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Everything posted by Zzevir

  1. How should I know never tried.
  2. If somebody willing to pay for it then yes they should charge it.
  3. "You shod get a pet insurance because your p...y going to be destroyed. "
  4. Cremation oven? That's the thing what turns dead bodies into ash.
  5. With bom alpha layers works the same. If you have a bom mesh body you can use the same alpha layers as a systems body.
  6. Or she was just nervous because someone kept making pictures about her ...
  7. I'm not an expert on standing around and being pretty (or being pretty generally). But I think you could go to places with people (one or more) and being pretty there with them.
  8. I wish I had friends like you do. They sound a lot of fun.
  9. You must be some kinda cat that you have so many life.
  10. Ahhhh land of the chocolate sauce.
  11. No (And this is the polite short version as there is not enough * and @ in my keyboard to make a long answer. Also I'm trying to get some f***king manners lately. )
  12. Why don't you put your blog into your signature?
  13. Can you be that nice and post the land mark for that place?
  14. There must be a little door in the bottom where you can change the batteries.
  15. I really like that you can stop the clouds. That's will make my life easier.
  16. Emily ? Yes This bald bastard? no, he is lacking everything what is human except the shape
  17. Is there a place to practice terraformaing? Or the only easy way to buy small parcel on privet estet for a short time?
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