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Everything posted by BelindaN

  1. I would always go for sourdough, which makes the best toast ever. But then I'm contributing to thread drift, which is faster and less predictable than continental drift..........time for bed! 23.25 here!
  2. I do (ahem) have a bloodstained meat cleaver..........Given to me by a good friend.......
  3. Well I visited Mina, first on your list and bought six more hairs.............Oh yeah!!! And I visited Scandalize again and got quite a few things..........Oh yeah!!!! I'm on a roll considering yesterday I had no intention of spending any more L$ until the end of the month. What went wrong?????
  4. I'll see if I can scan the image. They are quite unusual, and as a shoe obsessive shopper, none so far in SL are exactly like these!! You know how it is........
  5. Busy SL day so far. Dancing at the Breakfast Club, shopping, making new outfits, and exploring................haha! Visited Wellspring Island for the photos.............. There was some canoodling going on in the bushes, but not by me.........not today anyway!! hehe.
  6. I've been here for fifteen weeks and three days. Not that I'm counting....... So two system Avis later, one mesh body and two mesh heads, here I am.............loving it! I've been sorting my inventory over the past few days. I have 27 hairs and 43 pairs of shoes............ is this normal????? I went to Go&See just now but I can't find any reference to skins for Genus heads. Obviously not looking in the right place I guess.....................................any pointers please? Back to shoes.............Can I have some shoes made to "my design"??? If so how would I do this???? Not really my design though. You see there were these shoes in a (RL) magazine ages ago. Coral & black, strappy, killer heels, and absolutely gorgeous. I searched the internet on and off for days without success. It occurred to me today that I might be able to fix that here. I have a photo from the magazine which I think will scan. I'm sure that they would sell well........................
  7. I'm nearly four months old......*innocent whistle *........?
  8. More work from Ceka!!!!!!!! Blondes have more fun, apparently.? I prefer the Ceka I recognise.......
  9. Mine has morphed into colour for some reason.?
  10. I thought it was me. Mine have gone black & white and I seem to have lost those cute forum Emojis....... I'm devastated...........? <<<these are rubbish. *sad face*.
  11. Good job you remembered those panties......haha!
  12. Yeah, I agree that the neck join is not good enough (yet), but I can live with that for now!! Having said that I felt guilty for almost abandoning Simone after she's been so good to me in such a short time. So yesterday I gave her some slider time................................and she has a perfect neck haha!
  13. But the truth is out there.................*innocent gaze*.............
  14. So how can you resist a look like that Coby? Its just addictively amazing........?
  15. I'd love to try that Ceka.....please!! I'm struggling with the neck join. It's a bit raggy despite tweaking and the Genus neck fix makes it worse. The Maitreya neck fix improves it slightly but it's not um, perfect. Maybe the final version will improve it. I can live with it though because this look is soooo good. And so easy to adjust. I'm really excited about this look!!!! Oh and my hands got very big for some reason. I had to resize down......haha?
  16. I've been a paid up member for a while Janet........ In fact I enjoy synch dancing at Hidden Desires when I get chance!! haha ?
  17. Done that Janet. Now looking good. Guess what? Within a minute of arriving at Skinnery I was hit on by a girl wanting........um.....some action I guess. ☺️
  18. It's the "peach" demo which came with the head and the default Lara one nearest to it. (so Glam affair!) So what would you do next (as my mentor and teacher).....hehe
  19. Thanks Janet, and I'm loving every minute!!!! So Ceka, is the skin you mentioned a part solution?? What's my next step?????
  20. Genus demo peach. The neck join needs work...... What do you think to the look????? (the lighting makes it look darker)
  21. Progress report....................... I'm doing OK so far. Haven't got a perfect neck match yet but that can be sorted. The first image is the usual me. I've lightened the skin tone for conistency. The rest are the new me............. This is amazing. See what you think........?
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