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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. I mean a lot of people could see that from a mile away. It would be like Bethesda making a COD game. That would be their VC as it would not get as much in revenue, as say their RP games.
  2. Again on my tirade about ad photos. People who use RL photos and impose the item on the person. Not only do you not know how it looks in world. It also is dishonest advertising to me.
  3. I have a funny RL story. So it was like the first two weeks of being on HRT. Let me preface by saying, I am transitioning from male to female. So it was the first two weeks and well I was going through a mad hormonal rollercoaster. And well it was bad. So my usual morning routine is to wake up have a coffee take my hormones. After my third normal cup of coffee. I am sitting here having a mental breakdown, cause I had too much coffee. That is one of my funniest transitioning stories.
  4. This whole post was inspired by the shirt. I have my together forever person, and I am happier than ever.
  5. If they made it mod, you could export the mesh as a collada and take the credit if you tweaked it a bit. I think it does still serve a purpose, like if I were to give you edit rights to a certain photo. You could doctor it if you wanted to. So they are just protecting their butts, so that doesn't happen.
  6. I mean it is entirely up to the creator and also you are not entitled to a fully modifiable mesh if the creator deems it so.
  7. Depends on the type of mesh, if it's rigged to a certain body or head then yeah I can see why it is not modifiable. The creator took the extra time to take the hassle out of you doing it. But if it's not rigged, it is usually modifiable.
  8. I mean there are other cloud services they could have went to, you have Azure. Which in my opinion, would be a better option. As it's built for things like this. But they found that AWS provided the services they needed. It all comes down to preferences, and LL chose AWS as it met their preferences for what they needed.
  9. People who post pics on SLFB and yes I use it. Showing off their avatar, never once asked for anyone's critiques or suggestion. Yet, they give them anyway. Clearly this person put a lot of time and effort into their avatar, it would be like a slap in the face to me. If I were to show my avatar off, and people were like. You should get this body or head, this skin, these eyes. Look, if you want me to fix it to your liking. Then pay me money, otherwise scroll on or compliment.
  10. That and Canada gets hit with snow. So we have to have the infrastructure set in place to deal with it.
  11. Sounds like Brits are just a wee bit soft when the weather gets a bit off. Lol
  12. That is absolutely funny, the first snowfall we get the snow plow trucks are out plowing the roads and even the highways, they are plowing the sidewalks and schools and even work isn't even cancelled. We don't shut down here for a little snow.
  13. Canadian winters are pretty bad, depending on where you live. And depending on the time of year, I may not see sun until 9 am or 7 am.
  14. When you get put in an event's or a store's subscriber list. Without your knowledge or consent. Seriously, it's annoying.
  15. This one was totally inspired by Natasha Romanov(The Black Widow) and I wanted to show it off in my blog.
  16. When creators or even event managers forget something in their ad. I have been nice enough to let them know. But hey this is a gift. When you get there you have to be a part of the group and it costs a fee to join. Why don't you put in your ad that it's a group gift and that it costs this much to join the group. Also say that it's a group gift. By calling it a gift without specifying that you need to be a part of a group is tad annoying. I see this a lot on FB. That and when gifts cost money to get. So instead of receiving said gift for free. You are basically making a discounted purchase on the item. That also goes back to my whole advertise thing. If you are gonna charge say 1L for a gift, say it's a heavily discounted item. Or like what I seen with some companies charge a Linden but it refunds its, just so you can redeliver the item if you say lose it.
  17. I gotta be honest with you guys, this outfit and look took me two weeks to put together. My Inspiration, was a zombie soldier from way back when. And I think I hit my mark on the dot.
  18. They mean Cryptocurrency, like Bitcoins and that stuff. Lindens are not considered a legal currency. As you can only use them in SL. Unlike Bitcoin, where you can use it anywhere that accepts Bitcoin.
  19. No the IRS wants to know how much money you make if you are a creator. Plain and simple as that, they don't care if you upload money or sell a measly 100 Lindens to your paypapl. But if you treat your store in world like an actual business and are selling Ls on a month to month basis. They want to know, for tax purposes. Its part of US law. LL has to follow the law.
  20. This post was inspired by my outfit and the backdrop and the rain. I hope you guys all enjoy.
  21. Today's Inspo is actually hard to say, I saw the coat and the sneakers and was like this would look cute. Let me blog it. I hope you all enjoy ♥
  22. Yes and when SL is fully integrated or migrated on the cloud things will be back to normal. They explained this during last years SL17B or at a lab gab.
  23. And even then they said they would have SL integrated fully into the cloud sometime in Feb or March of next year.
  24. Didn't they say that until they have fully moved to the cloud they are stopping the sales of new regions? I think that is what Ebbe said, but I am not too sure.
  25. It took me forever to get the inspo to post this, cause honestly I was in this rut and have been since the latter part of last year as well. But I finally got the inspo to post this. I hope you all enjoy ♥
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