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Everything posted by CaithLynnSayes

  1. Do you know what marketing is? Do you really want a company that measures its income at least partly from advertising to limit it? Fat chance of that, if anything it'll find ways to maximize it
  2. This is the bookmark link i use > https://id.secondlife.com/openid/login?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fmarketplace.secondlife.com%2F&language=en-US&show_join=false and it looks like this: If you dissect That URL, you'll see that after login it will redirect to Marketplace and it won't show the register for new members box (show_join=false) Why does it look so dark you ask? Oh, i just use an extension for chrome called Dark Reader. It's pretty neat. It does a great job at trying to flip just about any webpage into dark mode. PS: Yes, my password really is that long.
  3. So i remembered correctly, thanks for confirming that.
  4. Don't quote me on this, but i believe the creator of this website passed away years ago and it was being kept alive by his wife. (I think i read that somewhere when i was first trying to use this tool.) If you use the 'WayBackMachine*' you can still see its content. The last capture was somewhere in 2019 > http://web.archive.org/web/20200203092932/http://gridurl.appspot.com/ The source code for this website was made public and can be had from the Google Code Archive > https://code.google.com/archive/p/gridpersister/downloads * The internet never forgets, kids
  5. Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't it so that your name doesn't show up in the members list if you hide the group from your profile? Could that (if so) not be a way to try and fight this?
  6. ah ok. Precious soul protection mechanism. I get it
  7. Its possible i've missed it for decades and now i'm just getting enlightened but i just noticed an upvote thingie at each forum post. Neat, can we have a downvote thingie as well? Or.... ok, no, i'll behave
  8. Not intentionally, i'm sure... I'm joking i'm joking! keep calm!
  9. All above answers are incorrect. It's not because the merchant has "banned" you, its because they blocked/muted you... Note to LL, to avoid confusion, try and change the wording of the message. It is confusing by nature. "made unavailable for purchase", no, just say "you have been muted by this merchant, they don't want you to buy from them"... or something along those lines. Why make it needlessly difficult and confusing?
  10. Hoping to have read the question correctly, i believe OP is asking how to properly set maturity ratings on items, not to look for them since OP claims to be "consistently flagged for moderate items" So here is the answer to that: go to your MP page, click My Marketplace > Merchant home > Manage listings. You'll see your listed (and unlisted) items. to the far right is an "action" pull down menu. click it and select Edit. There you'll see all the "options" for that listing including Maturity Level: If i was to understand your question correctly, then this is your answer.
  11. Looks like reviews are now anonymous as well. The comments link is still there but does nothing. I kind of get (not really) making the reviews anonymous because let's be honest. Some of the reviews are hilariously stupid and knowing who wrote them isn't always the best thing for the reviewer. They tend to get piled on through comments on that review. I'll be open and honest, this was one of my joys on MP. I actively seek out 1-star reviews to see if the review(s) are justified. In some cases they are, in others, not so much. And those are the fun ones to read. But i don't understand the why. I think i have an idea as to why but i could be totally wrong. As a small merchant myself i used to occasionally get 1-star reviews. I looked into as to why and made an effort to contact the reviewer to try and work something out. By making the reviews anonymous, you've (LL) made this impossible. But at least you could flag a review and if you are the original seller bad (unjustified) reviews where usually deleted within hours, if not minutes. I was highly impressed with that and it gave me confidence that LL actually cared about its merchants. In the last months this seemed to be less of a thing. I've seen quite a few wrongful reviews on items (not my own) with a bunch of comments under it from other people pointing out how the reviewer was wrong, or made a mistake or something along those lines. As a potential buyer reading reviews AND comments, you could have then seen that a bad review would be unjustified. Again, this will now no longer be possible. Very peculiar and i can't but wonder how well this has been thought out. I don't know if you're aware of Youtube's latest decision to disable the dislike button. I don't know if this was your inspiration or not, but lots of other Youtubers have raised similar points as the ones i'm making here. Again, in case you're unaware... It isn't being received well, at all. This is a screenshot as of 24 November 2021. I would like to point out something about flagging reviews as well. You have these multiple selections, categorised pre-set sentences that don't always apply. But then on other SL websites (such as these forums) when flagging a post, the user is actually able to write a short reason for flagging/reporting it. In the viewer you have both. You have to select a category and the option to write a small description. Where is the consistency in this? Why is MP, the forums and the viewer so different when it comes to reporting? In my opinion it comes down to a lack of staff. I don't think you want to dedicate too much people into monitoring MP reviews and you believe this could be a solution. I also think you do this to protect the (avatar/account) identities of reviewers. which as is said, i sorta get. But the lack of being able to comment isn't a good idea. Once again as i said, if a 1-star review is unjustified, people should be able to comment on that so other potential buyers can see through the 1-star review by the aid of other people making counter statements. As a company dedicated to people and them communicating and bringing them together, i don't believe restricting ways of actually communicating is the best way forward. And ironically i'm now fearing again that you (LL) will ban me from the forums for 3 days yet again for having a (possibly unpopular) opinion
  12. I agree. Apparently PDF is now the 4th most popular religion.
  13. I'd love to quote Stephen Fry here on what he (and me) thinks about offence, but that would offend some people
  14. didn't mean that to be derogatory. I apologise.
  15. Hilarious. All my replies in here are in a joking manner. I personally don't give a flying flip if someone wants to misgender me, or does it by accident (i'm sure it was, no big deal) I just tried to make a joking remark. The fact that this is the reaction to that speaks volumes. and Linden Labs, keep your pants on, i'm not targeting anyone here, just pointing something out. I don't care what anyone says of me or thinks of me. It's your right to do so. I just find it very ironic how that just now is the reaction. In a topic about comedians and comedy. How very interesting
  16. See, this is why i don't say all that much on these forums. I just cringe a lot. Sweetie, look at the reactions of my original post, and the response of the one that misgendered me (lol). It is obvious. Maybe not to you, but that isn't anyone's fault, now is it
  17. @StrongZer0 Obviously i was making a joke. I didn't insinuate you are canceling anyone. The fact that you didn't get that as being a joke, has me slightly worried to be honest, if you're planning on hiring a real comedian
  18. She... If you don't mind. Don't misgender me now, you might get canceled
  19. No, because everything is offensive and they have all been canceled
  20. Triple check your permissions. I love to browse the Marketplace in search for just about anything that peaks my interest. It happens extremely often that i run into demo (and even full versions) of items that have the wrong perms. for demos that can be a little "dangerous". If you don't set your perms correctly or you experience "Slam Bit" without knowing, you're going to end up with perms you don't intend. Today i yet again wrote a note card to a creator because nearly all the demos of said creator were full perm once i tossed out the scripts that made it look like they are no mod and no trans from within my inventory (Slam Bit). Typically i tend to contact a creator when i run into this, but as i said, it happens so often that it almost becomes a job. It is in your own best interest as a creator to really check your items before putting them out there.
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