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Everything posted by AyelaNewLife

  1. Oh, for sure. But Klytana's completely over-the-top melodramatic way of phrasing things is, at least in part, supposed to be funny. (I hope...)
  2. Which leads us back to the original question asked in this thread; they can indeed be ambiguous, and it would be silly to read too much into a single reaction. But a pattern of similar usage? Yeah, I think that can be seen as scornful pretty accurately.
  3. This sort of thing is why I mute all my shopping groups now. The peanut gallery never fails to impress me with just how wide a range of totally useless suggestions they can come up with. If someone has a specific problem they'd like help resolving, then either help with that problem or shut it. Too many people will throw out irrelevant garbage so they can feel like they are helping people, when in fact they just make things worse. Exhibit A: I had a problem with an applier HUD. It was a simple case of one of the options applying the wrong applier to another part of my body, so I didn't notice; already fixed, I just needed a redelivery. I asked if anyone else had noticed a similar problem in chat, and these were the suggestions I got: Buy a Belleza body instead Buy another brand's applier instead Clear cache Cover up the applier area with clothing Just don't use the applier at all
  4. I agree. But the consequence of this is that it's also not my responsibility to manage someone else's emotions for them. Most reasonable people would make reasonable adjustments to avoid distressing most people, but if someone is going to be offended by something as petty and insignificant as the colour of my hairclips (has happened) or whether a salad emoji has an egg in it (vegans gonna vegan) or if someone uses a laughing reaction emoji ironically, then I am well within my rights to roll my eyes and keep walking. I cannot keep everyone happy, nor should I be expected to. Edit: Of course, this doesn't justify going out of my way to cause someone else distress either.
  5. And titles are hard. Pictures are better: This is the problem I noticed when posing for a friend recently (although it's been a problem that's popped up every month or so for a while now). The things with colour that are on layers - my eyebrows, facial freckles, body freckles, my lips, but not my black eyeliner - decided to turn neon orange because... well, I'm not sure why. This is using the normal day cycle windlight, and appeared to be windlight-independent. The lighting and letterbox effect are from a projector my friend used, which was 10ft away or so? Removing my lipstick and eyebrows and using the ones built directly into my skin rather than as a layer fixes the neon effect, and as you can see from the side of my arm, they all look normal when out of the light. The previous two times that I distinctly remember seeing this effect was in low-light environments; one was in a "blackbox" with a no-light windlight, lit up with projected light, and all my freckles and eyebrows played up like this. The other was in a 'moonlight' windlight, and I only noticed some lipstick glow, as if my lipstick was partially fullbright. I'm using a Laq head with a YS&YS skin (and observed a similar effect with a Laq skin), Maitreya body (observed with Slink Physique too). The facial freckles and eyebrows are from Laq, as is the lipstick, the body freckles are from Nanika, and I tried a couple of other appliers from Izzie's and Identity, they all had the same problem. Hairbase is an applier from Argrace, it looks normal. Any ideas? Edit: forgot to add; if you check my Flickr, and look at my 5th most recent photo (which is of a not for work nature), you can see an example of me in a sealed "blackbox" with a light projector shining at my face, without the problems we see here. Which just makes it more confusing.
  6. Because no one has ever had their mind changed by someone screaming "that's offensive!" in their face. Understanding the root cause of a problem is the first step in fixing it.
  7. Wait... what? Scylla is referencing the supposed superiority of women in those areas. That's the impression, the trope, the stereotype that almost everyone is aware exists. Nowhere did she say or imply that she thought it was accurate - if anything, she implied the opposite.
  8. Please don't just skip words when reading someone else's post. The word "supposed" is crucial here.
  9. (I can't tell how many of the reaction laughs in this thread are genuine, ironic-scornful, or ironic-ironic scornful)
  10. The "rules" in any online community are almost always guidelines rather than clear red lines in the sand. There is always some degree of discretion on the part of the moderators. Why? Because people are people. If you set out a crystal clear line, some people will walk up to that line, lean on it for a bit and then wiggle a single hair over that line, all while screeching about how acktuwally what they're doing is technically legal. Keeping them as guidelines shuts down most of the armchair rules lawyers in their tracks.
  11. I haven't really got experience with either; but do you have a partner/father in mind? If so, then you two can pick whichever hud you want... or even just work out a timeline for your pregnancy on a piece of paper, no need for a hud for that. It depends what you're after. Mama Allpa is the most widespread hud for, uh, rolling the genetic dice. So if you're looking for hookups with some risk, that's the one for you, as a decent number of guys will own the male hud. If pregnancy roleplay is the only thing you're looking for, Mama Allpa isn't bloated with stuff you don't need. If you're looking for something to roleplay a bunch of more mundane day-to-day stuff too, then Eden might be what you want. Google tells me it's on sale now, so whichever you decide, it's gonna cost less than a t shirt anyway
  12. Eve Online tried that approach. The result was actually pretty similar to SL; a wonderfully terrible, complex sandbox game with a niche playerbase that never truly explodes in popularity, but has incredible longevity. All attempts to make it more "accessible" and smooth out the learning curve made no difference to the player count, and instead made things incrementally worse for the existing playerbase. There's a vast number of differences between SL and Eve, of course, but it's probably the closest analogue in the ways that matter.
  13. I think many long-term SL residents forget how extraordinary it is that SL has survived at all over the last 15 years, let alone had such a consistent playerbase over such a length of time. It's not quite unique, but I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of games (sandbox or otherwise) that have survived and thrived for so long. SL is a rare and special thing that has long outlived any reasonable life expectancy. So does every single online game, sandbox or world out there. Once you're out of the launch honeymoon phase, more standard games will have a <1% retention rate to 30 days. You really think that someone as unconventional as SL is going to do better than that? There isn't some magical alternate reality in which any online world or game retains the majority of its signups, that's pure fantasy.
  14. I think many people make the mistake of conflating observing/criticising an overall trend in a population, with judging and abusing individuals. It's a fallacy, and it would be wrong to attribute malice where there clearly is none.
  15. Creators that lock the best colours/patterns inside the fatpack really grinds my gears. I don't mind the single colour or fatpack hud business model; just let me buy the individuals I want! I'm trying to give them money! Related other pet peeve: white knights that think that "muh free market" insulates creators from any and all criticism. It doesn't.
  16. Were capped at that until a matter of weeks ago. That was upped to 1024 x 1024 in preparation for Bakes on Mesh.
  17. I'm 1.88m (6' 1'') according to the Firestorm edit shape window, and 1.86m (6') according to an actual prim measurement. I've very few (if any) women that were significantly shorter yet still looked vaguely proportional, yet plenty of giantesses over a head and a half taller than me (partly because those giantesses will permanently walk on tip toes, even bare footed). With almost no exceptions, every guy I've met and checked the height of has been noticeably taller than me too, but rarely to an absurd extent (unless dancing, couples dances seem to be built for those giantesses). Not that there's anything wrong with being a giantess; just if you decide to make yourself taller than most men, then you should own it and not pretend that you're 'petite'.
  18. YS&YS have a "tone 0" skin that fits between 1 and 2 in the lightness scale, try checking that out. They added the skin after the main batch, precisely because the jump from 1 to 2 was so large. They didn't want to rename the existing skins, as that would just cause more confusion with existing customers. Perhaps Tone 1.5 would have made more sense?
  19. For me it's the other way around. A "pet peeve" is a minor annoyance that most people are fine with, or is otherwise irrational. By definition it's petty, and not a major issue. But the definition is also open to your (and others') interpretation; neither is "wrong". That's just how a rapidly-evolving mishmash of several radically different language groups works (ie, it works badly and inconsistently). I added this little one at the end of my list just to make that point though although gesturespammers do have no soul
  20. Oh, here's a new one: No copy/no mod/no trans boxes for copy items. Why is this a thing? There is no reason to make the box no perm when every one of the contents is copy. It's raw inconvenience with no upsides at all. People need to stop doing this. Edit: Bonus points if they make the vendor ad no copy yet still no trans, thus making the box no copy.
  21. It's more that if I make a landmark to a specific point in the region/sim/store, and a landing point overrides that and pulls me to the landing point, that's just petty and annoying. There's rarely ever a need for this.
  22. It's the natural result of LL giving us a range of reacts, yet none of which take the place of a "dislike" option; so some people made their own.
  23. "Bring more potential donors in and don't forget to give me money I've got tier to pay and it's hard work pressing play on a preset playlist and also give money to the greeterbot script dancing next to me she also has tier to pay and no marketable skills"
  24. With a handful of exceptions, fullbright on buildings or objects Gesture spam or noisy gestures, especially during a concert or DJ set Voicers or non-voicers that look down or slander the other group; each to their own Landing points that override TPing to landmarks for no justifiable reason I don't mind how shops give out items; just make it easy for me to get a box (re)delivered for a backup Empty profiles, or profiles that just say "ask if you want to know more" - hint: I won't bother asking I'm not a fan of caricature avatars; but the caricature personalities that seem to come with them are far worse In fact, anyone that just jumps in with roleplay as an introduction; bonus points if that roleplay dehumanises me in some way System avatar guys that are in turn mesh snobs towards the women they want Anyone that starts a conversation with "hi" but expects me to start the actual conversation Permanoobs - actual newbies and high effort system avatars are fine Fancy character names, I'll just call you all Kevin instead People that instablock anyone that breaches their pet peeves, rather than just being slightly annoyed at someone else's choices (apart from gesturespammers, they deserve it)
  25. These reviews are extremely outdated, most of the details are no longer accurate, but it's a good place to get a list of head creators to check out for yourself.
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