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WereBeast Alpha

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Everything posted by WereBeast Alpha

  1. Bloodlines is Bloodlines doesn't matter what lore you like or make up as long as its fun for you to enjoy that is how I make it work for me.
  2. The customer service for IMVU isn't really worth the hassle or VIP trust me I dealt with it when I was dealing with some issues that still don't get resolved today. Its Obvious the imvu chat staff are bots with little to no positive feedback on anything. The responses take longer or feel like its not even a real response.
  3. I don't understand what you mean on that but I rarely get visitors to my place is what is creepy to me that these bots pop up mostly between 3am and 6am USA time central.
  4. This is what I found this morning from my orb. Very creepy how this bot came onto my 1/4 RP sim and decided to stay for 8 seconds which isn't long.
  5. I have seen this go on the parcel I rent, a couple months ago a random person came onto my parcel never said a word, I walked over there to greet them at the landing spot and once I arrived the person just teleported out and kept on coming back for many days not saying a word. I used my casper visitor tracker to help see how many times he person visited in a week it was 12 times I had to block the account from coming into my parcel. Some people who come in and don't respond usually leave suddenly its really weird I never had that problem on SL.
  6. I love Aesthetic Mesh body easier to use and apply clothing, Recently I tried a demo of Letluka head and slink body for males it looked crappy to me unless I didn't apply everything correctly but at least I do enjoy the body even if its a bit more muscle its fine with me. The appliers are easy to remove with a simple hud.
  7. The duties are to help us gather recruits for the RP and we plan on having hud systems for the Roleplay as well. Since it's fairly new we plan on expanding to a few full sims in the future to help make the RP realistic when more people come in for various things like taverns, shops, blacksmiths etc. We have a lore as well that is in development that works into the roleplay. For the RP HUD it would be combat related along with health, stamina and other skills added to help make it realistic to battle with like Elder Scrolls Online or war of Worldcraft in a sense. Its not paid unless someone wants to help get the sim up and running in the future when land sales come back open (I don't know that is going on right now with SL due to the pandemic last I checked in January land sales were closed again). But I am workin on expanding and getting people first before getting the full sim. A friend of mine wants to do at least 4 full sims but I think that's a bit much for a starter roleplay. Its a medieval roleplay called BloodBorne Castle that is fairly new all in for fun and people really don't have to invest to help get a full sim like I said we're starting on a 1/4 rented parcel and plan on maybe this fall getting a full sim right now is creating the lore and setting up a story before the roleplay castle opens. The castle is currently being built by two of my friends and is taking sometime to build so we are working on a background store, lore, character races etc before opening when the castle is finished. In a sense yes but most of all to help bring in people for when we plan on getting a full sim or a couple of full sims once the RP expands. it would be helpful if someone who is interested in helping us invest into a full sim in the future if interested in the RP.
  8. Hello there I'm seeking 6 people who want to help run a full sim for an RP that is currently in development at this time. These people would help have 1full sim that can be used for the group and eventually get 4-6 other full sims to create a Medieval Fantasy type roleplay village along with housing and of course like a castle along with other things. We are discussing by October to have the backers to produce one full sim. Renting is hard to find the proper land so we are stuck renting a 1/4 parcel at this time. If anyone wants to help gather the people and backers including role-players please feel free to contact me here on the forums or inworld on SL. Viper Nova (xxVi3perxx)
  9. True I have a Casper tech one for just tracking my Sim when its having people on there for RP and stuff its helpful as long as its not for bad things.
  10. I can say that my Desktop PC can run SL but it lags plus I have an outdated Video card that is needing a new one but I am using my MacBook Pro from college and it can run SL with some lag depending on the traffic of places.
  11. Well I'm not going to hide at least if SL permits it then its fine.
  12. Like I said I don't even know what trackers are out on SL if anyone is using them LL should do something about it since its illegal In a way to track someone in my own opinion.
  13. I'm not surprised IMVU is trying so hard to be #1 platform to beat SL but frankly IMVU is losing that battle because people on IMVU are slowly moving to SL. There is a lot of issues going on within the IMVU community that is not good. A lot of things broken where if people make enemies or have a dispute with someone it comes to annoyance with people following others. Just think of it like Twitter with follow me here button and let me display everything publicly. Oh and the staff don't really help with anything and are bots 100%. More or so anymore IMVU has become a ground for underage children where new accounts being made are not monitored on the adult side of IMVU since there is a teen server for it. SL has been on the rise while IMVU is slacking on pretty much everything. I say am glad I moved to SL back in 2018 and I still have my IMVU account but don't log into the client because its so boring there barely anyone talks in rooms or even role-plays anymore more so people seem more dramatic and toxic on IMVU and the block button is not even functional. I'm also going to add this here. Many IMVU users who have tried SL have found it difficult to use for the viewers and give up within one day and will go back to IMVU, Last year one of my friends decided to try SL and I helped her out and since then she has never logged into her IMVU account but enjoys SL. IMVU is easier to understand but it takes time to learn SL properly and even then with the new changes and add ons to viewers these days SL seems to be thriving more and more.
  14. Here is one thing if you show yourself online (Via Firestorm viewer) if that same person is in the same group as you. Let's say you go to a sim and the sim has a group well if you check the box those who see you online via the group will know when you are possibly on the sim. I never heard of tracker HUDS before but anything is possible these days like on IMVU if you don't pay a certain affiliate money to hide your profile anyone who searches your name or ID number can find your rooms and places you have visited. Kind of beats the purpose of those who want to hide from certain people. I stay offline on firestorm and I keep my second life homepage to friends only from prying eyes. Just remember when you change your name they will know via seeing your profile has changed because you still own your old name I wish SL would allow if you change your SL legacy name you don't that name or that profile anymore.
  15. For myself The reason I switched was to look better, Granted I got the cheapest one for Aesthetic Enzo body and can afford the outfits that come with it. Even on my alt that I rarely use I recently upgraded her to Lara Head with Maitreya body. Before using Classic people would avoid me and once I switched its like I made more friends on both accounts. Yes some people can be snobs but if you want to feel comfy go on ahead but for me in most RP places anymore Mesh body is recommend so I had to switch in order to role-play in those types of places. Even now for me I don't care what body people use classic or mesh because my wife uses classic body because she likes it. It all comes down if you want to do it or not totally up to you.
  16. I cleared my browser cache seemed to work on Chrome since I use that more than any other browser thank you for the help.
  17. One thing you can do like others suggested is file an abuse report but also document every since thing that is being said with Screenshots, video etc to back up your claims. even with the money issue make sure you have the transcripts you made into the system itself and proceed to talk with a lawyer about this. Not much you can do about others talking about you but if it turns into more of an attack on you via several people being the aggressors you can report it to linden labs and see what they can do. I dealt with this before on a different platform after getting no help I decided to leave the platform and come to SL instead. You can block the people talking bad about you as well and leave any groups apart of that system. Good luck!
  18. Yes I did log out and back in but it still shows my old name for the mysecondlife for like profile stuff. https://my.secondlife.com/flamegirlhero it still shows even my name change.
  19. So recently I changed my legacy name but it still shows my old legacy name that is no longer active is there a reason it still shows like that on mysecondlife website for profiles?
  20. I have had this issue recently with products I left reviews on and later on when I figured out the problem I couldn't review them again. Even after contacting one creator she said she never flagged the review because she helped me on the problem instantly and that is why I was going to leave a better review. It could be SL as well having issues with glitches.
  21. Wow this almost looks like GTA V Online community gates area I found playing the video game. It looks nice!
  22. Hello I have a question I am on a limited internet package deal and I am wondering how much data per hour does Second Life consume? I spend at least 4-5 hours a day on SL if I am working on things or visiting different places. I have Mediacom package 300MBPS speed and 2,000 GB of GB allowance if anyone has the information to give me on what SL GB usage is provided per viewer.
  23. Agreed how can newer sims can get the same type of traffic when most ads on SL cost lindens and even then most rather not pay for advertisements and promote somehow without using groups because there are limited posts on groups a notice for an RP can be posted on? At least on a different platform I was apart of for 10 years they had a forum topic for Role-players to use and dozens of ads were put on and that is how most people got the traffic for people however I think that topic got removed when a new thing was added and the platform decide to push roleplay out of the way which sucks to be honest.
  24. To be honest with forums not allowing advertisements and some groups are limited to what can be advertised for role-plays. I know one way of getting people to join is inworld look through active roleplay group chats and check each persons profile and if interest peaks to what your roleplay is about you can private message them and ask if they would like to join. The is how I mainly do that I hope you find people to join in for your RP and good luck!
  25. Good topic, I mostly go around different places and explore plus take photos to share onto my blog. Even though I am running my own place on SL I basically still explore different places. Eventually I want to get a full sim and have some sort of town or city to have awesome items to make it look realistic and good for photographers to use. Besides roleplaying I just explore whatever I can find.
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