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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. They are doing this for tax reasons. So that A you can file taxes and in accordance with new US tax laws. And yes, it's practically the bank of LL. So yes they will have inactivity fees. That is part of life. If you don't like it, as you said take your listings down. It is not abomination, it's just that if people want to keep making money. LL has to follow laws. End of story.
  2. Let me reiterate something. Keep SL SL and RL RL. No need to add stuff like a government system. Then we would have power hungry idiots running for power and making the grid oh so awesome. Lol.
  3. No and No. Simply put, why do we need a system of government in SL?
  4. I have this love hate relationship with SL. I love how SL has let me discover myself and explore the multiple facets of my personality. But I hate the people, who are so judgy and petty. I know it's natural human behaviour, but it makes you want to hideaway from the whole grid. And I love exploring the grid. So it's like you are stepping on eggshells hoping you are not judged on how you look, or how you act even though I keep to myself.
  5. I don't say sorry if I bump into anyone. It's just pixels at the end of the day. No offense, but people who get mad at people bumping into pixels. Really need to not take SL as seriously.
  6. When people take SL too seriously. Do with this as you will.
  7. Like a million little pixels that all bunch up to look like my avatar. That is how my avatar looks today. Lol.
  8. I totally misread the title as New Furniture violations. Lol
  9. My suggestion for this, email the publisher. Have them look into this. Make sure you show them the evidence. So take a screenshot and stuff.
  10. There is a difference between blatantly ripping a movie from a torrent site. That is theft, and sharing it with people. And taking a clip from say a YouTube video and using it in your video to review said video That is called fair use.
  11. No you can file a DMCA if you own the intellectual property. But yes that is stealing.
  12. Fair usage only works if you are using clips or examples, not taking a whole dang book. Lol. That is not fair usage, that is blatant theft.
  13. I don't know it is against the law. that is technically theft. It is technically someone's intellectual property. They are making a profit off of something that is not their's and didn't get permission or access to sell in SL. And it is part of the TOS. I don't know why people don't look at it as theft. That would be like someone taking the Louis Vuitton Pattern and Font and plopping it on a bag and selling it as they created it. It is wrong and they should be called out for it.
  14. I honestly don't see a problem with what she did.
  15. Bask in the glory, that is Sammy. Too egotistical. Anyways, this blog was solely inspired by my outfit. I hope you all enjoy ♥
  16. I wanted to be male in the picture today. So this happened. I hope you all enjoy ♥
  17. I had this conversation with my RL mom when I was 5, when Canada finally allowed women to go topless. And simply put. If it's okay for men to show bare chest, why is it not okay for women? I don't see an issue whatsoever for women to show their bare chests as I don't look at it as sexual. That all being said, it is kinda hypocritical. A trans woman can show her bare chest to show off the development of the breasts and a breast cancer survivor can show her bare chest to show people what happened. But why not a regular old woman?
  18. To be quite honest. Unless there is direct parental supervision, and the kids are limited to certain rated regions. So parents would have to set all that up, plus their account. That and be online with them. So turn it into something like family time in SL. Kids should not be in SL period.
  19. My inspiration was pride 2020, as I am trans. I felt that I wanted to show that off in this picture. I hope you all enjoy ♥
  20. I can add to that, when new upcoming events or stores do that too. Or when they have it in their vendor, so when you purchase your item, you unknowningly subscribe to them. I have had it multiple times, even from a so called reputable event. Write now a shoe store has done it to me, and I keep on asking the owner of said store to take me off the list. I have yet to get a reply.
  21. Oh my god that bugs the absolute dickens out of me. Put the dang credits there, and stop being so dang cringy.
  22. When someone creates an ad photo and they don't credit what is part of their outfit that they didn't design. Like I see those shoes, and I want them. Can you not put where you got them. Also bloggers who just credit their sponsors, I want to know where you got everything from.
  23. Oh please do. XD. I am totally joking btw. I think my biggest pet peeve on this topic of men and women and stuff. Can't say the other word, I will get bleeped out. Lol. Is how and I may have said this before. But I say a lot, so I forget. Lol. Is how people in the LGBTQ community over sexualize themselves. And are oversexualized. I feel like the black sheep, as I am not that way and am not hypersexual.
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