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Everything posted by asteriddle

  1. there goes my plans for opening a region in june... i can wait though! let's hope the migration goes smoothly :0
  2. i have to assume the dude's botting, because he sends the same message to what feels like every single furry group at the exact same time to the second. last night his messages opened 3 of my group chats at once, it's pretty annoying.
  3. there really needs to be someone around to do the late night shift, it sucks that this keeps happening
  4. i couldn't find a gugnir (the spear) to use to i made my own...... taking these photos was painful i crashed like 20 times for some reason
  5. what HUDs or appliers are you using? and have you double checked that the area you are in allows scripts?
  6. you'd have to take the 500 pink overlays i put on my photos out of my cold, dead hands honestly
  7. shoes are skins were definitely the biggest 'culture shock' when i made my human avatar...
  8. 'stop buying swimsuits please im begging you' -god, probably
  9. me? posting a human avatar? it's more likely than you think i recently finished this av and i love her so much Q_Q
  10. found a nice tourist-trap like place while playing GTFO, took some pics there
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