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Everything posted by BelindaN

  1. Noob me was totally in awe of super looking mesh avis. Like reduced to babbling celeb fan girl jelly. So if Noob me didn't know it was Now me, that's the scenario. But if Noob me knew it was Now me, Noob me would be utterly gobsmacked that I managed to understand mesh, understand BoM, go premium, furnish a house, sail a boat, and the rest. And especially my altfest. That was never planned. On and my taking photos. Noob me just took an occasional vanity pic. Not how it is now. Noob me had a simpler life, but Now me has a lot more fun, even without jumping on a poseball.
  2. In the end, the only thing which truly matters in terms of personal belief and understanding is an open mind. Open minds drive science and discovery. I try to understand what I don't understand and accept that I will never truly know everything. Closed minds have certainty based on today. I'm a long way from certainty.
  3. I think it more likely the universe, or universes are forever, and simply go through cycles. Where the rules came from is another matter.
  4. So there was no space and no time, and not even an empty space. The suddenly from nowhere, there was a bang (which obviously nobody heard) and bingo! A universe. Not credible. Unless everything emerged from a parallel dimension. I just don't buy nothing creating something. Its flat earth thinking.
  5. I dont have time to slog through all this thread. And I don't have any answers either. So maybe I should stop there. But I do have thought threads. The everything from nothing big bang makes no sense in the context of known science. There's more to the observable universe than the observable universe, which appears chaotic but in a single lifetime is quite stable. Time and gravity seem to be fundamentals. How did those rules appear? Life may travel around the universe like dandelion seeds, creating life when conditions are suitable. There may or may not be a God. But there are natural rules. Maybe reality has always existed. We will never know the truth of that I suspect. Darwin observed the obvious, which is how science creates a benchmark in time. It's obvious that remote places like Easter Island and Australasia will develop unique species in isolation, and the consequences of humans then introducing european fauna shows what can happen to indigenous species. But I only think Darwin got the obvious, and I don't blindly believe his version of life, simply because the obvious today has changed. So there you have it. No answers. Unless this whole thing is a simulation.
  6. I'm closest in concept to what Lewis @Lewis Luminos said up there ^^^ These alt accounts are not 100% separate from me, there's always some slight overlap; either there's a little bit of me in them, or a little bit of them in me. Some of them are snippets of my past. But they are themselves, they have different personalities, different styles, even different interests. It surprises me sometimes how different they feel when I log out of one and into another. I made my first avi using matching parameters to myself, so small, blonde, freckled olive skin. I behave "more or less" the same in RL as in SL. My alts provide some additional experiences!
  7. I didn't realise how much fun cycling can be........... @Scylla Rhiadra @Eva Knoller @Laurel Aurelia @Saskia Rieko @TatianaNikolay
  8. The boy stood on the burning deck The flames were all a flicker A flame ran up his trouser leg And cost him half a knicker. (Sorry)!!!
  9. OK, a bit spooky, but not bad....... Oh......tech issue..................... SL100-0-Animated.gif (gyazo.com)
  10. If you look on You Tube, there are some early photos which have been coloured and animated. Probably using this software. Some famous people included from back in time, it's worth a look. Search on old photos, and it should pop up.
  11. I found a grate, and a better dress.......................
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