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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. OHHH, well then that makes it much more attractive to purchase. thanks!
  2. I always' thought it was $349+$229=$578 for the first month and then $229 monthly after that.
  3. it's Maitreya...probably should have mentioned that in the original post lol thanks!
  4. So that's it? You don't move any other sliders?
  5. I need some help with making my avatar about 5-10 lbs. heavier. I really like my shape and the proportions but I think it's a bit on the thin side. I want to put about 5-10lbs on her but I have no clue what sliders to change or how much so that it doesn't totally mess up the shape. Could someone tell me what sliders to change so that the over all shape stays the same but looks a bit heavier.
  6. Couldn't a person just log in their Alt and get the same thing for free?
  7. First this is totally against the TOS and you could get banned for even posting about such a thing. Let me make it easy for you. Yes, he's cheating on you. No script needed. If he's not then since you used your real SL name he can easily find this thread and read all about it. Third, your in world profile has no mention of any boyfriend at all. Only you in a skimpy bathing suit.
  8. How do you know they are aware of what you talk about? Easiest way to stop is is create a discord channel for you and friends and use that. Personally if it is true then I hope someone doesn't post the answer. The last thing we need is everyone knowing how to do it if it's possible. How do we know you aren't just trying to figure out how to do it so you can do it to someone else?
  9. AH ok..I missed that. Time to move! LOL I guess I'm not understanding why the person who owns the parcel would have that checked but then I don't get why anyone has it checked unless you are surrounded by friends on their own parcels next to you.
  10. I don't think you are understanding. If you have the other people from other parcels cannot see in or chat with me unchecked then he can't SEE your avatar even if he cams in. The only way he could see you is if he is actually on your parcel so he did not see you undress no matter what he IM's you. So you don't really have a problem. Just mute him and live your life knowing that they can't see you. The solution for this age old issue has already been invented.
  11. Ok then I'm not understanding if it brings in a lots of money and increases land value why can't you afford it on your own. If it covers the expenses then you should be good. If it doesn't then why would someone do it?
  12. Who comes on a forum and asks people to pay for something that will bring no profit and call them an investor? Not only that but a HUGE amount every month? Seriously? Are you planning on charging for admission? How are they investing and how will they get back their investment. Sounds like begging to me and always has. How is this a good deal and yes it's a lot of money to pay for land. Do you think other people just have money to throw to the wind? Why would they pay for your dream. Why not pay for their own dream? They are getting USE of a whole park. The only thing they will co-own is the land that they will be paying for. When you post on a public forum you don't get to pick and choose who responds and just because they don't agree with you doesn't mean they are a troll. You are simply a beggar.
  13. You can't selectively coming out of hiding from ignoring people because then you aren't really ignoring them are you?
  14. Now I'm hurt...I thought I was the only one you disliked here. Seems to be a pattern huh mate?
  15. If you go to Fogbound you'll get an IM before you even land...probably chatting is not what they are after though.
  16. If someone wants to spend almost $50 RL on a fatpack of Gatcha's then they can have them. I would not be one to be spending that kind of money on a set of anything that can go "poof" tomorrow if SL closes. One would be good enough for me.
  17. That some things that are totally not normal are normalized in SL.
  18. Man, your responses to posts make everything always so complicated. I hardly ever even read your responses because they are so convoluted and long winded and by long-winded I mean almost a book. No, it's not an "adult establishment" It was 3 regular clubs. BTW, most people, if they are smart, turn that feature off in firestorm. Also, good lord this has NOTHING to do at all with Gatcha's. Do you need another thread to post in about that?
  19. I'm not sure who came up with this idea but everyone seems to have jumped on this bandwagon. they have put their tip jars as an attachment over their head. The thing is that your name tag covers up the tip jar! So now you are scrambling to find where their tip jar is. Then you have to cam in to actually be able to click it to tip. Let's just nip this now.
  20. So you are saying that regardless if you withdraw the money any net profit has to be reported to the IRS? Good luck with that. So all these hosts and DJ's are supposed to be reporting the lindens they earned?
  21. Also, since everything is so blatantly out in the open how many consumers can they expect will even be on board?
  22. Wholesale, my dear is typically cheaper but you probably won't get that.
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