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Miakis Littlepaws

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Everything posted by Miakis Littlepaws

  1. Vampire Species. Good Vampire. Good Vampires do their best to live a normal life among humans, going to school, and working hard to a career. They have naturally yellow eyes indicating a good soul, in fact thier souls are so pure that only other vampires can see the true colour of there eyes. A Good Vampire wiill only ever drink animal blood, never human. Good Vampires are immune to sunlight. They also have the powers of Illusion, speed, and seduction.
  2. Added ivy to the house and I've given the garden a less than well maintained look There is a vampire residing here afterall (=^,..,^=)
  3. Using parts of the Blushed Living - Adams Great Room - Add-on But I'm using the bathroom section, for something else. I still have 109LI left.
  4. Song title is wrong. It's actually an electronic/darkwave cover version of Iron Maidens Fear of the dark.
  5. Scavenged some bushes from a house I had on my other account. Shrunk them down to 1LI then placed a few round my Adams Home.
  6. Using the .:meshed:.Adams Linden Home Pro Wall Paint Kit pkg.
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