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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. I really don't think it's inconsistency, I really don't mind if someone is mesh or system. Honestly that whole someone needs to wear mesh, just to look good. Is rather shallow to me. It's their SL after all. But it's not really a pet peeve, more of an OCD thing. Things that look out of place, or that look wrong will drive me bonkers. Trust me, I would drive my friends insane when they had a restaurant on a sim and all the tables and chairs were not straight. Having Asperger's you tend to notice those little things, and well you either ignore it or it just constantly bugs you and eats away at you. Like I will have to leave a sim if I see this. As I can get kinda annoying for my partner, I will incessantly complain about it. It's not a pet peeve, but merely a just an observational annoyance, that turns into a slight obsession.
  2. To me, it feels like they are trying to look like someone with a physical deformity. But how rare is that in all actuality? But you literally have a community that does that, and you are thinking. Damn, parents DNA did not favour you in that area.
  3. I don't know how it's sexy to have arms that are literally t rex arms. Oh yes baby, let me get a feel of those maldeformed arms, that you can barely wipe your butt with. Lol. I try my best to make my avatar as proportionate as possible. Especially in the leg and arm areas. I don't want to have a proportionate body, and then my arms and legs look really off.
  4. People who lose their mind during unscheduled and scheduled maintenance day. It was worse during the DDOS attack of SL or when the Internet got DDOSed. It is not the end of the world, that some things don't work, or that you can't login. Find some other stuff to do.
  5. I was having a very simple/basic day. Wanted to keep it as simple as possible, with no real glitz or glam. I hope you all enjoy
  6. But the same can be said about RL when it comes to looks too. Have you seen instagram or snapchat(snapchat is confusing as heck btw.) There are people uploading pictures saying how pretty they look. That and the same thing goes with judgement in RL, that is practically the same way too. So you really can't say it is all that. There is way more to your observation than how someone wants you to see them. I can agree that SL has gotten more cliquey, you just have to find the right people to hang out with that's all.
  7. So basically it is LL's responsibility and everyone on social media's responsibility to find something for you to do. There are tonnes of things in SL to do, YOU just gotta take the time and find it.
  8. This is a really recent one, and I notice one company does it. So there is this outfit for males at an event, won't name the outfit or event. Yet they get to buy the fatpack or individuals. The guy says he is releasing a female version. What does he do? He makes it a gacha. If you are gonna allow the males to buy the whole item as a fatpack. Why do females not get the same treatment? I kinda find it unfair to be honest. There may be other companies in SL that does that, and I think that is absolutely wrong. Does anyone else see an issue with this, or is it just me?
  9. People will always assign blame to things other then themselves. Yeah I stand around and do nothing, but I know why I'm bored. Because it's my fault. It ain't SL, it's me.
  10. I absolutely despise people who say there is nothing to do in SL, yet stand around and do nothing and not even try to get out there and find something they may like. Don't blame the grid, blame yourself, for not even trying.
  11. It was a dark and Dreary today, but I definitely felt warm by spending time with my Favourite People. Hope you all enjoy
  12. Bloggers who don't post everything. Some people may disagree with me, and I am fine with that. I would just like to be able to know A what each object is, and B where to get it. It's a pain in the backside to have to ask for everything that you don't know where it's from. That and I feel like it's a bit of a cop out, just to make their job easier. That could be something totally different, and I could be wrong. But please post everything that you are wearing. If you don't want people to know your shape, say custom shape. If you don't want people knowing your exact skin colour, just put the name of the skin and who it's by.
  13. Okay the name of the post is aptly named, Oh Yes It's Lady's Night. For one thing, it actually started out as me talking about not giving a crap about what I wear and that I am really weird. That will come at a later date. It then went to, and it fit quite well. About how emotional and hormonal of a day I had today. For many of you who do not know, I am trans. I have bad hormonal/emotional days from time to time. This was one of them. But things are starting to level out, and I am actually starting to feel a bit better. Albeit tired, but I am definitely better. I really hope you enjoy
  14. This is why I have repeated myself on multiple occasions. I made my own shape, cause I don't agree with paying that price. I took the time to learn how to make a shape. As I got sick and tired of asking friends or having to pay the same price for a shape that costs the same as a mesh object.
  15. I just don't see a sculptor of something that is already in SL. I look at you as a sculptor, you sculpt the shape but using what you have in SL to make the shape. I don't see a shape creator and equate it to someone who makes mesh.
  16. I taught myself how to make my own shape. But I don't think the best thing is to shut up and just move on. If a customer or a consumer of said product has a problem with a product. Is it wise to tell them to shut up and move on? I don't think so. I stopped putting my money into shape creators, I made my own. But as a person who consumed in shapes, since I was too lazy to make my own. I think I can voice my opinion on this matter. I do think that 299 or higher is rather expensive for a shape. I don't get this practice, charge basically in the same ball park as a person who designs Clothing or Accessories for a single Clothing or a small pack of Jewelry. I don't see it as the same thing, so I don't see why someone would charge that price. I should have been more specific earlier and said I don't think shape creators should charge as much as they do. I am fine with 25L, heck, I am fine with 100L. But I am not fine with paying the same amount I would pay for one shirt, a piercing or jewelry set or even a tattoo. That seems rather exorbitant in price.
  17. That's what I mean, I got sick and tired of paying for the average market price for a shape. That I took the time and taught myself to make shapes. I am not paying into that. Nor will I ever pay into that.
  18. Okay but do you think charging anywhere between 299 and 499 is a fair price for a shape?
  19. Never said it was wrong for others, I just don't happen to agree myself. That being said, I learned to make my own shape as I was getting sick and tired of the average market price for a shape.
  20. Never said that 25L was too pricey. But I don't think charging anywhere from 299 to 499 is right. Wait what costs so much to package them?
  21. Let me ask you. Do you think charging anywhere between 299 and more is a fair and reasonable price for a body? Think about it you explained it yourself. When on average a shape creator will charge 299, and you said yourself that it takes 1 to 3 hours. So essentially your charging the mass consumer anywhere between 299L per hour to 99L per hour. My whole issue is not really the charge, I don't really like anyone charging to create for a shape. But you are pricing your things 49L for what a person takes from 14 hours to a week to make in blender and other 3rd party programs. Do you think that you are any better or equal to a mesh creator? That's my issue. On average a mesh creator charges 250 per single item, or even small set. Whether it be clothing or small little jewellry. Look I would rather pay 25L for a shape or make my own. If that makes me sound cheap and stingy that's fine. I just don't see a shape creator, especially with what they charge at an equal level to a mesh creator.
  22. There are people who will charge anywhere from 299 to 499 for their shapes. Like it's ridiculous today, I do see a point paying a small fee. But Cmon paying upwards of 25L. That is just a little bit too pricey there.
  23. People who charge for shapes, there I said it. I get it's hard to make a shape in SL. But charging for a shape, cmon. That seems a little profit hungry. Don't you think?
  24. I wanted to do Wednesday Addams but with a twist. Cliche I know, but hear me out. There was this awesome group gift from one store. Which were eyes, but the eyes had two pupils in them. So for anyone who watched the Exorcist TV series. You will know what I am talking about. Anyways I hope you all enjoy
  25. Okay but no one can dictate what you can put in your home, when it comes to personal items. It's your little sanctuary, now I understand if you are a part of home owners association or gated community, that your exterior design of your home is important and must meet community or city standards. But not the inside of your home.
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