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Miakis Littlepaws

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Everything posted by Miakis Littlepaws

  1. Looks like the inworld store has closed down. I just tried to TP there and its telling me no valid location. Must have been just recently, because I brought the Secretary Desk from there only a couple weeks ago.
  2. Did the first option, no change I'll wait till the unscheduled maint has finished, and if they're isn't any change I'll see if clearing browser cache works
  3. lol you posteda few seconds before I did 😛
  4. Just saw this on the Grid Status page. so maybe thats why I'm having issues atm https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/incidents/hqm7tw4p5pwz
  5. Maybe? But it was working fine yesterday. I just tried again with a redelivery of a skin I got yesterday with no problems. except now its just giving me the same reject message 😕
  6. Update. Looks like the issue was fixed with the Unscheduled Marketplace Maintenence. Thank you to those who replied and offered advice
  7. Krankhuas is good, but he doesn't do anything for the Fitted Torso sadly. He does have stuff for Maitreya though.
  8. @Skell Dagger she's refering to this https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Fitted-Kemono-Torso/8351902 Doing a quick search though didn't really show much choice for grunge/punk. So she's probably better off finding stuff for Maitreya, as it will have more choice.
  9. Spotted this while traveling through Fox Chase. Its actually set up around someones home. Didn't try but it looks like you can enter some of them.
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