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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Okay, but the whole thing is. There is a human behind that avatar. I am not saying the behaviour is okay. That and it's not a real horse.
  2. *****? Since when is two furries going at it, considered *****? I mean that is the only thing I can think of. That and two ferals going at it. I am not in that community. But you would need an actual animal for it to be called *****.
  3. Maybe cause SL doesn't fall under the exact definition of a metaverse. It is a virtual world. So maybe that is why we aren't in the current metaverse thingy.
  4. I don't think your star sign really determines who you are gonna be. Not gonna lie.
  5. I mean some people do meet outside of SL and have amazing relationships outside of the platform. I mean I am not saying to start a family. But I have a partner that I met in SL. That is also my RL partner.
  6. That is a good idea too. But using a credit card to verify age, isn't enough.
  7. Yeah they should plain and simple. But parents think that checking in on their kids and see what they are doing on their devices is invasion of privacy these days.
  8. I mean again we are making presumptions and just assuming. Some of us use SL as a means to deal with gender dysphoria. Like me. I am transitioning. And have a female avatar to represent that.
  9. Maybe parents should be parents should and keep an eye on what their kids are doing. Instead of using devices as a means of a babysitter.
  10. The only way you are gonna get adult content mainstream is if you made SL 18 plus or even recreated a teen/ family grid. That and you had some way to appease the investors. Like actually seeing if people are actually age of majority in their country. And no credit card is not enough to verify age. A kid can get ahold of their parents credit card and use it to access adult content. Then I can see investors not being so iffy on having adult content. Until something like that is introduced. We are gonna have to deal with a more family friendly platform.
  11. Until there is a more sustainable way to mine crypto and NFTs don't feel scammy. That and there is some regulations put in place by governments. I am not gonna get involved with any of it.
  12. Not gonna lie, but this is a very discriminatory post. I mean women can be just as bad. I hate this whole all men are bad schtick. Can we stop painting men with this broad brush. And maybe realize that we are all individuals. And sure there are bad men and women out there. But that doesn't mean all of them are bad.
  13. I am not saying we arrest people, but maybe limiting the amount of rigs they can have to a very bare minimum. Something like that.
  14. Than how is crypto and even crypto mining a good thing. If it's damaging the environment. Should we not be putting green regulations on crypto miners? That and how is NFT good at all, I mean you buy a receipt not an actual artwork? When I pay for a digital or physical item, I get the object. I don't get the object from an NFT it is not my object, I get a receipt to a very expensive and lucrative art gallery display. That is it, and when they are done with it. That link is useless and guess what? It is just used to basically show off another expensive piece of JPEG pixel art.
  15. I mean we need things to work, and not the Todd Howard definition of it works. Lol. Like it actually working and not riddled with bugs. As I said before new shinies are nice and all, but the bugs that have been around since the beginning of time. They need to be fixed. I mean I could say we need do a total overhaul of SL, redo it from the ground up. But LL won't do that. Lol
  16. They also need to focus on bugs and other issues. Shinies are nice, but fixing bugs would be nicer. That and the biggest thing, they need to have a much better tutorial for new users. Game it if you have to, yo help explain and help the new user understand it better.
  17. No, what's the point. When you log back on, you won't still be in bed. I don't see a point in creating a 1:1 routine for my avatar that mirrors my RL routine. Even in relationships, I would say good night and log off.
  18. SL needs a total overhaul of its shaping of bodies. From the ability to mold your face like clay to the point, where the need for ethnic heads and flat chest mods are not needed. I mean imagine this, if you lowered your breasts to 0, instead of it's current look. There were no breasts there, or you can choose to put breasts on males through the same edit appearance menu. So there would be no need for male or female mesh bodies. You can literally mould your body to your desire and aren't limited by the current constraints.
  19. SL isn't real, it is far from real. Real is Real, SL is a game.
  20. But what is the point of just owning a receipt? I want to own the art. So I kinda think that is wrong. That art is not yours to save to your computer, but you just bought the link to look at the art. So basically you just bought a digital ticket to a digital art gallery. In actual currency, you buy something you own the thing. That is how it should be.
  21. So a good example, say you have an adult daughter in SL and well you guys get rid of the title and wind up dating. That isn't incest, you aren't related by blood, legal marriage or even by actual adoption. It's just a label in SL. I see that a lot on SLFB.
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