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Missy Starchild

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Everything posted by Missy Starchild

  1. I guess I personally do not care who is behind the profile, male, female, enby, as long as they are fun to talk to. I have it in my profile that I am playing characters of mine so no one gets the wrong idea of who I am, and I think I might specifically add a bit about no RL relationships (beyond friendship) and reword it completely to further that point so no one feels deceived by me in some kind of way. Weirdly enough, some people seem to read bits of it and completely skip over the "character" part for some reason.
  2. I build new avatars (mesh and system) as like a hobby now, putting them together piece by piece trying to make them look as realistic (for SL standards) yet unique as I possibly can. An avatar is my canvas and the mouse is my brush; the only limit is my imagination.
  3. Peeve: the costs of a fully kitted out avatar nowadays. I went to put together an updated avatar for my sister since it would be the first time she ever used mesh. Got to the total cost of everything and it was like 45 dollars... ouch. I kind of forgot that my avatar base was built piece by piece so the price wasn't really ever an issue. Suddenly Reborn (which is nearly half the cost) looks a lot less attractive. Hello Maitreya...? Maitreya is a more budget option, right?
  4. I saw the Welcome Hub had a photo booth with adjustable backgrounds and poses, so I took the opportunity because why not?
  5. Pet peeve: People without reading comprehension and/or people who IM pointlessly. Gathering info for a style card at a store, get an IM from a stranger. Him: "Hey babe are you from California?" ...my character's bio says she is from Japan, avatar is clearly Asian. Having eyes is important you know! Me: "No, why do you ask?" *crickets... crickets... no response ever comes...* And so it will forever remain a mystery why he asked that oddly specific and pointless question while I was parked in the middle of the LeLutka mainstore.
  6. After seeing these avatars up close and personal for quite a while at the Welcome Hub, I have to say I'm coming around to them. They are a bit derpy looking but they have a weird charm to them?
  7. It seems to make very little difference whether I have it on or not, so it only gets turned off when a sim is so laggy I have to enable my "busy area" preset (graphics set as low as they can go)
  8. I very much appreciate this. I took much time and care putting her together, so I'm in the process of making the style card you suggested to make it (somewhat) easier for others to do the same. Fantastic idea and it's fun for me to write! Edit: I have done so.
  9. I got to hear the Pink Panther play the Peanuts theme which was a warmly nostalgic experience.
  10. Someone at Social Island once spammed giant cartoon d!ck particles and it caused ridiculous lag. Another time, at the same place, someone kept spamming local with earr@pe gestures every couple of seconds. Other than those two events, I have encountered very very few griefers anywhere in my near decade in SL. They seem to have all run off to somewhere else.
  11. LeLutka Zo is absolutely amazing and helped me get much closer to what I was looking for. Very easy to shape it into whatever you want it to be.
  12. Having been inspired by playing through the amazing Yakuza 0, I tried my hand at making a Japanese avatar, bringing one of my OCs, Kasumi, into the world. Using many reference photos, I tried as hard as I could to make an authentically Asian looking character using LeLutka's Zo head. It is both a shockingly difficult process, and an informative one! I found out that visible tattoos (and tattoos in general) are highly frowned upon in Japan, so I did away with my hand and arm tattoos because it would make little sense for this character. I look forward to learning more!
  13. When websites make the block function a big flashing "LOOK AT ME" button which this site's version does not do. It's very subtle and I like it.
  14. I would love to know where I did this. Here I was thinking it was a friendly back and forth but ***** me for inputting I guess? Either way I'm done with this convo if that's where it's going to go. Peace.
  15. There's always going to be a few dum dums/selfish people out there and nothing can really change that. But it never hurts to try. Shrug.
  16. Absolutely not a requirement to state RL gender, but I would put a disclaimer that you are not interested in sharing about RL, lest people get the wrong idea which they have and do. That or put that you're married to ward people off, which I've done before.
  17. SL not having an official mobile client yet. Between Starlight wanting to log me out every other minute to Lumiya's outdatedness, the options are absolutely painful.
  18. I have had exactly one experience with the WelcomeHub, and it was a Mentor coming over to join in on me and my sister's conversation, then halfway through he starts deliberately targeting and vaguely threatening her in particular because she said... "my butt itches"... once. Didn't seem very welcoming to me, more like false advertising!
  19. Strangers who expect something from me. I got this IM: xXxDouchebagxXx: hello beautiful 5 minutes pass (note that I'm working and currently on mobile so cannot respond immediately) xXxDouchebagxXx: no response... moving on. I would not have cared as much if he'd just left it at the first message like a normal person. But hello? I do not owe this random guy any kind of response.
  20. TIL the idea of OJ Simpson playing the Terminator was never seriously considered, with James Cameron dismissing it early on as a stupid idea. His first choice was Lance Henrikson (Bishop from Aliens, Hackett in Mass Effect) whose likeness he based the Terminator's concept art on. After a discussion with Arnold Schwarzenegger (who was going to play Kyle Reese) over how to make the character more authentic as a cyborg changed Cameron's mind, Henrikson would instead play Hal Vukovich in the same movie.
  21. Tried that, it explicitly tells me not to file an abuse report there.
  22. This chat was had in Lumiya, not any desktop viewer. A person outed themselves as a piece of cr@p in general chat and then doubled down by sending harassing messages towards me. I have screenshots so how do I file a report using those or is it not possible?
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