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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Oh please do. XD. I am totally joking btw. I think my biggest pet peeve on this topic of men and women and stuff. Can't say the other word, I will get bleeped out. Lol. Is how and I may have said this before. But I say a lot, so I forget. Lol. Is how people in the LGBTQ community over sexualize themselves. And are oversexualized. I feel like the black sheep, as I am not that way and am not hypersexual.
  2. This is why I posted my pet peeve, just to stop this debate that is going in circles. Lol
  3. I have a bunch of pet peeves, to be honest with you. I think we all do, and this forum post is a great way to be able to openly talk about it. Anywhosers, with the pandemic and all. My big pet peeve is when people take like an hour to look around and shop. And I don't mean like they are constantly shopping, I mean they are looking around, touching everything, and just taking their sweet time. Now I don't know about you, but it is a pain to stand outside and wait. It is also a pain to watch someone's grubby paws, without any gloves on touch everything they are looking at. In SL, when an event releases and you go to check it out and it's a themed event and barely anything there is too the damn theme.
  4. Friend wanted to do a photo with me, turned into a pop up blog. I hope you all enjoy ♥
  5. This was inspired by my love of military stuff, and then the rest came together quite naturally. I hope you all enjoy ♥
  6. SL is also getting some positive recognition and press. This is so freakin cool
  7. I am actually gonna check it out. I am pretty excited to see this.
  8. December 24th 2007, 12 years and a bit. I was playing on a windows vista PC, which yeah it was an HP. So it basically ran SL molasses. Lol. Couldn't figure out how to leave mainland. Lol. So after the second day, I was like screw it and 4 years later I came back. Logged on ever since, and yes since that time. I had figured out how to leave mainland. Lol
  9. The only way I am getting a Gacha, is if they offer a Fatpack on top of pulling.
  10. I tend to have my own music going while at an event, that and I don't want to be having to cam through everyone on the event floor dancing. That and the lag, it would be so horrible.
  11. This photo was just an inspired by me wanting me to be classy in a place that made no sense to be class at. I hope you all enjoy ♥
  12. That was my point, they don't need it. That all being said, they need to realize that A there are so many events, and B half the events are crap at marketing. That is why there is low traffic. People need to realize, that events have oversaturated the market. So if you need to have a DJ to promote an event. Should you really be running an event?
  13. I never understood why they needed DJs to promote an event, if you have great marketing skills. You wouldn't need to promote your event by using DJs and crowding up the sim for hours.
  14. I had to deal with that with an event. So story time with Sammy again. So this was about 2 years ago, I went to check out this said event. Got what I wanted and got the heck out. A week later, I get this thing reminding me of said event in my local. So I was like okay, I never clicked anything to be put into the subscribomatic. So I go to the group, and ask them to take me off the list, that I never clicked anything to subscribe. About a month or so passes, and I get it again. So once more, I ask in the group. Again, no one says anything. Give it another month or two later, I get another thing. So I again ask, got told to go to an LM to unsubscribe. I'm thinking, at long last I can get the heck out of this thing. Come to find the LM takes me to someone's land, that had an orb and told me I had 30 seconds to leave the land. Go back home, and tell them. That they gave me the wrong LM. Then another month or so passes, and I get it again. And I went in group and asked. I got berated and belittled, and the owner messages me. I was ejected and banned from said group for harrassing. Now keep in mind, I only asked about it 3-4 times over 5 or 6 months. So to me that wasn't harassing. To make a long story short, I am never allowed in that group, but the owner finally took me out when she banned me from said group. I was nice and polite about it, and I even took some attacks here and there. But yeah, the grievance of being put in a subscription list, without your consent. It's a pain in the bum, and hard as heck to get yourself out.
  15. Annoying one, but I do understand that it's the right of the sim/group owner to do so. When they raise the price of group join fee, not even 4 days later. So you have the money to join the group, and you are excited that you have it. You go to join the group, which you thought was the previous price and they raised it by x amount of Lindens.
  16. When people use like boxes upon boxes to deliver their product. So you are sitting there for a minute or 2 unwrapping what feels like a boxception. Lol
  17. Heck, it's hard to find some stuff I like that is not overly skimpy or makes me feel like I am way too revealing. Being that I am very modest in how I dress, I tend to float to certain companies in SL. But it does get hard to be adventurous and leave those brands and try to not look like a skimpy bombshell. Lol
  18. What's with all the hostility here. Let's all get along here.
  19. April Showers Bring MayFlowers. What do MayFlowers Bring? Pilgrims
  20. I would, not every man wants a bulge the size of a fire hydrant or even want pants that go down to their knees. Lol
  21. You forgot pants with massive bulges, or underwear with bulges for those men.
  22. But most of the selection is mainly for men who want to look feminine, or the ghetto look. That isn't a bad thing, but what men lack is diversity in styles. Not every dude wants to look like they are a thug or have that feminine look.
  23. I think my biggest pet peeve is, story time before I delve into the pet peeve. So someone had shared something in the group, with no explanation as to what it does or what it was. So I asked, hey what is this, what does it do. I got attacked and told I could look on google. I was like alright, but if you are gonna make something and share it in a group. It would be nice if you explained it in the notice. Long story short, I got kicked and banned from the group for A asking a question, and B for standing up for myself in said group. My biggest pet peeve, is when people share stuff in a group, with a lack of an explanation of what it is. Just the object a Title and that is it. That and the rudeness that some of these people exude. It's ridiculous. I asked a question, no need to get all offended cause someone doesn't know what it is. You could have said hey, it is this and if you want a better explanation. Go to this link and it will tell you more. It's not that hard to answer a question about your creation, when asked.
  24. Or assume you have ulterior motives when you offer to help them. Look Karen, I don't want to bang your pixels just cause I offered to help you. I am just trying to do a good deed here.
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