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Everything posted by Zzevir

  1. I refuse this claims you have no prof or evidence.
  2. somebody is a bit posh 😛 I had 2 hour sleep but I'm really upbeat maybe the 1 litter of coffee ...
  3. Let me answer your question with your own quote but a bit re worded. And now my part. I don't dance in clubs but I would approach your alt more likely. Nothing wrong with you (you are great you are one of my favorite person on this forum) but mans boys are afraid of tall, strong looking woman's how are not looking like prey she is having a joke in her name Are we going to have slex? maybie Sorry if it's a bit jumbled I just finished work and I need some sleep.
  4. I must admit that I like seeing the responses when I do something here on the forum. So do you post for the likes or just to show of. Or just for your on fun?
  5. Well if you want I can send you one. And I'm a nut job but not the same. That's not a tardis so you can't travel in that or you wanted to change inside?
  6. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/META-BASIC-MALE-MESH-BODY-Bento-Hands-Fitted-Mesh/16432257 there is one for this body
  7. I'm trying to open a topic in the building part if it's wort doing building textures. But I can't word properly my question I'm so brain dead.
  8. I long suspected BTW. I don't have an alt so I might be a women... hmm nope just checked I am a dude.
  9. I don't have a style at all. I tryed to find it I failed. Now I'm back to full invisible. I have I think 2 sets saved if I need to have a visible avatar quick. But I won't be experimenting more.
  10. Would you buy a car pimpit out as you like it. Have a tonns of sweet memories with it, road trips and what not. Then push it in a ditch and buy a new one?
  11. I had like 2 hour of sleep after a night shift and my right index finger is really cold. But other ways I'm great. You all have a great day and look after yourself.
  12. I can assure you if a chicken lays 500 eggs a year would turn inside out after a week. Don't believe everything.
  13. Do we need to wear gimp mask? I'm not a cartel member just asking.
  14. Your carers know that you use the computer on reception?
  15. He is lonely probably in SL and Rl as well. When I was younger I used to do the same thing when I had somebody to talk to I would be a total energy vampire and I would pester that person all day long when I could as I had nobody else. I grow upt that problem I don't talk to nobody know what sorted that problem. If you want to "get rid" of him introduce hi to more people.
  16. Huh I think someone going to be pissed
  17. Well I found this to @Cindy Evanier if I'm wright she would like one. https://www.amazon.com/Crush-Color-Coloring-Fantasies-Dreamboat/dp/1250256682/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=ll1&tag=vilofjoy-20&linkId=39fa946ec7941a3d6d498ef495cc83bb&language=en_US
  18. Well it is simple why is that. There is no life left in them.
  19. No it doesn't. I tried it's just open the picture in a biger size.
  20. So I'm interested to know how clubs how plays live music get their musicians. As I never really seen any wanted ad on this forum for that.
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