block and eject in that order. It can be fun to watch them squirm when they get caught in the "no man's land" on the edges of regions that do not connect to any other regions and see how long it takes them to realize they need to log out. 😇🤭
  10. As for stores that won't fly in SL... anything I try to launch. 🤣
  11. Trying a little experiment here. If it works, I'll explain at the bottom of this post. HAH! It worked! Note the timestamps are out of order yet the quotes are in the order I made them. How did I do that? By highlighting and hitting the little "Quote Selection" button that comes up at the end of the highlight. Now for the edit test: Nope, didn't work. 😑
  12. True but at least by informing them you've done everything you could to put a stop to the harassment. Sometimes it helps and they stop and sometimes it makes it worse. It's a risk but it gets the message across that they are wasting their time and effort. It isn't always out of sight when a quoted post was obviously aimed at you. We don't always pay attention to who was quoted until we've already read the quote. That's when it becomes obvious if it hadn't already. That should say far more about them than it does me, especially when they never get a response. Most people handle the issue(s) in ways that work for them, not someone else.
  13. I never said they had to be good at sewing. Just stop asking me to do it for them when they are perfectly capable. Everyone learns different things from different people. Not sure why you are implying I was claiming they don't. Peeve: The rabbit holes people try to drag me down when they have nothing to do with what I posted.
  14. That's even rarer than moms teaching their sons to do household tasks including sewing. Most men I know can't (or won't) sew a button back on.
  15. The difference is you two do not live together so unless you want to live in a pig sty you have to do all the cleaning that gets done. I've been in a grand total of 4 long term relationships and only ONE of those men ever cleaned up after themselves without me having to say anything (I'm not a nag). That one kept his place so neat and clean that ever since I've wanted the others to live up to that standard. So far none of them have. Although I do give credit to the current one for at least finally admitting he needs to do his fair share. It only took about 20 years. 😬 So, to answer your question, you might be because I always leave that tiny bit of room for doubt, however, all evidence I've seen points to the opposite. You are one of those "rare" males whose mother taught them the skills they needed to survive without having to depend on a woman to do it all for them. Respect for you and your mom.
  16. Oh he cleans up after himself alright. Problem is I always have to go behind him to get everything he missed because he won't slow down. I don't need the extra work when I'm holding down two jobs, one of which does NOT pay and is a lifetime commitment. Thanks for the idea though. I can hang that one in the kitchen. 🤭
  17. Funny how when men have to do dishes they only do the ones they used yet when women have to do the dishes we have to wash everyone's including the pots and pans. 😉
  18. I tried that... I never can go back to sleep. That's why there has been a night light in my bathroom for decades now.
  19. Never leave the lid down at night. No one else is "awake" but they will be when they hear me screaming bloody murder at the ass that left it down. It sounds funny but the reality is anything but fun or funny. Don't leave the seat up at night either. 🤬 IMO and life experience State 2 is the most neutral because then everyone has to work it. Level ground. Leave the seat up in my home and I WILL b*tch at you, loudly. Leave the lid down and I'll just mutter at you under my breath. There are weeds in the yard that need killing if you need to live in a barn; go pee outside if you can't put the seat down. 🍅
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